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Inked in Blood

By D.C.@UN-BrokenGRAMMARPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

I had an imaginary belief that I was in complete control over my life, and the outcome thereof. In a nutshell, I was on point, so I thought. My overall ambition was to exceed any, and all expectations. Born in poverty and grim conditions, the environment in which I was raised had shown no mercy. The only fame, and fortune to attain was the street persona. The neighborhood/streetlife was apparent, and very much connected to inner-city living; and an only option for most of its residents. To escape this socially accepted fate was of the slimmest percentile. An overwhelming number of family and friends had become victims to the senseless reality of urban communities near and Worldwide. To the amazement of a treacherous society, I'd beaten the odds. I had to this point took all of life's pain and hurt and made it my own. As a young adult, I decided to love the pain-, and all it had to offer. I knew that it would eventually define my character, and hopefully have some mercy on the future man at hand. How much heartache can one man's soul bare. Is there an end to be seen? Or is pleasure and pain intertwined to carry me throughout this gift of living. Lord knows, and only time will tell. My mission is no dought written in stone, lest my creator chose sand, so my story can be corrected if need be.

April the 1st, 2032, I had begun aging slower than what the reflection of my mirror was assuming. I was 32 yr,s of age, but I was feeling every bit of 18. The only feature of my true age and maturity were the grey strands of hair consuming my face and its crown. I had come to be in constant confrontation with myself. Everything I had stood on was incorrect. I had forgotten to instill humility. And my selfishness had soon backfired, to leave me alone and desperate. I'd become desperate for any sense of companionship, and unconditional love from another. If she only knew how much I appreciated and cared for our potential family. Always thinking of myself had kept me from ever having a healthy relationship. Period, point-blank I'd fallen into a deep depression. The following events would be compelling; and have dire consequences. If ever I needed any advice of the highest quality, this was the moment!

I was at my wit's end, ready to do anything, and whatever it took to get back all I'd felt I had lost. All at once, I was consumed with self-resentment, and fear. I was in a confusing state of mental bliss, A feeling I was not familiar with at all. As the sun began to set, in the near distance outside my bedroom window I saw a beautiful white, barn Owl. As it flew nearer and planted its large claws on my window seal, I was astonished. More so because it was odd to see an Owl of any kind in the city. I quickly turned to retrieve my phone to capture this creature and all its glory. As I quickly returned it was gone, just as mysterious as it appeared. As I looked out my window, I felt a presence behind me. I immediately turned about to be confronted by an uninvited intruder. A towering man standing at least 6/9, with fire in his eyes. The same exact eyes the disappearing Owl had. I was stunned, and scared to death!

"Good evening Marcus, please don't be alarmed, I've felt your pain and heard your heart's desires." excuse me! how, what, and why are you in my house? More than that, how do you know my name? "Trust I'm a friend only here for your best wishes and concerns." "I've come with a gift that only legends possess, you do want to be legendary don't you?" "I'm not sure where you got your info whoever you are, please exit my domain, I'm really not interested, and all this is really insane, to be as polite as I can, you can leave the same way you came." However that was, I admit I was interested; and curious as to what was happening. Who and what this "man" wanted. I had a feeling I was about to make a terrible decision. Always follow your first notion, I could hear my pops advice as clear as day.

"My sincere apology Marcus, my name is Perciful, and I'm only here to make all your pain and suffering disappear and seal your legacy for a lifetime." "Would this be of any interest to you, if so just acknowledge my name, sign the dotted line, and so shall it be!" Before I could reply, the so-called gift giver had vanished in thin air, and once more that white Owl was seen fading away in the night moonlight.

Deep in thought, I noticed on my desk a red pen and a legal note titled A Legendary Promise. This can't be real was all I could say to myself as I took hold of felt tip writing utensils. Reading the contract agreement and all it offered, I was taken back by its personal engagement and the promises it foretold. My only requirement was a signature and vocal acknowledgment ."Ha," I laughed to myself. Jokingly, at the same time the opposite, I had uttered its name and scribbled my john Hancock in the space noted, sign if deemed Legendary. Upon completion, as soon as the pen left the paper, the ink of my signature dripped in the resemblance of blood. I was terrified! Right then I knew I had done something unforgivable. I started questioning my entire nite, and came to the conclusion a good night of rest was greatly needed. Maybe when I awaken this night would have all been a helluva dream.


About the Creator


Artist, Writer, Development Specialist@ UN-broken Grammar. Aspiring best-selling Author. Entrepreneur, graphic designer, @PaPco Designz.

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