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Life is different

By GuyDussekPublished 11 months ago 1 min read
Do you like this little grass?

After taking my dad's "first lesson", I began to learn to have fun in all kinds of bad luck. Slowly, I was able to take the accidents and setbacks around me in stride, which made life a lot easier.

One day, we had to play basketball in gym class. I was a nerd with uncoordinated arms and legs, and the thought of playing ball gave me a headache. Sure enough, I became the target of my teammates' teasing as soon as I got on the court. I either dropped the ball while Receiving it or couldn't hit it at all when I shot it. I was the biggest disruptive force throughout the game.

In the locker room after the game, a few of my teammates were laughing at my "good play". I was about to get discouraged again, but then I remembered my dad's words - learn to have fun in any situation. So I laughed along with my teammates and said, "Yeah, yeah, my performance today was really lame, it was like a sharpshooter MVP haha!"

My reaction was clearly unexpected by my teammates. They seemed to realize that their words were a bit too much and were embarrassed. One of them came over and patted me and said, "Don't be discouraged, let's practice more in the future, we will definitely improve!"

I realized that many times we feel sad and hurt because of our own mentality and reaction. If we learn to accept our mistakes and shortcomings, and find joy in each "loss", life will become much happier. This is the main point of the second lesson of life.

Next:Positive face

Positive face

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