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The child who can play is a genius

It is the nature of children to play

By Ma Jia La ShiPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
The child who can play is a genius
Photo by NATHAN MULLET on Unsplash

1, play is the child's "heaven"

As the child grows up, he is no longer like a child, just drinking and sleeping every day, but a little more lively and mischievous, more playful. When I saw my child playing all day long, I was anxious that my child would not feel at ease with his studies. So, I started to restrict him and teach him to recognize words and seriously memorize English words, hoping that my child would learn and develop according to our wishes after he had collected his mind and eventually become an enviable genius.

However, I was greatly disappointed by my child's response and performance. Not only did he not have any intention of receivinga "formal education", but he continued to "do what he wanted", and once he started playing, he left everything else behind. Is there something wrong with your education ability, or is your child simply not this material?

After reading the above paragraph, do you feel déjà vu? Do you feel that your child is also a "crazy" child, and thus lose confidence in your child's future? Many parents in the process of educating their children, often ignore one of the most critical points, that is, play - is the child's paradise. Only in this paradise can children find their happiness, find their own goals, and direction, which is the law of growth of every child.

"Parents are the first teachers of their children", however, over the centuries, this "first teacher" of children's education, but left us too much reflection, especially now the only child family, most parents of children's education either too strict or over-indulgence. The former does not respect the child's instincts. The former does not respect the child's nature, while the latter neglects to provide the necessary guidance to the child. In addition, many parents are still stuck in the traditional concept of "not listening to things outside the window, only reading sage books", believing that children can only become successful by honestly recognizing words and reading. Of course, it is good for children to be able to quietly read "sage books", but if children do not know what is going on outside the window and do not know how to play except to read and recognize words all day long, the children who grow up this way will be no different from those who only know how to read. "What is the difference between a child who grows up like that and a nerd who only knows how to read?

If we keep our children at home all day and let them isolate themselves from the outside world, they will certainly not have the opportunity to "learn bad", and they will also lose the world of children. Children who grow up in such an environment not only lose their imagination and unrestrained joy but also lose the opportunity to hone their ability to communicate with others in their peer group, which may eventually lead to low "IQ" and "EQ". Not knowing what cooperation, humility, courtesy, gratitude ...... and even mental depression and psychological disorders make it much more difficult for the child to go into society in the future.

Play is the nature of children, although some of the games played between children are not elegant, they can be in constant play, stimulating the desire to create an imagination space, so that their dormant brain can be quickly activated, on the road to genius to take a critical step.

Drop the parental stance and immerse yourself in your child's world! Share that childlike innocence, that long-lost interest, with your child. Of course, parents should keep changing and pushing the envelope in the process of playing with their children, so that they can learn to think and gradually accumulate social and life experience in the process of playing. In this way, you can not only make your own tired heart get some comfort but also be able to communicate with your children in play, teaching, and learning, which is the wisest way to educate your children.

How should parents play with their children and educate them in the game?

(1) Recognize the relationship between play and learning

A well-known early childhood education expert once said, "Play is learning, learning is playing." Indeed, for children, playing is the happiest thing, and, every day, children learn while playing, learning while playing. Play - becomes a way for children to learn, and children exercise their limbs, develop their movements, promote their memory, develop their intelligence, cultivate their emotions, and get to know the world in the process of playing. Only when parents realize this can they take the initiative in the process of playing with their children. Really smart parents know how to educate their children in the process of playing with them, including when to play, when to learn, and when to play and learn at the same time, there is a question of time and principle. This will prevent parents from interfering and stopping their children from playing, but also to not overindulge their children, not to let them lead their noses and play only for the sake of playing, and at the same time, to train their children to develop the habit of abiding by the principles from childhood. Parents should create more conditions and space for their children to play, and play with their children and guide them to play.

(2) Let children play in nature

On weekends or when there is plenty of time, parents can take their children into nature and let them have a dialogue with everything in nature and fully appreciate the pleasure that nature brings to people. Nature not only brings fresh air to children, but also allows children to learn things that are not in books, to feel the wide world that is not available at home or in the classroom, and to enhance their ability to survive in the wild. More importantly, contact with nature also stimulates a child's imagination and interest in learning. If a child is kept away from nature for a long time, not only will his imagination and creativity be limited, but he will also lose his basic survival skills. Therefore, for the healthy growth of children and to develop their learning ability and creativity, parents should expose their children to nature as much as possible and play with them in nature.

(3) Guide your child to play with wisdom and character

Play is where a child's wisdom begins and emotional development takes place, and it is also a bridge to self-discovery. In the process of playing, children will discover many interesting scientific phenomena and natural laws, get pleasure from them, and experience the joy of growth. Parents can guide their children to play with computers, engage in small inventions, small production, breeding, and so on, combining play and learning well, so that children in play achieve the purpose of touch, improve skills, and develop wisdom and elegant temperament. Through raising small animals, children can also develop good character such as being careful, patient, kind, and compassionate.

(4) Discover your child's talents and interests through play

During the process of playing with the child, parents should pay attention to observation, timely discovery of the child's talents and interests, and constantly give him support and encouragement. If a child is good at reciting long verses and chapters, it means he has a literary talent; if a child dances or hums when he hears music, it means he has a talent for music and dance; if a child can automatically sort toys by color, size, etc., it means he has a talent for logical intelligence; if a child likes to be whimsical in playing, it means he has good observation and imagination... ...

In addition, parents should treat the discovery of their children's talents and interests as if they were discovering a new land because before children have formed their outlook on life and values, talents and interests are a motivating force for children to make progress.

Here, it should be especially reminded that some parents are busy at work, but no matter how busy they are, they must take some time to share their children's happiness and worries. Because children not only need parents who are successful in their careers, but also parents who can communicate with their hearts.


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About the Creator

Ma Jia La Shi

Is there any other reason to live in order to change the world?

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