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A Glimpse to the Outside World

A window protects a space

By Katherine D. GrahamPublished about a year ago 15 min read

The outside world was unknown to her, but she could see a glimpse of it through the window in his room. When Kat accepted the invitation to 108 Seraphin Road, she had not been expecting to peek through the window to the outside world.

The home was a showcase. Rare artifacts were displayed on shelves and fine art was elegantly displayed on the walls. Good food and drink were served. Even the beautiful guests appeared to be part of a setting orchestrated by the host, the director of external affairs and research into changing global awareness.

" Perhaps it was his wife who did this." she thought to herself. Then she reminded herself that he has lost his wife after a battle with cancer. This was the first social event after a year of mourning, and the catastrophic events of the past two years. Hence the media coverage. The invitation to attend this event was one of the perks of the job.

The group consisted of people from different departments of the governing body in change of directing global focus. The noise level held a subdued buzz. Groups of two, three or sometimes five or six, global influencers and diplomats involved in environmental, economics, foreign policy, health and human rights, were engaged in lively conversations. This sort of event was where allegiances were formed. Many spoke with guarded words spoken and partially closed eyes. They were openly judging each other. Then Kat was drawn to the director, whose eyes were open. He caught her eye.

At that moment, light from his eyes sent a spark of electricity that penetrated her heart making it quicken. Little did she know that a jolt of electricity could vaporize the amorphous material that blocked her from seeing the outside world. Her view melted like glass, a metastable substance that remains between solid and liquid state. She had always believed eyes are the window to the soul and in that moment, the distorted prisms of the window to her old, tired soul got a glimpse of the outside world. Kat felt the nostalgia of another time. Since earthquakes and floods had devastated the world after the meteor had crashed, Kat was enchanted by the light from the outside that reflected and refracted through the room. It brightened up the space in the room , and her spirit.

He continued his conversation saying, “Sometimes, an individual can be like a window, whose function is to protect a space that serves a greater purpose.”

Up until that encounter, Kat had seldom thought about looking at the outside world. She was a journalist. She was not paid to look through any windows to the outside. The outside held too many possibilities and unknowns. She did not like surprises. She was paid to report on what she saw on this side of the glass, not the outside world. Kat saw her function was to be an imperfect porro-prism, an optical device used in binoculars to reflect the light she saw twice, so it reverses and inverses it top to bottom and right to left. She was like a double rainbow, reflecting the bright aspects of an event, mirroring the light in reverse, so that the short, fast bursts of blue light replace the slow long enduring red wavelengths.

But, that brief glance unraveled her. Kat worked to unriddle the unknown, indistinct first cause of what had moved her. She reverted to her favorite mind game. She imagined the noble descendants of her past. In doing so, she released simple cartoon- like images of hungry reanimated ghosts, who were ready to rage against the dark and unlucky currents of thought. They were ready to destroy any thoughts that would slander the splendor of this occasion. She was living in the world of which she imagined they had dreamed. She would honour and restore the sacred temple of her memories of what can be, that is easily covered in dirt and filth. There was no room for doubt and blurred signals of dangers that limit possibilities.

She realized the something in that glance had made her curious to look through the window to the greater outside world that she had been trained to ignore. She knew this was dangerous. To enter into the outside world was to do the unspoken - it was socially banned. The leaders discouraged looking beyond the immediate elements of survival, in fact the tendency was to forbid looking at historical trends. The world had changed and the past rules were said to no longer apply. There was a trend to ignore history and deny access to it. The global changes had changed rapidly and interactions were not predictable. The belief was that history no longer repeats itself.

The Director was in charge of the last window. The host was speaking to the group. “We can look through the window and even though we can only glimpse at what it outside, the shapes we see have led to symbols and traditions and may even help us to better focus. The patterns let us learn, spark memories, and help us tap into a form of intuition that leads to synchronicities. We are more than genetic potential or epigenetic influences. We can look through the window, and gain the tools to move through time and space and gain a greater perspective of what might be found in the realm of reality.

"I challenge you to pursue the task of reacting to what your eyes are showing you.” Smiling, he reached for a tangerine and with a glance, he tossed one to those listening. She and the group laughed as they caught the fruit made in the solariums throughout the nations. He motioned for each of them to peel it. When she tasted the first segment, she smiled. It was the most delicious fruit she had ever tasted. Technology was not all bad.

He made his rounds and she watched him. He held the stance of a master who held a fire within. He emitted a glow onto those around him. She was reminded of a golden pheasant then realized he was a phoenix come to life. He took on aspects of the god Ra, bringing light and like Zeus or Raiju, the thunder beast of Japanese myth, he shot lightening bolts from his eyes. She took a deep breath. He took the form of a gentle bear. She thought of the constellation of the big dipper than led to the North Star. He showed her the way. She felt his magnetic attraction renew a feeling of connection. The transformation made her feel, for a lack of a better word, healed and whole. At that moment. he became her 'RaBear'.

RaBear left the group of adepts around him and approached her. The words he whispered, meant for her alone, rang clear and set up the effect twinkling bells that clashed within her, signaling her nerve elements to be alert. "Stick with me and I will show you how to find the sweetest fruits." At that moment, any doubts about his intention were dissolved. Yet Kat felt a strange calm.

She turned away from the group. Kat was doing her best to remain a neutral observer. She depended on her habits of combining childhood insight, imagination, predictable possibilities and ignorance to find out more. She moved mindfully in each moment. Her gaze softened. and in her thoughts she said" He holds the power of Tinker Bell, who mended pots and kettles. His openness a seems to have repaired some cracks in my heart. I trust him." Her thoughts turned into action as the conversation with the group had dwindled.

RaBear approached her. She been drawn to look at an ancient map of the world. Kat expressed her intrigue about the map. There was no room for doubt and blurred signals of dangers that limit possibilities. She was ready to be brave enough to engage in open exchange and accept what would be revealed as she glanced into the outside world. It had been hidden since the great curtain had been imposed by both nature and global censorship. Information about the outside world was full of lies, and often put individuals into situations of public shame. Humiliation is often used as a diversion tactic. But Kat trusted RaBear, and not just because he was the director.

RaBear commented, “This map is made on strong rough Hessian cloth, a finely woven burlap, used during a period when Germany was called the region of Hesse."

RaBear explained, “Because of this map, I have unearthed some of the secrets of the polymath Girolamo Cardano, who wrote 'The Great Art, the Ars Magna,' a book that describes many great mysteries. His messages about mathematics, chemistry and natural phenomenon flow in orders of magnitude. They are best described by the 'cardano shaft' that he developed. We know it as a crank shaft. The crankshaft has various rotating rods that have reciprocal rotating motions in other parts. Cardano also applied his knowledge to cryptology. He developed a Cardano grill. By creating cut out windows on a page, and placing it over images and words on a selected page in a book, he lets the observer focus on a message hidden in plain sight."

Kat did not hesitate in asking. " So can you share the clues you found using this map?"

RaBear smiled. “Since you asked, the first comes from the history of Hesse. ‘Hessenes’, the name given to the Essenes. They were a religious sect that was distinguished because they sought to serve others with the essentials of love and truth based on what is known of the world. Essenes wrote the Dead Sea scrolls, that describe apocalyptic events. For clarification, popular fictions just focus on apocalyptic events involving the physical destruction of the world, however, 'apocalyptic' means that secrets, hidden behind a lid. Once revealed they can destroy the how the world is seen.

Kat opened her eyes as her head sprung back a bit. "Once you see through the window that you are revealing to me, it does change how things are seen! I learned something new. "

"Shall I continue?” Kat nodded and he resumed. “Essenes believed in the immortality of the soul, not the resurrection of the body. Each new life has a body that is an incarnation of some novel combination of the past. Each person has their own birth, lifespan and death. However, the transmigration of soul is a unique form of rebirth. The individual sometimes is drawn to resurrect a quintessential and immortal form of perception that transmutes into a higher form of expression. They create mental images that offer their soul peace and rest. Certain rituals and symbols promote ancient superconducting paths to the subconscious, that releases etched visions from myths and legends and leads to predicting and experiencing synchronicities."

Kat felt that he was some sort of mind reader. She wondered if she had let her face betray her private thoughts. If so, she was prepared. She was going to let herself explore this outside world with RaBear.

RaBear continued. "I discovered the name Hesse is one of the earliest German surnames to be recorded before the 13th century. It means 'the hooded people' also known as the serpent people, derived froma Cappadocia cohort of hooded religious leaders. Hessian has come to mean 'the countable and uncountable.' As you can see, the Hessian region is titled the ‘Holy Land’.

"I am not particularly a religious man but find the religious connections fascinating. Biblical history reports that Baruch, a seer from the 2nd century, was the scribe of Jeremiah, an Essene who was educated in mathematics, astronomy, literacy and medicine.He wanted to perpetuate and improve how knowledge of Zoroastrian prophecy might be diffused. He wrote the Greek Apocalypse, in which he refers to Enoch, whose name means instructor, the dedicated initiated and initiator.

" Enoch shared his dream visions and the knowledge that had been passed from Seth, who reasoned about God’s laws and signs of the heavens to his son. He wrote the 108 parts of the Book of the Watchers, or biblical angels called the Grigori. The watchers were the ‘eyes of the night’. The watchers became fallen primordial angels. At this time in history, the Gomerian human giants and troglodyte cave dwellers built megalithic monuments of standing stones and the foundations of the pyramids, obelisks, dolmens and menhirs. These reflected the celestial landscape: the constellations and seasons of the year, astrology and the harmonics of sound and light. The structures were believed to be portals that linked the two worlds together. They provided psychic and magical abilities that let the divine directive affect human evolution. Enoch is compared to the prophet and miracle worker Elijah, who transferred an understanding of science and mathematics between lower and higher realms"

Kat began to feel that RaBear was a walking encyclopedia who had such magical and psychic abilities as he continued. " Interestingly, before the Grand Curtain blocked the windows to the outside world, my curiosity was piqued when I read that rogue angels, mentioned in the Book of Enoch had been banned by the Vatican in 2002 to discourage superstition by New Age groups .

" There is no preventing what might come to pass. The Internet first allowed access to the global knowledge base, then it became the Tower of Babel, with 'fake news ' totally integrated into what was thought fact. No one had imagined that implication of global population doubling during the 20 year period that followed, nor the corruption of moral values that can be associated with technology. "

Kat reverted to her professional journalistic stance and summarized her understanding. “So, are you suggesting leaders want to restrict access of knowledge because of this? "

RaBear shrugged, “Who is to know. It would not be the first time. The situation is complicated because humans tend to want to share information and what they consider wisdom. There is no guarantee how it will be used.

" Elijah was the gatekeeper who guided souls to the afterlife and resurrected the dead. The knowledge was passed and stories were copied, resonates or independently reinvented through ancient celestial scribes in many cultures. The information was passed to Enoch's son Methuselah, who was trained in the tradition of astronomy, chemistry =, mathematics etc. Methuselah means man of the dart, hidden and yet present, and whose death shall bring judgement. Methuselah is commemorated in a star associated with the seven stars of the Pleiades, that appears to be older than the universe. The term 'Methuselah describes a character or idea that has been written long enough ago that it outlives the copyright laws."

Kat raised an eyebrow saying " Interesting information."

"All of these characters became part of another character, Metatron, one of the many names of great divine beings of the Princes of Countenance. Metatron understood the patterns of mathematics and science, time space and natural forces. He wrote of the 365 books known to those who study the sun and moon. In myth, Metatron, a primal archangel, turns into a flaming princely wheel-shaped Seraphim, found on the rims of the four wheeled chariot of God. The Seraphim hold 365 eyes."

RaBear guided Kat over to a unique lamp and pointed to a series of pictures on the he continued. “This is a Metatron’s Cube. It holds each of the five Platonic solids. It's vertices divide according to the golden ratio. Each solid can radiate out in infinite orders of magnitude, forming fractals.

"Fractals are used in many cultures. Ancient Germanic, Hindu, Jewish and other religions use overlapping pyramidal triangles. The sacred Merkabah is said to be formed by the geometry of two, interlapping, three dimensional triangular tetrahedron shapes that holds the essence of human form. The wisdom of the Merkabah is held in each root of the word. Mer stands for light, Ka for spirit and Ba for body.”

Kat expressed her respect of how well the pictures supported his tale. “You do have a way of letting light get through more than your eyes. I think you are some kind of 'Merman', perhaps even Poseidon himself."Thank you for this explanation.” Kat wondered if she had been too forward.

RaBear graciously smiled and any awkwardness was removed. It was his turn to appreciate that his intentions were reciprocated. He bowed and said, " Thank you for that lovely compliment. There is an interesting conclusion to this tale. Light seen by looking down a Metatron’s cube, or a quartz crystal lattice, forms a space where overlapping spheres intersect. The crossing lines form the Vesica Pisces, called the flower of life. Chinese sculpture often depicts the dragon protecting the flower under his claws. I found it curious that this map let me to find so many treasures of the flower and tree of life. It was enjoyable sharing my story with you."

"Truly, it was my pleasure. You have let me glimpse through a window to a world outside of what I know. "

This was the start of the two of them spending time together. Days turned into weeks, months and years. They married. Kat enjoyed the glimpses she saw of the outside world seen through the window in his room over the rest of the time they shared their lives together. She was committed to protecting and sharing the light after he died. It was the last window in the world, that gave a clear view to how the past and present connected. She did her best to describe what she saw according to the Wisdom mystery traditions, but those who chose to see through the window would have to believe and accept what it is that they believed.

Short Story

About the Creator

Katherine D. Graham

My stories are intended to teach facts, supported by science as we know it. Science often reflects myths. Both can help survival in an ever-changing world.

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