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A Piece of the Pie (Chapters 60-62)

Chapters 60-62

By Justin MoorePublished 3 years ago 9 min read
photo by Jr Korpa from Unsplash

Chapter 60 – A Few Cuts and Bruises

I threw my arms around Dim and decided in that moment that I would never let him go again.

"Hey chill, I didn't think we were that serious," he said as he held me and smiled warmly.

"Oh, really?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah, you know, I didn't think you'd be that concerned if I went missing. I figured you'd probably get along better without me," he grinned my favourite big stupid grin.

I kissed him.

"I'm really glad you're okay," he said.

I started crying again and dug my head into his chest.

"Hey, everything's gonna be alright," he held my head up and I looked right into his dark blue eyes.

His whirlwind of hair was all plastered about his face, his clothes were torn, and he had a gigantic bruise stretched from the side of his neck to his shoulder. Some serious gashes ran along his arms and face, and a few of the fingers on his left hand appeared broken.

"I watched you die, they fired a rocket straight at you," I said, on the verge of bawling.

"What, like a little rocket is gonna take me out? No way," he laughed, "it's totally going to give me some serious street cred though. Nobody messes with you when you're rocket-proof."

It was so good to see him. I mean, I hold my own in a fight. If anything I do a better job defending him, I've been training with Vera since we were kids after all. But just being close to him made me feel a different kind of safe – as if everything really was going to be alright again.

What? You really thought I was dead?

No way. But I must say that was a pretty shitty experience, I'm probably lucky to be alive and what not. I've kind of lost count of my blessings at this point.

I don't remember a lot of what happened other than seeing Feo from a distance. Then something heavy hit me really hard in the shoulder. I was thrown backwards and I saw a raging hellfire – or something of that terrifying nature. Then I felt a heavier blow on my head, and then nothing.

I don't know how much later I came too, but when I finally woke up I wasn't seeing things as I usually did. Everything was just darkness, other than the outlines of fuzzy shapes – they were glowing red and green and blue. I was just like Neo after the agents peppered him with bullets in the hallway – I was sensing auras. Or something mystical like that.

I heaved a bunch of concrete and stone off of my person and tried to adapt to my new gift.

I had become The One.

Then I opened my eyes and realized it was dark out. I was just a little dazed and seeing stars – adapting to a minor concussion rather than newfound superpowers. Other than that I was perfectly fine. Everything seemed too quiet though...

I wandered about for a bit, and that's when I saw a bunch of Noruav's guys gathering downtown out front of the destroyed movie theatre. I noticed they were after someone.

I carefully made my way over to lend my fellow a hand, and realized as I got closer that it was Feo. I recognized one of the men as the crazy blender-face who had shot Noruav. He was raising a handgun towards Feo's head, which is when I acted. Like hell the asshole would even try that shit!

I know I sound a little wimpy saying this, but it felt so good to hold her again. As we walked along the street I couldn't help but smile at her. She'd got a couple of big cuts and bruises and her clothes had patches of dried blood in places and were fairly dishevelled.

She adjusted her two swords held in her belt buckle, and clipped a blaster onto a strap wrapped around a leg. As she did so she flashed a smile back at me.

I had forgotten how incredible she was – scratch that, how could I forget.

She is awe-inspiring.

I caught a glance of myself in the dim light from a streetlamp in a shop window.

Man am I a mess.

Blood soaked through my shirt in spots, I had a giant purple bruise running from my ear to my shoulder, my hair was all matted down with sweat and dirt and blood and who knows what else, and my clothes were all but shredded.

I did have a nice beard going – I can't really grow a great long one, but I do get enough to give off the misleading vibe of a rugged adventurer. I had a couple deep gashes along the left side of my face too.

But why can I hardly move the fingers on my left hand?

Chapter 61 – Tyu

Most of the city had fallen. Those who managed to stay alive had done so barely. Strad had seen to it that as many people as possible had managed to escape into the outskirts, the injured and those too young or old, but he still feared they wouldn't be safe if Necrocyl took the city.

He didn't know who they were, didn't recognize the name, but it didn't even matter. He refused to let any more of his people die at their hands.

Two of them tried to bring him down from separate sides, but were surprised by the trouble he alone was causing them. The king was a whirlwind with his mighty sword, crashing down on his attackers. He really hoped Makonnen and Majula would get back soon from their trip to the forest. The lion pride left some time ago bearing the many injured upon their backs.

"You will die, just like the others!" one of the Necrocyl agents grunted through gritted teeth.

"Oh really? Are you actually going to try and kill me, because you seem to be struggling with getting the job done so far!" Strad swung a fist at the man, catching him hard in the ear.

The man hit the ground with a hard thud, but quickly clambered back to his feet, his face contorted in rage.

His companion thrust a sword point at Strad, who neatly side-stepped the blade and clocked the man with the hilt of his own sword.

With the two baddies momentarily dazed, Strad let out a half-hearted laugh.

"You sure have a lot of pent-up anger. Why exactly are you so intent on destroying us?"

The first man raised his sword and charged at the king, who fended him off once again.

"You're really going to have to try a little harder!" As the words left Strad's mouth, another two swordsmen jumped into the fray – unfortunately not on his side, which would have been nice.

"Okay, that's not really what I meant..."

One of them brandished two swords and came at him first, but at that moment Ruoto stepped in front of the king and held the attacker back.

"Son, you shouldn't be here!"

"They killed my brother Tyu!" Ruoto howled as he swung his sword madly.

His face was drenched with sweat and tears, and a fresh cut bled just below his eye.

"Don't kill for revenge Ruoto, that won't bring your brother back!" Strad was now back-to-back with the boy as they fought off Necrocyl from all sides.

Ruoto just glared at the assailants as his sword cut the air.

A Necrocyte knocked the weapon from the boy's hand and cast him aside. Strad lost focus for a second and he too was knocked to his knees and disarmed.

Two of the evil men flew into the air and soared off looking for others to fight, figuring that now the king and the insignificant kid were little threat to finish off.

"You want to do the honours, Formor?" the first man smirked at his partner.

"Oh that's alright. I had my fun murdering the little brat's brother," Formor shot a wicked smile at Ruoto when he recognized him.

Ruoto's heart sank as he heard this.

Suddenly there was yet another massive explosion and everyone had to cover their heads.

After the initial shock, Formor glanced to where his partner had been standing, "well, let's get on with it, shall we? Hilbaed? Where –"

But Hilbaed lay on the ground, a piece of a car door having severed him in two.

"Look's like I have the honour of killing the king as well," Formor lifted his blade to Strad's throat, but was distracted when Ruoto's shoulder drove into his side.

Formor growled and kicked at the boy. Ruoto was violently tossed to the side where Hilbaed's upper half lay, and his world went dark.



Hey big brother... wake up...

Tyu... you're alive...

No man... but killing them won't bring me back...

But you're my little brother. I was supposed to take care of you!

All my life you did... it was short... but you being there... that made it a good one. Now you have to take care of our Home...


It's okay Ruo... you're gonna make it...

"Now for the fall of the king!" Formor spat in Strad's face.

As Ruoto came to and rose back to his feet he lifted Hilbaed's fallen sword.

"Don’t you people give up? Just die all ready!" Formor thrust and cut his blade through the air, but Ruoto held him off.

Something had changed in the boy, or rather he had changed back to how he was before – when his brother was still with him.

He ducked and parried, but Formor was much stronger, and the kid lost strength fast.

The Necrocyte was furious that a child was keeping him from eliminating the king. His swipes grew rapidly more violent and wild.

Ruoto dodged backwards, narrowly avoiding a vicious blow to his shoulder. As he swung forward once more, Formor was caught off guard.

The boy pivoted on one leg, outside of Formor's range, then swiftly came back inside and drove his own blade home. As he withdrew his weapon the evil man emitted a short, sharp gasp before falling to the ground.

Ruoto lowered to one knee and dropped the weapon, panting heavily. Strad approached Ruoto and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you my friend," he smiled sadly at the boy and looked down at the lifeless Formor, "I hope this was enough to avenge your brother."

Ruoto rose to his feet and gazed up at the mighty ruler with wide eyes.

"No. Tyu did not want me to take a life. He's happy because I've saved one for a friend."

Strad's expression to Ruoto shifted with this revelation, he smiled warmly – greatly relieved the boy understood.

They left the area in search of familiar faces.

Chapter 62 – The End

The fight was still not going so well for us on the good side. Necrocyl had much less in the way of numbers than did the shapeshifters, but there was something not altogether right about them – they appeared human enough, but they moved like nothing anyone here had seen before.

Feo caught me up on the little we now know about these mysterious men, unfortunately it seems I did not develop any sort of omnipotent abilities, it was definitely just a minor concussion I received.

Strad and Dim first witnessed the mysterious nature of Necrocyl when they took on Noruav in the mountain cavern – he had propelled himself through the air like a gigantic bird of prey. There was also something decidedly cold about their movements. That is not to say the shapeshifters had ever shown mercy, or a hint of feeling – but a pure hatred emanated from the Necrocyl agents.

"Huffgh!" Sam grunted as he parried the onslaught from his attacker.

The man struck at him methodically and viciously, all Sam could do was try to maintain his footing and block the blade thrusts.

Just feet from him, Mouk was having the same issue. They could not even get in an attack, all their energy being spent avoiding swipes from their assailants' swords.

"Is this all we have left?" James managed to ask through clenched teeth.

"Some managed to make it into the grasslands, the injured and those who couldn"t fight," Ott was able to answer him.

The battle had culminated in the town square and park area, only a fraction of the residents of the once great city remained. Some indeed had made it to safe havens, but a look about the rubble revealed that many were not so lucky – nor was the once beautiful city.

A lone Necrocyte leapt off a half sunken rooftop and landed amongst the chaos.

In a booming voice he called to the others, "STAND DOWN!"

The Necrocytes hesitantly retreated towards Rodm.

"Sir, let us finish with them!" one of the evil warriors spoke.

"There will be time for them later. But now, I have found her."

Instantly there was a loud muttering amongst the Necrocyl ranks.

The Versanians had no idea what to make of it.


About the Creator

Justin Moore

Creatively writing sci-fi that doesn't take itself too seriously.

When I was a kid my Mum told me I made up so many wild stories in my head that I should write them down. So I did. Thanks Mum :)

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    Justin MooreWritten by Justin Moore

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