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The Triangular Theory of Love

Breaking Down the Components of a Successful Relationship

By JayaramPublished about a year ago 4 min read


As someone who is interested in building and maintaining healthy relationships, I find the Triangular Theory of Love to be a useful model for understanding the components of successful relationships. Developed by psychologist Robert Sternberg, this theory breaks down love into three fundamental components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. In this blog, I will explore each component in detail and discuss how they work together to form a successful relationship.


The first component of the Triangular Theory of Love is intimacy. Intimacy is the foundation of any successful relationship. It is the emotional closeness and connection between partners that builds a sense of security and understanding. Intimacy can take many forms, but it always involves an emotional bond between partners that goes beyond physical attraction.

One way to express intimacy is through sharing personal stories. By sharing stories about our past experiences and our hopes for the future, we can build a deeper understanding of our partner's values and beliefs. This helps us connect on a deeper level and build trust and respect in the relationship.

Another way to express intimacy is through vulnerability. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable with our partner, we show them that we trust and value their opinion. This can involve opening up about our fears and insecurities, sharing our deepest desires, or simply allowing ourselves to be emotionally available to our partner.

Engaging in deep, meaningful conversations is also an important part of building intimacy. By discussing topics that are important to us and our partner, we can build a sense of intellectual and emotional connection. This helps us build a strong foundation for our relationship and strengthens our bond over time.

Intimacy can also be expressed through physical touch, such as holding hands, cuddling, or simply being close to each other. This physical intimacy can help us feel more connected to our partner and build a sense of safety and security in the relationship.


The second component of the Triangular Theory of Love is passion. It refers to the physical and sexual attraction between partners that creates a sense of excitement and desire. Passion is an essential part of romantic relationships, as it helps individuals connect on a deeper level and strengthens the emotional bond between partners.

Physical touch is a fundamental way of expressing passion in a relationship. This can include anything from holding hands and hugging to kissing and sexual intimacy. These physical displays of affection can help to strengthen the emotional connection between partners and create a sense of closeness.

Flirting is another way to express passion in a relationship. It involves playful banter and teasing between partners, which can create a sense of excitement and anticipation. This type of interaction can help to keep the relationship feeling fresh and exciting.

Engaging in activities together can also help to foster a sense of passion in a relationship. This can include anything from trying new things together to pursuing common interests. Engaging in shared experiences can create a sense of closeness and help to deepen the emotional bond between partners.

It's important to note that passion can be expressed in different ways for different individuals. For some, it may involve frequent physical touch, while for others it may be more about emotional connection and intellectual stimulation. The key is to find ways to express passion that feel authentic and meaningful for both partners.


The third and final component of the Triangular Theory of Love is commitment, which refers to the decision to maintain the relationship over the long term. Commitment is an essential part of any successful relationship, as it helps to build trust and stability.

One way to express commitment is through communication. Regularly checking in with each other, discussing shared goals, and openly discussing challenges can help to build a sense of unity and shared purpose. This type of communication helps to strengthen the emotional bond between partners and fosters a sense of mutual commitment.

Another way to express commitment is through shared experiences. Couples who engage in activities together and create memories can feel a sense of shared history and common ground. This can help to strengthen the emotional connection between partners and foster a sense of mutual commitment.

Making an effort to prioritize the relationship is another way to express commitment. This can involve setting aside time for each other, making sacrifices for the benefit of the relationship, and actively working to overcome challenges. By prioritizing the relationship, individuals can show their commitment to making it work over the long term.

Finally, making future plans together is an important way to express commitment. This involves discussing shared goals and aspirations and working together to achieve them. By planning for the future together, couples can build a sense of mutual commitment and shared purpose

Balancing the Components:

While the components of the Triangular Theory of Love are distinct, they are also interconnected. I believe that to build a successful relationship, it is important to find a balance between each component of love. In this section, I will discuss how to balance intimacy, passion, and commitment in a relationship. I will explore how to strengthen weak areas, such as by spending more time on intimate conversations or working through conflicts to increase commitment.


In conclusion, the Triangular Theory of Love is a useful model for understanding the components of successful relationships. By focusing on intimacy, passion, and commitment, individuals can work to build healthy, fulfilling relationships that stand the test of time. By finding a balance between each component, individuals can create a relationship that is both emotionally and physically satisfying, while also building a sense of commitment and trust between partners.


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