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What Makes You Fall In Love?

Exploring the Psychological and Evolutionary Roots of Love

By ScribbleSagePublished 7 months ago 3 min read

Romance is a natural feeling and desire that is part of being human. The human body and mind are made to make people desirable to people they find attractive from the opposite sex. This smart plan is important for how humans relate to each other and for how they have sex. It's also important for humans to keep having babies and continuing the human race on Earth. Typically, boys and girls start to feel romantic attraction during adolescence.

The development of sexual ability does not determine when someone starts feeling romantic. People can start feeling romantic even before they reach puberty. Romance is a feeling that gets ingrained in your mind and can even start developing during childhood. There are many reasons why someone might want to fall in love based on social and psychological factors.

Pheromones and Hormones

Most of the species are proved to produce certain pheromones and hormones which attract the opposite sex. Although not much research has been done on human relationships, certain chemicals called pheromones and hormones are thought to greatly influence the way people are attracted to each other and form relationships. These special pheromones are odorless versions, identified by a mental process rather than a physical one.

Oxytocin and vasopressin are two hormones that make people feel romantic. You might think that if romance is triggered by hormones and pheromones, then why doesn't everyone feel the same way about everyone else? The solution is when you have the correct mix of things. A person may only be attracted to certain combinations of hormones. This is why you will only love certain people.

Psychological aspect

Love is a feeling that affects how people relate to each other, so it's really hard to try to make someone fall in love with you. Some things in the mind can make people possibly fall in love. Feeling like you have a lot in common with someone is an important part of starting a romantic relationship. People who spend a lot of time together or have similar thoughts and ideas may start to have romantic feelings for each other.

Psychological theories suggest that romance can occur in two different ways: compassionate love and passionate love. Compassionate romance comes from people understanding each other, respecting each other, and sharing. However, passionate love is built upon strong sexual wants, worry, and caring feelings. Every love or relationship is driven by some psychological factor.

Physical attraction

Physical attractiveness is another reason why people are drawn to each other romantically. A typical man or woman is naturally drawn to the opposite sex when the time is right. But not everyone finds their counterpart equally attractive. Some people feel more attractive or attractive while others feel less so.

The reason for this is that people's preferences are influenced by the images and ideas they have in their minds regarding beauty and attraction. This happens in the brain psychologically. Different people have different ideas of what is beautiful. Some people think that being slim is attractive, while others may have a different viewpoint. As people's tastes are different, what one person finds beautiful, another person might not.

Social reasons

People today live in communities where there are clear rules about how people should treat each other. Society wants adults to have families and raise children to become responsible members of society. When a child becomes a teenager, they start noticing relationships between boys and girls. Over time, they also start looking for someone to spend time with.

Society, by showing us examples in life and media, makes us think that being in a romantic relationship is important. This can make a person feel like they need to find love quickly. Society is giving more opportunities for girls and boys to spend time together and communicate with each other. This makes it easier for them to fall in love because things or people that are seen often become precious to the eyes. The type of family environment we have today has a big impact on people falling in love.

Children do not receive enough attention from their parents because their parents are too busy with their own lives. So, the only way to get care and love is to find a partner who can take the place of everyone else. Research has shown that children who do not receive enough care at home tend to start romantic relationships earlier than those who are better cared for. They fulfill the desire for love in a romantic partnership. These feelings of not feeling secure and not being loved can lead kids to have unhealthy relationships as well. When it comes to love and relationships, the reasons why people choose partners based on societal factors are more noticeable than their personal or physical reasons.

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🖋️ Scribble Sage 🧠✍️ | Crafting compelling narratives and persuasive copy | Transforming ideas into eloquent prose | Let's create together! 🌟

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