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The Very Busy Spider

The busy spider and the kind boy

By Rajeswari AkkiniPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a very busy spider named Lily. She lived in a lush green forest, surrounded by tall trees and colorful flowers. Lily loved being busy, and every day she worked hard spinning webs and catching insects to eat.

One day, as Lily was busy spinning a web, a group of animals came to visit her. It was a squirrel, a bird, and a bee. They were all very curious about the spider's webs and asked her what she was doing.

Lily explained that she was spinning a web to catch insects to eat. The animals were amazed by her hard work and asked her how she found the time to spin so many webs. Lily replied, "I am very busy, but I love what I do and I make the most of every moment."

The animals were impressed by Lily's dedication and decided to help her with her work. The squirrel gathered leaves and twigs, the bird collected strands of spider silk, and the bee brought nectar from the flowers to make the web stronger.

Together, they worked hard, and soon the web was complete. Lily tested it, and it was strong and sticky, just as she had hoped. She thanked the animals for their help, and they all cheered with joy.

The next day, when Lily returned to her web, she found that it was full of delicious insects. She was so happy that she could hardly contain her excitement. She thanked the animals once again and offered to share her catch with them.

The animals were grateful and enjoyed the delicious insects. They all decided that they would work together again, to help Lily build even more webs. They worked hard every day, and soon the forest was full of beautiful webs.

One day, a strong wind blew through the forest and many of the webs were destroyed. The animals were sad and worried that Lily would be sad too. But when they told her what had happened, Lily just smiled and said, "That's okay, we'll just have to build even stronger webs next time."

So, the animals and Lily got to work and built even stronger webs than before. They were so strong that even the strongest winds couldn't destroy them. From that day on, the forest was always full of beautiful and strong webs, and Lily and the animals were happy and busy together.

In the end, the animals learned that hard work and determination could accomplish anything, and they were grateful to have a friend like Lily who taught them this important lesson.

Lily continued to work hard, and her webs became famous throughout the forest. Other animals would come from far and wide to admire them, and to learn from the hard-working spider.

As time went by, Lily became more and more skilled at weaving her webs. She started to experiment with different shapes and designs, and soon she had created webs in the shapes of stars, moons, and even hearts.

The other animals were amazed by her creativity, and they all agreed that Lily was the best spider in the forest. They all wanted to learn from her, and so Lily agreed to teach them how to spin webs of their own.

The animals were eager to learn, and they worked hard to perfect their skills. Soon, they were all able to spin webs just like Lily, and the forest was full of beautiful webs of all shapes and sizes.

One day, a wicked tornado swept through the forest, destroying everything in its path. The animals were all scared, and they sought refuge in Lily's webs. They held on tight as the tornado raged around them, but when it was over, they were all safe and sound.

The animals were grateful to Lily and her webs, and they all decided to work together to rebuild their homes. They used Lily's webs to repair their nests, and soon the forest was full of cozy homes once again.

From that day on, the animals all worked together to protect their forest and to help each other whenever they needed it. And Lily continued to inspire them with her hard work and her creativity, always spinning her webs and making the forest a better place.

Years went by, and the forest flourished. The animals all lived happily, and Lily's webs became a symbol of their friendship and their hard work. And even though Lily was still very busy, she was never too busy to help her friends or to teach others the importance of hard work and determination.

The End.


About the Creator

Rajeswari Akkini

Hi, my name is Rajeswari Akkini and I love writing children's stories! I am a proud mother of two beautiful daughters, and I have always enjoyed creating stories for them and their friends.

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