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The Big, Tickly Monster

A Bedtime Story

By Hugh HatrickPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

The Big Tickily Monster

By Hugh Hatrick

One day, a long time ago. There were a couple of children called, “Nicholas and Grace”. They lived in a big castle with their Mummy and Daddy, the King and the Queen.

It was a Saturday morning and Nicholas got up out of his bed and said to his sister, “Grace, I think we should go out into the garden and into the woods after breakfast and find some nice flowers to give to Mummy”. Grace thought this was a great idea and replied, “Yes, let’s go and tell Mummy and Daddy what we are going to do”.

So they marched up to the big dining hall and told the King and the Queen their plans. Mummy the Queen said, ”That is a very nice thing to do and I would very much appreciate some new flowers to put in my special new vase. However, you do remember who lives in the woods don’t you? THE BIG TICKLY MONSTER AND HE WILL COME AND TICKLE YOU!!”.

Nicholas and Grace replied, “We’re not scared of the Big Tickly Monster, he’ll never catch us, we’re far too fast for him!”. But their Mummy the Queen said, “He won’t be running after you because he’s so quiet you’ll never hear him creeping through the trees and then HE’LL JUMP OUT AND TICKLE YOU!”.

“Well” said Nicholas firmly, “we’re going into the woods to pick some flowers and we’ll just have to see what happens!! We’ll be very careful and listen out for THE BIG TICKLY MONSTER!”.

Once Nicholas and Grace had finished their breakfast they headed out into the garden and then into the woods. They took a basket to put the flowers in and a bag to take some sandwiches and water for a lovely picnic.

When they finally made it to the woods, they stopped and sat down and ate their picnic. “That was scrumptious” said Grace. “That was yummy” said Nicholas.

Nicholas and Grace then started to pick some flowers and put them into the basket. Pick, Pick, Pick. Pick, Pick, Pick. As one by one the flowers mounted up in the basket. But as they were picking up the flowers, they had forgotten about the BIG TICKLY MONSTER! HE HAD SEEN THEM AND WAS CREEPING THROUGH THE WOODS TO JUMP OUT AND TICKLE THEM!!

And just as they filled up their basket with flowers. “BOOH!” shouted the big tickly monster and he started to tickle them! They dropped the basket of flowers and ran as fast as they could all the way back to the castle. When running across the drawbridge they shouted, “The Big Tickly Monster is chasing us!! Quick Quick, open the gates and let us in!”.

Once in the castle they caught their breath and sighed. “Well that was close!!” said Nicholas. Then Grace said, “What about the basket of flowers for Mummy?? Oh No, we left it when the Big Tickly Monster tickled us!”.

Nicholas and Grace went up to their Mummy & Daddy and told them what had happened. And guess what was their response! WE TOLD YOU SO!! NOW YOU KNOW TO WATCH OUT FOR THE BIG, TICKLY, MONSTER!!

That night, as they were about to go to bed and the lights had been turned out. Nicholas noticed a shadow emerging from the doorway and very slowly the door opened and the shadow got bigger and bigger and closer and closer until Nicholas shouted out, “Oh, who is that there? Don’t you know you’re not allowed in my room??”. But the shadow continued silently to get closer and closer and bigger and bigger UNTIL, “BOOH”, IT WAS THE BIG TICKLY MONSTER!! He tickled Nicholas and Grace so much they couldn’t stop laughing and got the hick ups!! Hick up, hick up they both couldn’t stop! And as they turned on the light to see who was there, they discovered that it wasn’t the big tickly monster at all, it was, “DADDY!!!!”.

And with that they turned the lights off, said goodnight, God Bless, love you and slept till the next morning!

Good Night! Sleep Tight!!

@copyright 2020 www.hughhatrick.com


About the Creator

Hugh Hatrick

I entered the Starbucks new writer of the year competition and came 3rd out of the entries across Scotland. Now I've published 2 books. www.hughhatrick.com is where you can buy them! An Orlando Travel Guide & Bedtime Stories for 12+.

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