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Arin Into the Barren Lands

Chapter 3: Nira and Her motive

By Mustanser AhmedPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Arin Into the Barren Lands
Photo by Manyu Varma on Unsplash

Arin emerged from the dungeon, staff in hand, and immediately began searching for Nira. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her than she had revealed, and he was determined to find out what it was.

He searched the nearby villages and towns, asking after Nira and her tribe, but no one seemed to know anything. Frustrated, Arin began to wonder if he would ever see her again.

Then, one day, as he was wandering through a forest, he heard the sound of fighting in the distance. Curious, he followed the noise until he came upon a group of warriors battling a group of monsters.

Among the warriors, Arin spotted Nira, fighting with fierce determination. He rushed to her side, joining in the battle with his newly acquired staff.

Together, they fought off the monsters, their weapons flashing in the sunlight. When the battle was over, Arin turned to Nira, a smile on his face.

"I thought I'd lost you," he said.

Nira shrugged. "I'm hard to kill. And I knew you'd come looking for me."

Arin laughed. "You were right. I couldn't stay away."

Nira's eyes softened as she looked at him. "Why did you come looking for me, Arin?"

Arin hesitated, unsure how to express the feelings that had been growing inside him since they first met. "I wanted to know more about you. About your motives for seeking the staff."

Nira raised an eyebrow. "And what did you learn?"

Arin took a deep breath. "I learned that you are a fierce warrior, devoted to your tribe and determined to protect them at all costs. And I learned that I... I have feelings for you, Nira. Strong feelings."

Nira's expression softened. "I see. And what do you want to do about those feelings, Arin?"

Arin stepped closer to her, his heart racing. "I want to be with you, Nira. I want to fight by your side, and protect you, and... and love you."

Nira's eyes glinted with a mixture of amusement and affection. "Well, Arin. That's quite a proposal. But first, we have work to do. There are still many dangers ahead, and the staff is only the first step in our quest."

Arin nodded, understanding. "I know. But I couldn't wait any longer to tell you how I feel."

Nira smiled, taking his hand. "I'm glad you did. But now, let's continue our journey together. There's no telling what we'll face next."

And with that, they set off into the unknown, their hearts full of adventure and their minds focused on the task ahead.

Arin and Nira traveled for days, moving deeper into the wilderness. As they traveled, Nira began to tell Arin about her tribe's struggles.

"Our tribe is facing extinction," she said. "For years, we have been hunted and killed by a monster, a devil dragon that was mutated by dark magic. It's stronger and fiercer than any dragon we've ever seen, and it's decimated our numbers."

Arin listened, a deep sadness filling him. "That's terrible. Is there anything we can do to help?"

Nira nodded. "There is. We have reason to believe that the dragon's lair is located in the mountains to the east. If we can find it and defeat the dragon, we can save my tribe."

Arin nodded, determination in his eyes. "Then let's do it. I'll help you, Nira. I'll do whatever it takes to save your people."

Nira smiled, relief flooding her face. "Thank you, Arin. We'll need all the help we can get."

Arin and Nira returned to Nira's tribe, where they met with the elders and some of the tribe's most skilled warriors. They explained their plan to defeat the devil dragon, and asked for their help.

At first, many of the warriors were hesitant. The devil dragon was a fearsome opponent, and they had lost many of their own trying to defeat it. But as Arin and Nira spoke, their passion and determination began to spread.

Finally, one of the warriors stood up. "I'll go with you," he said. "If it means saving my people, I'll do whatever it takes."

Others soon followed, and soon a group of ten skilled warriors had agreed to accompany Arin and Nira on their mission.

The group spent the next few days preparing, gathering weapons and supplies, and strategizing their attack. Arin used his knowledge of magic to help create powerful weapons and protective spells, while Nira and the warriors trained relentlessly.

Finally, they were ready. The group set out for the mountains, their hearts filled with determination and their minds focused on the task ahead. They knew the battle would be difficult, but they were ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As they traveled, Arin and Nira grew closer, their bond deepening with each passing day. Arin knew that he would do anything to protect her, and to ensure that her people survived.


About the Creator

Mustanser Ahmed

Sometimes I do dream of stories and i think those stories have some quality so i decided to share with vocal media. Hope you will love my stories.

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