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Never Call Them Stupid

Some steps to deal with your children if you see them with limited intelligence

By Judith IsidorePublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Never Call Them Stupid
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

Parents’ continuous reprimanding of a child with limited intelligence out of motivation, encouragement and advice, only generates feelings of shaky self-confidence, failure, aggression and other negative feelings that appear in the long run more clearly, and it is difficult to deny their presence in the personality of the individual.

While psychologists stress the need to replace critical speech directed at the child themselves, to criticism directed at the act they do or the wrong behaviour they perform, and the study statistics confirmed that children who grow up in an environment full of comparisons and reprimands; This negative criticism negatively affects their upbringing and makes them more susceptible to diseases and mental disorders. It also makes them introverted and prefer isolation from mixing with society. Therefore, it is important in the relationship of parents with their children to avoid any negative talk or reprimand, even if it is unintentionally; It must also be recognised the impact of this talk on the lives of their children and its negative impact on them.

In this article, we will show you some ideas that will help you develop your child's skills and deal with them in a psychologically sound manner.

  • Encourage them to take on new experiences

One of the mistakes that parents make is to suppress the child's actions and control their actions all the time; Which makes them lose their ability to act spontaneously and turn into a hesitant person and think a lot in vain; Therefore, it is necessary to allow your child the freedom to act and do what they like, while setting limits on behaviour that may harm them or result in harm and general harm. Encouraging your child and giving them space will show their talents and increase their self-confidence and thus affect them positively.

  • Praise their effort, not their abilities or skills

Sometimes a child with limited intelligence makes a great effort, but without an amazing result; The result comes according to their diligence and abilities at the same time, and not according to their abilities only or their diligence only; So it is important that you feel appreciated and grateful for all your child's efforts, even if it was in vain. This appreciation will give them self-confidence and will improve their performance over time.

  • Do not be afraid of failure and make it a hindrance to them

Not allowing your child's feelings of failure to dominate your child's feelings does not mean that you tolerate them or tolerate the idea of ​​their failure and delay. But what is meant is that you reconcile with their unintended stumbles and failures resulting from a lack of experience or competence. Do not allow yourself to insult them for failing to practice a particular sport or for obtaining a bad result in an exam; Rather, search with them for the cause of failure and work to fix it, and never despair of encouraging them and showing their merits in front of themselves, and at the same time not tolerating them in an exaggerated manner, justifying that they are a child with limited intelligence, but rather set clear penalties when wrong and repetitive actions are deliberately issued.

  • Help them discover their talents

It is common knowledge that we all have talents, some of us succeed in discovering them, and some remain lost and do not know what their strengths or talents are; So here comes the role of proper education in discovering the individual’s talents. Parents have a great role in helping the child from a young age to discover and enhance their talents and strengths; This is by giving them the freedom and space to try new and different things, and not to permanently suppress their spontaneity or criticise their behaviour. Do not underestimate the discovery of their talents since childhood; This may be the reason for their success in the future or their superiority in a particular field.

Never make fun of them

No matter how bad your son's behaviour is, do not make the situation worse by making fun of them and lowering themselves to the level of their intellect or their age. Therefore, they must warn them, advise them, and take their hands so that they do not repeat their mistake, but calling them negative words and making fun of them and mocking them will make them acquire negative reactions from you and repeat them later in different situations. Positive inside them and to gain them speaking skills and how to respond and defend instead of making fun of them .

  • Help them create beautiful memories with you

Sharing with your children in their best time will make them feel grateful for you all the time, and will help them feel feelings of love and affection, and then this will help in bringing them up in a psychologically sound way; And they will be qualified to establish successful social relations and participate in a family together, so do not skimp on your time or effort on your children, and work as much as possible so that you can prepare for them happy and fun times and good memories that will be immortalised in their memory.

  • Encourage them to exercise regularly

If there are some children who did not achieve the academic excellence desired by the parents, they can compensate for this by succeeding in practising and excelling in a particular sport. With the many and different types of sports, you can choose the appropriate sport for your child that they can succeed in, and you can also choose the most appropriate sport for them according to their inclinations and personality; And if you are hesitant to choose, you can ask them about their inclinations and what they want to try, or you can search for different types of sports and get to know them more and find out the most suitable sport for their personality.

After the child, whether they are of limited intelligence or not, starts practising a particular sport, their physical fitness and flexibility will be noticed in the long run if they continue to practice it, and you will feel a remarkable development in their behaviour and self-confidence, there is a big difference between a child who practised sports from a young age and a child who grew up Without practising any kind of sports to drain their energies.

In the end, do not forget that your children are the result of what you sow in them, and they are the product of what you say to them; If you want to raise mentally healthy and socially healthy children; Always work to instill confidence within them and do not underestimate them or underestimate their abilities because every harsh behaviour or word that may be issued by you may cause them scars that become psychological traumas that they bear the consequences of throughout their life.


About the Creator

Judith Isidore

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