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A Drop of Rain

The Story of a Life-Changing Moment

By Kailash SinghPublished about a year ago 3 min read
A Drop of Rain

Lucy started to see life in a different way. She no longer saw it as a series of events that happened to her, but as a journey where every small moment mattered. She started to appreciate the little things in life, like the smell of fresh coffee in the morning or the sound of birds chirping outside her window. She realized that these small things were what made life beautiful.

As Lucy continued to embrace this new outlook on life, she found herself becoming more open to new experiences. She traveled to new places, tried new foods, and met new people. And with each new experience, she felt more alive.

But as much as Lucy loved her new way of life, there were still times when the rain felt like too much to handle. Like the day she lost her job or the day her grandmother passed away. These moments felt like storms, and Lucy found herself struggling to stay afloat.

But even in the midst of these storms, Lucy held on to the belief that one drop of rain could change everything. She knew that even the darkest moments could lead to something beautiful. And so, she kept moving forward, one step at a time.

Years went by, and Lucy's life continued to be full of ups and downs. But through it all, she held on to the idea that every moment mattered. And it was this belief that led her to the biggest moment of her life.

It was a sunny day in June when Lucy met a man named Jack. They were both waiting in line for coffee when they struck up a conversation. They talked about everything from their favorite books to their dreams for the future. And as they said goodbye, Lucy knew that this was the start of something special.

Over the next few weeks, Lucy and Jack went on dates, talked on the phone for hours, and fell in love. Lucy knew that Jack was the one, and she felt grateful for every moment they spent together.

But just as Lucy was starting to believe that she had found her happy ending, another storm rolled in. Jack was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, and suddenly everything felt like it was falling apart.

Lucy was devastated. She had finally found the love of her life, and now she was faced with the possibility of losing him. But even in the midst of this storm, Lucy held on to the belief that one drop of rain could change everything.

And one day, as she sat by Jack's bedside, she saw a single drop of rain hit the window. She watched as it slowly rolled down the glass, leaving a trail behind it. And at that moment, Lucy knew that this was the drop of rain that would change everything.

Over the next few months, Jack fought his illness with all the strength he had. And every day, Lucy was there by his side, holding his hand, and reminding him that every moment mattered.

And then, one day, the storm passed. Jack's cancer went into remission, and Lucy knew that they had been given a second chance at life. They got married, started a family, and lived every moment to the fullest.

As Lucy looked back on her life, she realized that it had been full of drops of rain, both big and small. But it was these drops that had led her to where she was today. And she knew that no matter what storms lay ahead, she would always hold on to the belief that one drop of rain could change everything.

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About the Creator

Kailash Singh

Hey there,

I am Kailash and I am an employee, print t-shirt designer, writer, and a emblogger.

Insta: @emotionofthewords

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