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A Wild Storm

Joshua has a plan to escape the train, but will it work? This is “Far Enough” series part 4.

By Gabriella DawsonPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 6 min read

“We should be coming close to our stop.” Joshua whispered. We couldn’t risk any of Mr. Brooks’s men hearing our plan. My heart was pounding with fear even thinking about what could happen at the next train stop if we waited it out.

“Alright, how is this going to work, exactly?” I whispered back, “Do you have a plan?”

“Well...I’ve been thinking...and...It might not work--we could get caught--and we’ll have to act fast...but…” He rambled on.

“Just spit it out!”

“Our only hope is to make a break for the back of the train.” Joshua leaned close to whisper again.

“What? You mean--”

“Yes, We’re jumping.” Joshua interrupted. “We’ve got no choice. They’re after you, and thanks to you I’m a potential target. Besides, I can’t leave you to deal with them on your own.”

“Thank you.” I whispered, feeling my cheeks growing warm. “But what about the storm coming in?” At my question we both glanced out the window. The clouds were rolling in fast and becoming darker by the minute. How can we escape Mr. Brooks’s men, jump from the train, and walk out there on our own, all with a nasty storm on the way? There was a tinge of guilt I felt too when thinking about Joshua going through all of this because of me. I’ve endangered him. Should I just give in and let Mr. Brooks’s men take me? Then maybe they’d leave Joshua alone.

Just then the sky became completely dark as the sound of booming thunder filled my ears. Lightning wildly flashed in the distance. Some women on the train let out loud gasps. Everyone appeared to be looking out the windows now.

“Actually, this could be a good opportunity for us! The storm is a great distraction for everyone. Let’s go now.” Joshua whispered.

More lightning struck the sky as thunder boomed. Suddenly, it was downpouring; the heavy rains hit loudly against the glass windows.

“I’m not too confident in this plan. Maybe I should just give myself up, then you wouldn’t have to deal with all the trouble...” Anxiously, I began to bite my lip.

“Eleanor, that’s not happening. The Brooks family aren’t trustworthy.” Joshua seemed firm in his decision to help me escape. Why was he so insistent on helping me? My thoughts started going to my old ribbon in my hair...He kept it all these years...Could he really just want to help me? Or was he hiding something from me? There was still that secret brown package he had...


“Look,” Joshua interrupted, “If we’re going we have to go now. When you enter the aisle, run as fast as you can towards the back.”

“But what about you?” I asked.

“I’ve got to do something first.” Joshua said.

“But--” I tried to protest.

“I’m sorry to do this.” Suddenly, Joshua shoved me into the open aisle. I fell on the floor with a loud thud; my hands and knees catching my fall. All of Mr. Brooks’s men were sure to have noticed. Loud screams were heard all throughout the car. I had no choice but to follow through with the plan now.

Quickly, I pushed myself off of the floor and started dashing to the door at the back of the train car. As I was running, Mr. Brooks’s men sprang up to their feet all around, but by the time they knew what was happening, it was too late for them. I made it to the door. Opening it, I turned behind me to catch Joshua, still all the way back at our seats, lifting up one of the suitcases and chucking it out the now open window. As Joshua picked up the other suitcase, one of the men came up behind Joshua fast. He lunged for Joshua. Suddenly, Joshua swung the other suitcase at the man’s face. I screamed along with many other passengers. The man fell backwards. Joshua ran towards me with the suitcase in hand, swinging it at other men trying to stand in the way.

Just then, my view was blocked by a tall man with a dark mustache who stood in front of me. He had glasses on his brown eyes and wore a hat with a fancy suit. He had pinned on his chest a gold ring with a golden bull posed as running in the center. I recognized this man as the one I bumped into earlier and, being up close now, I also recognized him as one of the three men that were present with Mr. Brooks and his son last night at my house.

“Miss Woodson, wherever are you going on a moving train?” The man spoke eloquently and grinned mischievously. “Especially when the weather is this mad and we are not at our stop yet.”

“I’m not going back in with you!” I yelled and turned around to run onto the balcony and into the heavily pouring rain.

Immediately, the man thrust out his arm and snatched my braid with his hand. He yanked me backwards by my hair. I squirmed trying to get free but his grip was strong.

“I’ll scream! You won’t want to cause any more of a scene here, would you?!” I raised my voice.

The man huffed loud behind me. He let go of my hair right before Joshua pounced on him from behind. I ducked to the side of the balcony as they both tumbled to the floor in the doorway. Joshua sprang speedily to his feet. He tossed the suitcase over the rail. The man on the floor grabbed at Joshua’s foot. Joshua tripped against the rail. He turned and kicked the man in the face. Quickly, Joshua stood up while simultaneously scooping me up by the waist. Joshua lifted me above him and tossed me over the rail. I screamed and tumbled onto a meadow of wet, tall grass and flowers. Joshua followed close after. Soon, the train was out of sight, leaving us behind.

Icy cold pellets of rain hit against my face. I was completely soaked and my body was sore from the fall.

“Joshua?! Joshua?!” I yelled while standing to my feet.

“I’m right here!” Joshua yelled from a little ways away. “Are you alright?” We both were now walking towards each other.

“I’m a little sore, but I think I’m alright.” I said. “What are we going to do now?”

“We have to deal with the weather; there’s no shelter around. At some point we need to go back for the suitcases. I also threw my satchel out…”

He kept on talking but I stopped listening. I was thinking about that satchel filled with Joshua’s secret package. He treasured that thing, but he was completely willing to throw it out and deal with danger for me?

I shivered in the cold as the winds blew around fast. Staying out in this weather isn’t going to be easy. I was wearing my only change of clothes, which meant I had no way of even hoping to get warm. We both began our walk back for the suitcases and the satchel. It didn’t take long before the last suitcase Joshua threw off was found.

Eventually, the rain slowed and the sky cleared up. Some early evening sunlight now began to show through the clouds in a golden light. It danced all along the fields of flowers, lighting up the hills in a pretty glow. The bright yellow, orange, and red colors of the flowers were now bright and visible. As we were walking, I quickly stopped and plucked one from the ground. I twirled what looked like a marigold flower in my fingers. It was a peaceful scene after that wild storm and I was so thankful all of that craziness on the train was gone for now.


My oh my! Part 5 is live! -->


About the Creator

Gabriella Dawson

Hi there👋

I'm Ella and I write historical fiction and stories that’ll leave you reflecting on deeper meanings.

Occasionally, I write about my many crafts.

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    Gabriella DawsonWritten by Gabriella Dawson

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