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We all need Inspiration

You can have what you've always wanted!!

By Nikki McwilliamsPublished 4 years ago 2 min read
We all need Inspiration
Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

Life can be difficult and even when we already know what to do we each need a little boost if keeps us going every once in awhile. We as people have to learn to control our emotions, That can be difficult considering life is hectic sometimes. I learned a long time ago that if we do things that make us feel important, we end up happier for it. You may get stuck at a job that you don't like and that makes you absolutely miserable, but you push through it. Well Here's the thing you don't have to. You don't have to because you're better than that and you don't give yourself enough credit. You see we’re all capable of doing anything we set our mind to. I remember when I was young my grandmother (Betty) told me a story about how she became a Bartender, and how much easier it was back then get a job. Anyway she was actually walking back from the store getting her cigarettes when she saw some lady getting hassled by some guy. Now my grandmother was not a small woman And she wasn't afraid of any man.As she approached them she asked him if there was a problem he told her to mind her business and she said “well I've made this my business so why don't you leave her alone before you have a bigger problem”. After a few seconds he walked away. As it turned out The woman (Sarah) was actually the new owner of the bar she was walking past, And she has no idea how to actually run the bar. She didn't have a bartender nor a bouncer Very much doing it all on her own with one other waitresses. Needless to say That's how my grandmother started working As well as the bouncer. Now over time Betty became a big inspirational role model in Sarah’s life, she boosted her confidence by making her stand up for herself, And if you was giving her Someone to lean on and confide in. We All definitely need someone else to get inspired, to feel alive in my personal opinion anyway. Sarah went on to fulfill her dreams as a song writer and movie producer. I remember my grandmother saying that Sarah actually ended up being an inspiration to her as well, And she decided to better herself so she went back to School and became a teacher. Betty and her wrote letters once or twice a year, and kept each other updated as to what they were doing with their lives, all the way up until Betty got throat cancer and died in 2016. She taught me that life is short enjoy it while you can, make friends, be courageous, follow your dreams, take chances, and LOVE with all you have for tomorrow isnt promised, but more importantly She was always my inspiration!! To be a better person and perhaps if I could inspire just 1 person in the world the way she inspired me, Well that's a pretty inspirational thought…..

Betty and Sarah In the late 90's Although that date in the lower corner is just when i uploaded it to my phone lol.


About the Creator

Nikki Mcwilliams

So Ima Trader @ MTI. I trade the forex markets I've also traded stocks and options. In my experience there's lots of money to be made as well as lots of money to loose (if your just guessing or wishing) that is.

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