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The Gift of Giving

Doing What’s Right

By Richard RiveraPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

“Hello Mr. Kringle!” I said as I walked thru the door. Something I feel like I’ve done a million times before. Mr. Kringle is the owner of this small little used book store named Twice in a Lifetime. Never really asked where the name came from, but I guess that’s something I can ask him another time. Right now, let me catch you up on what exactly happened to make today a bit more peculiar. It all began two days ago as I walked and greeted Mr. Kringle as I normally do. I’ve worked for him for what seems like years, but in reality, it’s only been six months. He is a kind old man. His shop doesn’t generate to much money, but I’ve learned he does this for the sheer joy he brings to his customers. I asked him a few times to go modern his services up and get online to reach more people, but he is content with the ways things are currently. Things around here are pretty quiet most days. Nothing to much happens, so I have time to study. I am working towards my law degree, and this is the perfect place for an evening job. I’ve been working my way thru law classes at the community college for the last two years. Well, back to my story.

“Good evening Issac.” Replied Mr. Kringle

I walked in with a grin on my face. I just passed my last exam, so I had an extra pep in my step. I was walking in so fast, I bumped into a woman standing near the register almost knocking her over.

“I’m so sorry.” I caught her by the arm to keep her from tumbling over.

“I’m sorry for my overzealous employee.” Mr. Kringle reached for the books she had placed on the counter. “If your done almost running over our customer, you want to go to the back to restock some books that just came in.” He said with a light-hearted grin.

“Sure thing. Again, I am so sorry for bumping into you ma’am.” I apologized again to her as I made my way by her. As I did, I noticed she had the most beautiful, brown eyes I’ve ever seen. I knew I stared to long when she turned a little red and turned away.

“That’s alright. Sometimes I get so excited, I’m all thumbs.” She said as she turned to face Mr. Kringle.

As much as I wanted to stay and help, I rushed to the back to open the new books that just arrived. We don’t usually get in new books. Ours is basically a you sell, we buy, then resale business. So new books are something of a rarity around here. When I got to the boxes, I came across another customer. She looked up at me, then looked away quickly. I peeked between the book shelves as I made my way to the other side of her. I caught her glances as I inched my way closer. She was picking up books and tumbling thru them for a few seconds until I was standing right beside her.

“Hello there.” I said in a Liberian whisper. “can I help you find anything in particular?” She was a little girl, maybe about 8 or so. As I looked around, the only other person in the store was the lady at the counter, so I suspected this was her daughter.

“I’m just looking around while my mommy sells some books. She said we need the money for bills, so, that’s why we are here. She said we don’t have the money to get extras, I’m just browsing. And she said I shouldn’t talk to strangers.”then she leaned in a little closer and said, “but you seem like a nice person. You have kind eyes. My mommy says you can tell a lot about a person from the look in their eyes. Did you know they are the windows to your soul? Not sure what that means, but mommy says it all the time.”

“Well, that’s a lot to process.” I said with a grin. We were close enough to the front, where I could over hear what was going on at the counter.

“If that’s the best you can do, I’ll take it.” I heard her mutter in a soft, quit tone.

“If I can find a buyer willing to pay more, I’d be more than happy to pay more.” Mr. Kringle explained. “If you leave your number, I can get back to you as soon as they sell.”

As she stumbled thru her purse, she replied, “My phone, I had to shut it off for now.”

“Oh, well I’m sure if you can come back in a day or two, I will be able to update any progress I have on the books.” He said.

“That would be great.”

Mr. Kringle began counting out the money to pay her for the books. Seems the transactions done. I looked down at the little girl still flipping thru the pages a book.

“I’m sorry, where are my manners. My name is Issac. Nice to meet you.” I held out my hand.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Nicole. And it’s nice to meet you, too.” She answered in a very polite way.

“So what kind of books do you enjoy reading?” I questioned.

“I like all kinds, but I really like reading about mysteries. They are the best. I love trying to figure things out.” She explained with a smile on her face. However, it turned sad when she mentioned she couldn’t afford any books right now. Her mom looked our way and motioned her to go over.

“It looks like we have to go. It was nice talking to you.” She said.

“Hey, you say you like mysteries,” I reached over and grabbed little black notebook that we had sitting on a seldom used shelf. “I some cultures, when you meet someone, it’s polite to offer a gift. As my gift to you, I want you to have this book.” Her eyes lite up and a smile crossed her face. “This came in awhile back. It’s a journal about a man who was arrested and left a journal as to where he left his illegal loot. It happened over 20 years ago. It seems unfinished but maybe that’s part of the mystery.”

“Thank you. You won’t get in any trouble for this, will you.” She asked.

“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a pink barrette.

“This is all I have as a gift,” she extended it out to me. “I hope it’s enough?”

“It’s perfect.” I exclaimed.

And with that, we shook hands and she left the store with her mom.

“So, what was that all about?” I asked Mr. Kringle. “We don’t usually do consignments for people.”

“That poor lady, Jenny, and her child are on the brink of losing their home. She has been out of work for over six months. She turned off her phone to save money, so it was the least I could do.” He replied.

“You’re a soft touch, but that’s a good thing.”

Meanwhile, back at the home of the Jenny and Nicole, the lights went out in the middle of dinner. Seems she was late on her electrical payments as well. Luckily, Jenny had brought a small, portal generator from the Thrift shop down the street. After they finished eating, Jenny made up a bed on the floor next to the fireplace Jenny lite when they returned from the bookstore. As they laid down for bed, Nicole asked her mom if she wanted to here a story. When asked where she had gotten it from, Nicole hesitated, then told her the gifts that were exchanged. Jenny smiled, and plugged her phone into a small, portable generator she got from the thrift store down the street. She shined the a green light onto the pages as Nicole read the journal page by page.

When she got to page thirty-five, the words got lighter. It was though the pen that was being used, ran out of ink, but they kept writing:

“so even if I get caught, my money well be well hidden.

I figure all I have to do, is get my journal back, and

Follow the map I drew on the back page. I figure if I do

Time, my memory will be a little shot, but that’s what

This journal is for.”

“Momma, is this for real?” Asked Nicole.

“I don’t know.”she replied. “Who gave you this book again?”

“It was Issac, from the bookstore.”

“Then we will go back and ask. If it is real, someone important should be notified.”

Nicole looked up and said, “Why can’t we go hunt for the money? There is a map and everything!”

“It’s not our money, sweetie. Although we could use the money, it’s not right. We have to do the right thing.” Jenny said is a soft undertone.

As morning came, they were at the bookstore right when it opened. Issac greeted them, and they gave him and Mr. Kringle a run down on what they read in the journal. Mr. Kringle was on the phone for almost an hour speaking with different people about the journal. When he finally got off, he gathered us all back at the front counter.

“So, it seems that the map checkout. And that the money was indeed found. However, it wasn’t money, it was priceless art stolen from a few different museums around the country.”

“Well, I guess even if we went after it momma, we would have had to return it anyway.” Nicole muttered with a sad face.

Issac chimed in, “Seems like Jenny and Nicole should have gotten something for finding the map at least.” Just then, he noticed a small grin on M. Kringle’s face. “Okay, what aren’t you telling us.” Issac looked at him with a smile creeping in.

“Well, you know, I do run a business where some wheeling and dealing is required.”

“Is that why it took you over an hour on the phone.” Said Issac.

Jenny and Nicole looked on in bewilderment.

“Well,” Mr. Kringle began, “the museum’s were so appreciative, that we were able to strike an understanding. So,” looking towards Jenny and Nicole, “they are handing over a reward of $20,000 to you and your daughter for doing the right thing.”

Tears began to well up in Jenny’s eyes and Nicole smile was as big as Texas. As they hugged each other, Jenny composed herself as best she could. “I don’t know how to thank you. You just saved our home. But, I feel some of that belongs to you and Issac.”

“I’ve got this bookstore, I’m in no need for anything else. How bout you Issac?” Mr. Kringle turned to him.

Reaching in his pocket, he pulled out a small, pink barrette. Holding it up, grinning with delight, he exclaimed, “I’ve got all the payment I need right here.”


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