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The Life Of Di

A story of my nan

By Armani PintoPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

The beginning -

Ever since I was little my nan has always been my best friend . She would always encourage me and lift me up whenever I was feeling down . I grew up living with her and my mother as the only child so I spent a lot of my times with her . We always had animals growing up as my nan is an avid animal lover I learned to love them unconditionally too . I grew up with an old dog named Angel who soon became my dog and a cat named Boots . I believe that because I watched the way she treated animals with such kindness and gentleness that I instilled that into my everyday life with not only animals but with the way I treat people .

The Kindness in animals

My nan her whole life chose to rescue animals that were dumped in shelters and gave them a warm loving home . From goats, horses , cats and to dogs she has still continued this and shown me just how much you can change an animals life and how big of an impact it makes .So as I’ve grown up from being the little kid I was to the 19 year old I am today I continue to rescue animals just like her .

Luna was the pregnant cat I found at my mothers house when I was about 17 who was abandoned , skinny and hungry . We didn’t have any animals at her house so instead I used all of my lunch money to catch a bus early in the morning to the store where I spent the little money I had left on cat food , Luna is now living with my nan and I where she has completely blossomed . Jessie a Labrador that was set to get shot by her owner , we took her in and she is the funniest and sweetest dog I’ve ever had . Barney a Chow Chow that sadly passed away last year in August ( my nan’s best friend ) he was going to be put down the day before we came to the shelter , he had been kicked in the teeth and we later found out that he had also been kicked in the spine . We rescued him and he had the best years he’s ever had , literally the most kindest , sweetest , most loving being I’ve ever had .

I was never really the person who had a lot of friends or went over to friends houses or anything like that when I was in primary school , I spent most of my days at home with my animals and my nan whilst my mother would work . Every memory that I look back on always includes my nan , because she’s always been with me by my side encouraging me .


One of the many things that shows how just how strong my Nan is was when she was working as a Postie on the Post bike she was delivering the mail and I think it was about 3 dogs that attacked her as she was putting the letters in this one mail box , one dog on her leg the others on her hand . The dogs did a lot of damage to her hands that someone that witnessed it happening said to her that they were surprised that she survived with how much blood she lost . She lost the ability to use one of her hands properly for a long time but she still managed to solider on . Another story was when she was delivering mail one day a lady who was completely out of her mind attacked my nan and fought her , I think she was about 50 or even in her early 60’s when this happened .

There are so many other stories that I could say but I won’t , my nan is the strongest , funniest and most bravest person that I’ve ever met . She’s gone through so much in her life but always manages to give back and put others before herself . No matter what the circumstances are you always know she’ll be on your side cheering you on .

She raised 2 kids on her own with no man , she bought her own house and owns it now by working 3 jobs at once . She sacrificed so much for her kids and is still doing that for me , her granddaughter . She is my best friend and I will forever cherish the friendship and bond that we have .

This isn’t all the story of the Life Of Di because we would be here forever .. but it’s the few of many reasons why I look up to my inspiring nan .

- Armani


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