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A world full of brown paper boxes

Brown paper boxes that lead you to other worlds inside of them

By Zachary Blanchard Published 3 years ago 4 min read

In a world full of brown paper boxes some are small some are large others of the sides of buildings many have things in them others have nothing at all These brown paper boxes are not ordinary they are special they lead to other worlds each one is a doorway leading to an infinite worlds some beyond comprehension others just empty space some bring you directly to the gates of heaven and others bring you straight to the gates of hell some boxes are just boxes but many of them bring you to worlds Full of odd and insane things Some boxes bring you to worlds made of starburst and other box Lead you to worlds made of M&Ms My favorite box leads me to the world of dragon ball Z my least favorite box brings me to a world of broccoli I am the walker of the brown paper boxes that lead you to worlds beyond your imagination I am lost walking through box to box only allowed in each world for a moment in time to experience each world and infinite amount of worlds each one special and it’s own way but many of them exactly the same as each other I long stop trying to tell the difference between each world many or obvious and many or not all I know is they’re not my world I look forward to seeing myself in each world seeing if I’m something special or nothing at all My greatest joy is collecting what I can from each world and bringing it back to the world of brown paper boxes I have a room there a place I go to to sleep when I’m not traveling to worlds not my own this collection of mine consist of many random objects whatever I can grab and get away with right before I disappear from that world I am learning more every day even gaining control to where I go and how long I stay I don’t know how much longer I’ll be walking this path or what I will become when I’m finish all I know is this is an experience very few if any other person gets to experience then again for all I know their Infinite versions of me walking these paths maybe not through brown paper boxes but may be through wooden doors are gates made of water maybe I’ll meet one one day wouldn’t that be fun to meet myself traveling through infinite worlds I wonder when we meet will we speak the same language will we even be the same species something I guess God would know I will have to ask him next time I arrive at the gates of heaven The next world I hope to walk through it’s a world like Star Wars I want a light saber I hope to steal one from Darth Vader himself maybe I will survive and disappear hopefully never to be followed or found by him The world I’m walking through now is a strange place and exciting at least to me the version of me in this world is the President of the United States a scary thought myself sitting at that seat of power I hope this man fears God as I do maybe the people Will stand a chance if he does Here comes another door pairing in front of me a door that is a brown paper box each time I walk through the doorway of the brown paper box it is like a long tunnel with a light at the end of it looks like this time I am in a world Full of exotic plant life I walked through this world admiring it I see what looks like a village I walk towards it I see your place full of people made of plant life they look like the one with nature naked like the animals around them I wonder if we would be the same if Adam and eve never eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil Maybe one day I will walk through the door where that is the situation but time will tell here comes another brown paper box to a new world I’m curious to what this world could be


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