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Short terror in dreams

By William L. Truax IIIPublished 6 months ago 6 min read
Photo by Liza Polyanskaya on Unsplash

The feeling of being alone and lost, searching for the one that would light the way in the darkness… it is a small feeling of terror… but I digress, I am getting ahead of myself. Please, allow me once more to start again. My name is Quintis Allure, I am a “Wizard” of sorts, served under the great masters of my time and learned from the works of Socrates, Aristotle, Virgal. They say that I am a learned man, whatever that means now is nothing compared to the horror that I faced that night and with all the knowledge of the heavens and of hell, it was nothing. I still stood there lost and alone in front of that great beast.

I am sure that you are asking yourselves why I use the word “great” a lot, I will say this much, as I hope that this letter finds its way to the chosen one, that the word GREAT is the best way to describe, it or the thing or the dreamlike state that we all find ourselves in when facing the Great beast. But GREAT is the only word when thinking of the beast or of anyone who came before me, GREAT being the only word allowed. It is not for the fact that I know other words to use, it is just that I am not allowed to.

I was around eighteen in the year of our lord, 1896, I lived in the manner with the Lord at the time as he was my caretaker, for lack of better words, in truth, it was I who took care of HE and myself as well as the staff and the grounds, well, to be frank, I took care of everything while HE sat on His chair and made a fortune. It was that night upon the day of my eighteenth when the dreams started, and I was called upon in my slumber. The sound of the great beast waking me and calling me into the parlor where at once I was to behold him, nay, he was not there that night, nor the night thereafter, yet upon the third call, when I made it to the parlor, I beheld his greatness.

His appeal to me was that of a young man, tall in comparison to myself, though I am not of shortened stature, but the man, whom I thought was a man prior, was but a foot or two taller than I as if he was showing off that he towered over every soul and of everything within his domain. I at once without thinking was upon bended knee and acknowledging he as master and lord. There was a glimmer of admiration within his cold dark eyes, and a small hint that there was something more there that was not to be seen or ever would be seen again. His skin was pale, more so the idea or fact or not having enough sunlight dance upon his skin, he was not yellow in that regard, just a pure white of paleness. He had long raven hair, and as I had mentioned before, his eyes were dark and cold, yet there again seemed to be a fire in there of something more wanting to break free from the shackles that bound them, however it was at this point that I must admit to you, dear reader, that I was taken aback by the mere kindness of the beast as his touch, when his hand pressed against my right shoulder, that it was of gentle nature as if he was but a parental unit from some far off place to the likes of which we cannot fantom. This, in turn, kindness did a great deal to me as I have been shown little in my eighteen years to this point.

It was then that I made allegiance with the being that stood before me and upon my waking I was under his complete control. At first it seemed that I was still myself and all was nothing more than a fancy that I had been longing for, however as the day drove itself onward, I was to discover that the dream was more of a reality than reality and at once I was lost in that. I found myself unsure and unaware as to the who and why when I found myself reading from the books in the library about the tomes and spells from the days in where the Lords and Masters had of Paganism and though knowing that while the Lord that I served was adamant that I must never engage in the fancy of foolery and my time in leisure was not of that of my want but a need to be able to recover the loss and manage the books, I was cast into the thrills and thralls of the stories that I found. Paradise Lost, Thre Divine Comedy, and the likes were all in my hands and it seemed to me at that junction that I had read and understood every aspect and inch of the papers that were bound. Then, a sound jutted out from behind me as if a book had fallen off the shelf in its own manner begging me to read from it and upon the lofting of it from the floor in that room, on that fateful day, I beheld a book unlike no other that I had ever seen before. It weas not something that my Lord and Master had normally kept or if HE had it would have been under locke and key, as it was bound in what appeared to be skin or flesh of some forsaken animal or beast of burden, there seemed to be a face graced upon it and it looked as if it were smiling at me. Nay, I must say, that I was thrilled to behold a smiling book, but it showed no sense of malice or wrong to it, and then I tried opening the locke that sealed it.

There was no movement of it. The locke was in place, there seemed to be no keyhole to which I could insert anything to open it, nor was there anything around or written upon the book to say who to open it. While fumbling around and moving the book left and right and upside down I appeared to had cut my right index finger, a small paper cut, I paid it no mind at the moment and went about again searching for a way to open the locke, this however, when my blood found its way to the mouth of the face that graced the smiling book, the book spoke!

“I grant you access!” it had said and went silent once again and the bindings and locke were at once removed and a light emerged from the book that blinded my sight for a moment or two, then I beheld a sight before me of that of ten thousand men and women bound to the leather and lashed for holding it. I found myself standing before the one whom I had seen in my dreams, and it was at that point the torment began.

Here, I write this for anyone to read and in fear that I am to become yet another entry in the Book as I am to forever be bound to the loyalty I made to the great beast and in turn, I was given this one chance to right a wrong and pray that none faulter as I have…

I am sure that they know that I am writing this. Time is short.

Remember this my friends, though I am not going to see you when you get here, nay will you be able to see me in a more bound form but know that I will be near to protect you from the book and all the secrets of madness.

I have written many pages and passages sent to the open word; I hope the message gets through.

Good luck and may the beast guide you for all times.

thrillerShort StoryPsychologicalMysteryHorrorFantasy

About the Creator

William L. Truax III

Disabled Veteran, Father of 2.

I am a teller of tales and dreams, visions, haunting melodies, subtidal invocations of the mind and song.

Many of the Tales here interact with each other in some way and all within the same Universe.

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