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The Little Monster Who Wanted to Be Brave - Kids story

Learning to be Brave

By Rajeswari AkkiniPublished about a year ago 4 min read
The Little Monster Who Wanted to Be Brave - Kids story
Photo by aldi sigun on Unsplash

Once upon a time, there was a little monster named Max. Max was a cute little monster, with big green eyes and furry purple skin. But Max was also very afraid of everything. He was afraid of the dark, of loud noises, and of meeting new people.

Max wanted more than anything to be brave, but he didn't know how to be. He would often hide under his bed when he heard a loud noise, or run away when he saw a new monster in the playground. Max's parents tried to help him, but nothing seemed to work.

One day, Max decided that he was going to be brave. He was tired of feeling scared all the time, and he wanted to show everyone that he could be strong and courageous.

Max set out on his brave journey by first facing his fear of the dark. He turned off all the lights in his bedroom and sat in the middle of the room. At first, he was very scared and wanted to turn the lights back on. But he took a deep breath and reminded himself that he was brave.

After a while, Max started to feel a little more comfortable in the dark. He started to see shapes and shadows that he had never noticed before, and he realized that the dark wasn't so scary after all.

Next, Max decided to tackle his fear of loud noises. He went to the park and stood near the swings, where he knew the noise would be the loudest. At first, he covered his ears and wanted to run away. But he stayed put and listened to the sound of the swings creaking back and forth.

After a while, Max started to feel more comfortable with the noise. He even started to enjoy the sound of the swings, and he swung on them for a while himself.

Finally, Max decided to face his fear of meeting new monsters. He went to the playground and walked up to a group of monsters he had never met before. At first, he felt very nervous and wanted to run away. But he reminded himself that he was brave, and he introduced himself to the other monsters.

To his surprise, the other monsters were very friendly and welcoming. They were happy to meet Max and showed him around the playground. Max felt very proud of himself for being brave and making new friends.

From that day on, Max wasn't so scared anymore. He still felt nervous sometimes, but he knew that he could be brave and face his fears. He went on many more adventures, met many more monsters, and even went on a scary ride at the amusement park.

Max realized that being brave wasn't about never feeling scared. It was about facing your fears, even when it felt hard. And he was proud to be a little monster who had found his courage.

Max continued to face his fears and explore the world around him. He discovered that there were so many exciting things to see and do, and he didn't want to miss out on any of them because he was too afraid.

One day, Max heard about a monster who lived in the woods and was said to be the bravest of them all. The monster was rumored to have faced all of his fears and come out stronger on the other side. Max was intrigued and decided to go on a quest to find the brave monster.

He set out early one morning, walking through the forest with his little heart beating fast. The woods were dark and filled with strange noises, but Max reminded himself that he was brave and kept going.

As he walked, he met many other monsters along the way. Some of them were scared of the woods and turned back, but others joined him on his quest. They walked together, encouraging each other and laughing at the silly things that scared them.

Finally, they reached a clearing in the woods where they saw the brave monster. He was huge, with bright red fur and long sharp claws, but he had a kind look in his eyes.

Max walked up to the brave monster and asked him how he had become so brave. The brave monster smiled and said, "I used to be just like you, scared of everything. But then I realized that being scared was holding me back from all the wonderful things the world has to offer. So I faced my fears, one by one, until I wasn't scared anymore."

Max listened carefully to the brave monster's words and realized that he too could be brave. He thanked the brave monster for his wisdom and set out on his way back home, feeling proud and confident.

From that day on, Max continued to face his fears and be brave, just like the monster in the woods. He had many more adventures, met new friends, and even gave a speech in front of his entire class without feeling nervous.

Max learned that being brave wasn't always easy, but it was always worth it. And he knew that he would never be too scared to try something new again.


About the Creator

Rajeswari Akkini

Hi, my name is Rajeswari Akkini and I love writing children's stories! I am a proud mother of two beautiful daughters, and I have always enjoyed creating stories for them and their friends.

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