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The Black Crow

A beautiful story written by my 11 year old daughter, Tehya Leigh Baldry.

By Steven BaldryPublished about a year ago 21 min read

The Black Crow

A Connection Between a Girl and Her Uncle You Can Never Forget ...

It stalks me; all the time I think of it. Why is uncle gone? He did not deserve that for heaven’s sake! Anyway, my father, a 37 year old man who takes much good care of me - talks to me. He tries to make me understand that that life is for you. Although I already know, I try to make my father feel like I am actually listening. It’s just a mix of emotions at the moment as my uncle (a very kind man called Steven only 34 ) died just a few weeks before Christmas. What also gets to me more is the black crow. Yes, I know it doesn’t sound that exciting but ... my uncle said that wherever he went, the black crow followed. He said even at night it would perch on it's branch next to his house; watching, waiting and staring at him.

See, that is what I don’t understand. Why it follows me and my father, almost everywhere we go, it’s with us. We always notice it ...

“Father?” I asked my dad the question that has been going through my puzzled mind for so long ...

“Yes darling?” my father responded in the most kindest voice ever heard on earth...

“As you know that crow that’s been following us and all the business with uncle, well I have been thinking for some time that, that could be....umm...well....UNCLE?!?!?!?

“Wow, good thinking my beautiful girl, that might be a possibility which could actually be true but promise me now, you will get over uncle’s disastrous car incident and you will be ok my dear."

“Why dad of course I’m ok I’m just a little confused, that’s all.”

So far, it doesn’t seem that much but trust me...this is just the beginning...

Shutting down, my body could hardly move, I knew I needed to sleep, but I couldn’t stop holding on, I had to do something about uncle. So I slowly got up. Looking like I had broken my back, I grabbed my phone. I clicked on ‘media’ and then ‘videos’ and I saw a few of the family and uncle ...

But the weirdest thing was that on one of the videos, uncle had a black crow on his shoulder. It was creepy, very creepy. Although, the most spine tingling thing about this was he didn’t notice it was on his shoulder because it wasnt on his shoulder on the video!! Before I could ask myself loads of questions, I had fallen fast asleep.

You may think at this point in the story, its got a little taste of entertainment but don’t stop here as I said this is just the beginning...

Waking up, I feel much more energetic. Although, I had seemed to have closed my eyes again. I wasn’t tired at all. It’s like someone had tried to close my eyelids and keep them that way. Then suddenly I was taken to a place I’ve never gone before. I call it "My Mind Palace". Where all my memories are held, I see flashbacks of all my family and my grandfather, Steven’s grandad. I see Steven as a child but I was not born then. How on earth did this come into my mind? Uncle and grandfather, I did not know grandfather’s name. I saw them; in s flashback. This frightened me and changed me a lot...to have seen this!

“Grandad, why do we have to come here?” My poor uncle said in his ‘9-year-old’ voice.

“Because my boy, when you get older and I pass, I need you to show your niece or nephew this and to tell them the exact same thing I tell you now..” grandfather answered back in his old croaky voice ...


So grandfather went to a special hedge and pushed Steven into it and he came out in a different place....

“WHOA, THIS PLACE IS AWESOME! HOW DO YOU DO THAT?!?!?!” Steven looked at his granddad with a shocked look on his face.

“Alright my boy, calm down....” Grandfather stopped, he seemed to have frozen, he was worried.....

“Granda...” Steven stopped

“Shhhhhhhhhh! ITS HERE! RUN! MY BOY! RUN!” Grandfather’s death was occurring. He’s crow had come ...

“GRANDAD! YOUR CROW! ITS COMING TO YOU! WHATS GOING ON?!?!” Steven froze as he watched his granddad fly into the sky with one single crow...

“Boy, its time. I can’t tell you, otherwise this happens to you ... I don’t want this to happen to you and your family like my trembling past with my uncle. Bye my boy...” Grandfather said one last goodbye to Steven as he flew up into the clouds, as white as a polar bears fur...

Steven was devastated, he ran like never before through the Autumn trees and through the alleys with the mouldy wooden fence and ran home, he had never told anyone, its always been a mystery ...

So exciting you yet? Hopefully...

So I was demolished inside; I had never seen or heard anything like that. What a flashback. How did I know that? Is it actually true? What if grandfather is still actually alive?...

I finally transported out of my mind and heard dad calling my name. Quickly walking downstairs, I looked out of the new, clean and shiny window next to the stairs; I saw it ...IT WAS THERE AGAIN! The crow in the exact same place uncle had woke up to it is getting more interesting every second..

Walking to school, I saw a crow in the sky, I’m not surprised, I looked down to the grey pavements, a square, rectangular in shape. Although next time I look up, the crow is leading a group of crows, at this point I am a bit nervous, so I ignored it and looked back down at the sad, grey pavements again I think. “One more time Tehya, one more time...” I look back up; this time I was scared as there was a whole army of crows in the sky that had turned from blue to black by all the crows but one in particular was leading the whole army.

My blood; I feel, I feel it pulsating through my body, I am petrified to death, is this my goodbye? It can’t be? I’m only 14! For goodness sake! This can’t be the end, right?....

Luckily, I managed to sprint away, I ditched school and ran back to my golden brick coloured home...

“Ahh,” I yawned “home sweet home!” I curl up like a woodlouse on the sofa with my blanket, some popcorn and a few packets of goodies as well.

I put on my favourite film; the fast and the ferocious tiger at stake! Within 10 minutes of the film, I had slowly fallen asleep...

At this point in the story, it seems rather safe and calm but will it stay that way?!?

Awakening to my father’s sternly face approaching me, I jump up, shocked at my father’s horrid, loud and definitely know-he’s-mad voice!


“Father no need to be upset, I should be the one upset I WAS ALMOST KILLED!!” I responded in a voice not so bad as my father’s one...

“WHAT!” said my father, “HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?! WHO DONE IT!?! I'M GOING TO KILL EM’! ARE YO...” I stopped my father right there....

“Dad!”I paused my Dad. ‘WHO'S TRYING TO KILL MY DAUGHTER!’ meltdown.

“I’m okay, plus it wasn’t anyone human...”

“Go on..” my dad listened.

“It was the crows, uncle’s crow. His crow led an army of jet black ones!”

My father was gobsmacked ... to be honest when I thought back to it, so was I!

“I..I..I don’t know what to say. How did this happen? How did they hurt you!?”

“Don’t worry dad, at least I’m okay now. Right!?”

The stunning sunshine was bursting through the curtains, as I hopped out of bed ready to start a new, weird day...

Grabbing my bowl of fruit loops, I decided to lounge on the sofa watching the rest of my film I hadn’t finished yesterday.

Today I choose to take the bus, I don’t want yesterday happening all over again!

As I walked with caution, I got onto the purple and green, striped bus. Looking outside, I’m not surprised again to see a black crow sat eating a slice of seeded, burnt bread under a damp, wooden bench.

Worried about the fact that I could repeat yesterday, I quickly hop off the bus and run into school. Even though school isn’t the greatest thing in the world, when it comes to my safety, I like it.

In the library, I looked at a few books also on my phone as well to get some information about the Black Crow. According to the legend, black crows are meant to help move you over from this life to the next and that’s what confuses me; why my family logo is the Crow. I know most family members pass but still.... why do we have a bird that helps you to pass peacefully and move on to the next life, I mean that isn’t exactly very ‘awesome’ is it?

I’m near Sproughton in the van with dad, there’s terrible traffic as the authorities have shut the Orwell bridge because of the critical wind conditions. I would normally walk home but as there was so much ‘horrid weather’ and it was pouring down, I decided to call dad. We had arrived at Morrisons for a toilet break, where I met my four best friendd; Jake, Phoebe, Naomi and Cam (short for Camryn). Where we talked while my dad went to get some food, just in case we were stuck in traffic for hours.

Fortunately, we got back only after a few hours. To be honest, all I cared about was making it back home safely ...

After we got home, I rushed into my pyjamas as I was so cold from the freezing weather. Looking out of my window, I saw a few satellite dishes fall down from the top floor of our flat... I was seriously worried as I thought that one of them could be ours and also the fact that one of those satellites might fall onto our balcony ...

It was getting late, as the sun had finished its job and the crescent shaped moon with the midnight blue sky was approaching all of England. The sky made me feel like I was out of this world, it’s so breath taking, just a glimpse of that glorious view above me, it made me feel so calm and peaceful...I don’t know how to describe it! We live on floor 14, in a turquoise coloured flat. Yes I know it is pretty high, unlucky for my dad though as he is afraid of heights, but the view is rather outstanding.

It was a new day! I wondered to myself, “will this day be a good one?” I thought that the crow hasn’t been seen for ages. Did uncle say his final goodbye?! I’ve been wishing this would stop since I realise it started but, I don’t want uncle to go! NO! He can’t just go! Please, come back! I thought to myself over and over again ... “Tehya stop being stupid, he’s not going to’ come back!” uurrgghh!!!!! This isn’t fair! He didn’t deserve to die!

Until my dad came up to my room and saw me pouring my eyes out like a cloud of rain, I didn’t realise that I had said it all out loud! GREAT! Now all my emotions have started , I didn’t know how much this news had hit me with such a shock! I had never cried so much in my life, I loved uncle so much how could he go. Please uncle, I said to myself this time, let me see you just once, I need a final goodbye to know you are okay, that would change everything.

“DAD! HOW COULD HE LEAVE US LIKE THAT!? HE COULDNT OF! OH DAD I MISS HIM SO! DAD, DONT YOU GET IT, ONE OF MY FAVOURITE FAMILY MEMBERS IS DEAD!” I was so confused. All these emotions and thoughts trying to jam into the right places at the same time in my tiny mind. How was I meant to cope?

“My dear, I know its hard okay, but trust me. We will make it no matter what obstacles are in the way ...” My dad encourages me to get up and try again.

“Dad!?" he wipes my tears from my pale face. "How do you do it?”

“Do what sweet heart?..” My dad answered in a soft, gentle voice.

“Your special touch, that makes me feel better when you embrace me.” I responded back to my dad with a emotional voice.

“Oh, darlin’, that’s just my magical power!” He said giving me the most lovely smile...

“Friday today but we have to go to the diabetes clinic so lucky for you ,you don’t have to go to school!” My dad winked at me and I laughed...

So far Tehya’s life is actually like a rollercoaster! But she’s okay now. At the moment though?!....

We had finished our session at the diabetes clinic and we got home about 3pm which I would normally have 1 hour left at school but my dad thought there was no point so we decided to go to a restaurant called ‘The Mermaid’ it was absolutely delicious they had the best roast ever! Although they could never beat my grandad’s roast potatoes as he’s No.1 ...

Anyway, once we had arrived home, I went upstairs to get changed into my pyjamas that felt like a really fluffy puppy, when I saw or what I thought it looked like, a black crow dying on the floor! I screamed louder than ever before. All these emotions came back to me again, flashbacks of me and uncle all the time when the black crow had followed him and me! I was furious, devastated, scared, worried but the most importantly, curious...I know it’s a bit weird but I was curious. I wanted to find out what was going on. I needed to find the answer. So I went and looked for it...

Eventually, I met up with one of my best friends, Camryn, where I told her all about the story and uncle, including the dead crow aswell. She offered to help solve some of the questions that have been going through my mind for a long time now, we searched up some research on my phone and in some library books. The sky was turning black, as it was extremely late, 12:47 am, to be exact. I couldn’t believe I was actually still in school with my best frirnd! It was madness!

Cautiously, walking out of the library, we could barely see, my heart almost stopped. I think the same problem with Cam as well, we heard a screeching noise... we curled up together with terror, our hearts thumping harder than ever before. I obviously didn’t know what it was and nor did Cam until we heard it again and went to go look for it. Camryn laughed at a dead mouse, to be honest I would of done the same because we thought the school was haunted but obviously not...

When I got home, I took some fruit bites and fruit pastilles up to bed to have as I haven’t had anything since lunch. My poor stomach was groaning, I was starving, I ate the food in literally 56 seconds. I know it’s a bit stupid that I count how long I eat but never mind.

The stunning sunshine was smiling at me as I got out of bed with an excited face, I put my navy blue dress on with a velvet blue choker with silver stars hanging from it that matched rather well, I put on my silver heels and set off out the door. It was a very special day for me then because Chloe and my uncle Tim, short for Timothy, were getting married. Their theme colour is navy blue that is why I have got blue on today.

Oh my gosh! That was the most amazing wedding I’ve ever been to! We ate chocolate, cakes and sweets. To be honest, all the food you could think of!

By the time me and my dad got home it had gone 12:00 am it was a busy day. We had to stay the night before because we wanted to help set up for the wedding.

Dawn was breaking, it shone right through my window as I looked outside I saw the crow again sitting there with its black splotched beak with grey on it. All those horrible emotions went out of my mind. Uncle was still here the smile on my face grew bigger and bigger! Just as I saw his elegant wings fly away with its silk body, I felt a really different feeling like it was trying to tell me something, like it always does, it was as if he was trying to tell me to go somewhere and I knew exactly where...

Where was she going. What’s going to happen? Let’s find out...

“DAD!” I dashed down the stairs...

“Oh, morning then, YES Tehya!”


“Pardon, look at us we need to get dressed. Wait, school isn’t starting until the next 4 hours have passed. WHATS GOING ON NOW!”

“He’s still here.” I gave a serious but excited look...

“Tehya, darling please, I know it’s fascinating but you know you just need to take a rest now...”


“Teehhhhhhhyyyyyya , darling please, you just need to...”

“Well, you might want to look outside the window then dad....”

“Tehya, c’mon now stop being sil...” he froze

Because just as my dad looked outside the window of our back garden, the crows were there. Yes, more than one... All in lines, thousands of crows were poking their heads about, except one...

One single crow looked directly at us with its black beady eyes starring us out. Straight away I knew. I knew that was Steven. I knew that was MY uncle.

“T-t-t-te-e-e-hhy-ya, I tho-u-gh-t you were kidding”

“Nope, I wasn’t kidding, but dad we need to go this could be the last goodbye. The last opportunity to see...Steven”

“Tehya, I can’t promise you he’ll be there.”

“He will be there dad, I know it. I feel it. I sense it.”

We quickly put some clothes on and rush out the front door. We see uncles crow on the van, I know he’s going to take us somewhere. A place where me and him have been before...

As we are following him, we approach the dual carriage way, I see the signs to Colchester - 5 miles. It gets more interesting every blink of an eye, as that’s where Steven lived, I knew where we were going and I knew this would be the last ever time we go there.

“Sweet heart, are you sure we are meant to be here, we are in the middle of the woods?..”

“Don't worry dad, let’s just get out of the van, it’ll be ok, trust me...”

“Tehya, are you sure you know the way?!”

“Just follow the crow!”

“Alright Tehya, please be careful!”

“Dad your coming as well, you know!”

“No I didn’t know but... alright, quickly...over there...it’s the crow...follow it!”

We ran over to this tall hedge with, what it looked like, blossom flowers with the centre filled with crystals on it...

“This is it. DAD! This. Is. It...”

“Tehya , as much as I like adventures I am NOT going thro...” He paused, “Whoa, look at those flowers on there, they....are....AMAZINGGGGGGG! Even better than football! C'mon lets go inside...”

Entering the hedge, we see lots of crystals and when you touch them they glow like a colour changing light...

As we came out from the hedge, we seem to have transported to a crystal daydream. The sky was like the northern lights except better, a more magical feeling, like fun and exciting energy was around you, as if no one could harm you. Tree branches were full of life and colour but the leaves, they were EMERALDS! The stalks of the trees’ were all translucent like diamonds but with a tint of burgundy. The ground was like an ice-skating rink but not slippery! There were two benches, one crystal clear bench with rainbow glass shatters dotted on it and another one basically the same as the other but this time it was a rainbow bench with crystal glass shatters all dotted around on it. The most outstanding part of this place is the ‘Crystal Falls’ and what is so gobsmacking about this is that it is a waterfall...that falls...RAINBOW CRYSTAL WATER!

Honestly, I can’t believe it. I am here again. The last time I was here, I was with uncle that was the last time I saw him, well in human form...


“Calm down dad! Yes, I have been here before, in fact this was the last time I ever got to see Steven. Sorry, uncle...”

“That’s fine darling, I can’t believe this place, it’s very interes....WAIT...HOW DID THAT CROW JUST FLY INTO THAT CRYSTAL-WATERFALL!!!!”

“That, dad, is where I was last with uncle in this area, welcome to mine and Steven’s place...”

Walls inside the chrysalis caves shone brightly and were covered with pictures of me and my uncle every time I went there with him. The floor was a mirror and all you could see was the reflection of the roof and your feet. Shining brightly in the light, was five crystal trees but one of those trees had a crow sitting in the outside roots, exactly where Steven used to sit with me on his lap telling me stories of his life.

Then... the most astonishing and unforgettable thing happened...

One of the emeralds fell off the tree’s burgundy branches and dropped onto the beak of the crow sitting near our tree as a shooting spark came out of nowhere. In a split second, the crow that had been sat there starring at us had grown into a young adult with the same FACE as STEVEN!


“Steven!? My dear brother your still alive?!?!”

“My, my it’s nice to see you too, unfortunately I’m not me, well I am but not ... it’s confusing but they gave me a last chance to say a proper goodbye to the people I love the most...and I decided to bring it here, the most important place...in my life.”

“So, you formed into the crow, all this time was you?! I have so many questions I need to ask!”

“I can’t stay long, as I said, I am here to say goodbye, Tehya. I would love to answer your questions but I can’t but just know I’m always there.....”

“Steven,” my dad’s eyes grew bigger, “you have made her day, thank you; she’s been wanting to see you for ages, same with me. I’m glad we can settle with this now. We all love each other and nothing can come between that, thank you for sharing this moment with us and I’m glad the crow is always there because now we know you are always watching over us...”

“Yes, Uncle Ste, I love you and this place will always be remembered and will always be a big part of all of us...”

“I know Tehya, you are a big part of me and your father, come over here you two and give me a last hug, before I go...”

So, we did and as soon as we put our arms around each other, a dazzling spark came drifting down like a snowflake, lightly touched Steven’s head and he flew up to the sky with his soft, feathered, white angle wings. He looked down directly at us as he drifted into the fluffy white clouds....

So Tehya and her dad got what they were looking for, their uncle and brother...

And the thing Tehya believed in was to... ‘listen to the wind; it talks'. Listen to the silence; it speaks. But listen to your heart; it knows.

They’re always watching over you...

_______THE END ____

literaturefact or fiction

About the Creator

Steven Baldry

I have been writing Poetry since I was a teenager. Now in my late thirties I enjoy it more than ever. I find it a wonderful release and it helps me to free my mind and understand myself and my emotions.

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