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Various causes of low self-esteem in children

Build your child's self-esteem

By Baru KuPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Various causes of low self-esteem in children
Photo by Sebastian Pandelache on Unsplash

Every parent wants to instill great values and self-esteem in their children. As parents, we want us to do the right thing in building healthy levels of self-esteem, but we don't realize that as parents we can educate ourselves on the best ways to do this. Looking at the components of self-esteem is an important step in self-education. If we know very little about something ourselves, how can we teach it? Here is a summary of self-esteem and its components to help you teach your child's self-worth as well as your child's self-esteem.

The child's physical self

This component of a child's self-esteem has to do with the way the child looks and behaves. When children like the way they look, they are succeeding in the area of physical components. It is easy to find positive comments, which may be things like "I did a great job" or "I tried my best. Appearance is important to children, and when they are uncomfortable, they will make comments such as "I'm fat" or "I'm ugly".

A child's thinking self

This part of self-esteem has to do with everything the child knows. This includes basic concepts such as writing, reading, and math. When a child has a positive attitude about these areas and what they are taught in school every day, they are proud of what they have learned and feel confident. They may make positive statements, including "I am good at math" or "I like to read. Children who are lacking in this area may say, "Why can't I learn to read like other kids" or "I hate school and think it's too hard. Children will soon think they are failures when they lack self-esteem.

The child's social self

The last component has to do with relationships. Interacting with people should be something your child enjoys and should be a positive experience. Children may make comments such as "I like to spend time with my family" or "I have lots of friends". A child with low self-esteem in this area may say, "I don't want to go to school because no one likes me" or "No one will play with me.

However, a child's self-esteem can be defined as the degree to which they consider themselves worthy. The foundation of a child's self-image is first formed in childhood and then remains with them for the rest of their lives. With low self-esteem or self-respect, because it is so important in the younger stages of childhood, it is important for parents to understand what may be causing it.

First of all, parents should know that a child's greatest influence comes directly from themselves when it comes to their confidence in their child. If a child is always criticized, scolded or beaten, they will feel worthless. When a parent neglects his/her child, makes fun of them, or mocks them, a poor self-image is developed. Low self-esteem can be a product even if a child is expected to be perfect at all times and to fail in sports or school. If these situations occur early in a child's life, they will begin to experience identity issues during adolescence.

The parent will choose to handle the situation in one of several ways, and that decision will directly affect the child's self-worth. It will take one of two ways: the parent's decision will create healthy self-esteem, or it will destroy it. The lowest point of a child's self-esteem is a direct result of a negligent or extremely harsh parent.

Second, low self-esteem comes not only from parents, but also from other family members and other peers. Teachers, friends, coaches, etc. all play a role when it comes to the development of a child's self-esteem. Since criticism can come from anyone in the child's life, the person criticizing may be responsible for causing low self-esteem within the child. If a child is constantly picked on by others at school, this can affect their self-esteem. If a child's teacher puts the child in front of the whole class, his or her self-worth may be damaged. Many different people in a child's life can lead to low self-esteem.

Finally, we cannot ignore the influence of the media and its effect on a child's confidence. While this has more to do with the physical aspect of a child and their body image, it can still have a negative impact on how a child thinks and feels about themselves.

While there are many reasons for a child's low self-esteem, the main root cause is the parents. With a solid foundation of a child's self-esteem, other factors such as classmates, teachers, etc., may not have as much of a negative impact as a child's self-esteem because it has begun to be positively embedded into who they are.


About the Creator

Baru Ku

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."

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