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All Hallows Evening...

A story

By Rambler's SocietyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
All Hallows Evening...
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

The screams of the neighbor's children are starting early. The high pitch shriek that cuts through the air is super irritating.

A young witch tries to drown them out with an audiobook about mythical creatures, currently on the dragon's chapter, gold dragon subsection. She wants to be busy. With little to no plans for such a big night, she wanted to at least be productive.

Her partner will be home soon, she'll be able to fill her time with him. That goofy man.

Man, gold dragons are pretty interesting. Who knew you could learn so much while also writing out enchantments. The young witch smiles to herself and continues scribbling.

The sun is still very much up in the sky, so there's plenty of time before any festivities happen. This will be the first year where the young witch won't be taking part in the holiday. Her parents will have to forgive her this year. It's been crazy.

Oh, now it's talking about green dragons.

Every year we pray for the next year to be better, but it never does get better. So before I wish for next year to be better than this year, I'm going to say this,

it doesn't matter.

Let's hope that next year is a great year, just because it's going to be a great year. Let's make it great.

That's what the young witch is trying to do. She wants to set up her future for success. She has actually, all she has to do is put in the work, and she is.

Who knew green dragons were so protective of their babies. The time is ticking. The young witch has to focus on her writings. Once she puts her mind to something, there's no stopping her.

Part of it is to have a good idea. Having an idea to build off of and to work with can go a long way. If she gets bored, or finishes it too early, there won't be as much detail implemented into it. That's the easiest way to tell how invested in her work she was.

Red dragons let's go!

With roughly half an hour until her partner arrives home, she keeps looking at the clock. Time feels like it's ticking past her. She's excited to see him, but she can not work around him. She won't be able to stay focused. When he's here, he fills the air with a rare type of love and warmth. She loves him a lot.

Ah, young love. It blossoms no matter what. When things become serious, you can see the true nature of young love. Stress has its ways of doing that. It's almost magical.

When all else fails, love prevails. Is that a famous saying? Who knows? It's true though. It can make people forget the past, too.

They say love is blind. It's easier to love someone than to leave them.

The young witch start's to panic. Her timer is nearing its end, but she still has to finish up her work.

She writes twice as fast, making more mistakes, and ultimately making the biggest mess. She does it, though. The young witch finishes her work with a minute to spare. It's pretty spectacular. With an enormous sigh of relief, the young witch packs away her equipment and readies herself for a pleasant night.

She stands up and stretches. The feeling of accomplishment runs down her body. Feeling the need to wash her face, but also drink some water, she looks around aimlessly. Wondering where to even start, she hears a knock on the door.




Short Story

About the Creator

Rambler's Society

Hello everyone! I write fictional surreal stories and poems. I love writing and I hope that you enjoy reading what I've to offer. I have plenty more written down on my website so I'd love it if you'd go check it out!

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