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Love, Patience, Messy, Frustration. The list goes on and we definitely feel it.

By MICHELLE SMITHPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Remember the first smile? The first skin-to-skin contact? Those are memories that you will carry with you forever. Memories that we keep in a book to look back on as our children grow older. Motherhood changes you, even if you don’t think that it will. I never thought becoming a mother would change how I view the world. How I want my children to grow up. All that has changed in the back of my mind. Those little humans as I call them have helped me to view this world from a different view. They’ve opened my eyes.

Becoming a mother is one of the best times in your life. You can’t all the first moments. It will be frustrating at first, tired some as well but at the end of each day, you still love them with all your heart. No matter what challenges the day brings, watching that little person grow right in front of you is amazing. Motherhood comes with its good and bad moments but the bond between a mother and child is priceless.

There is not a specific definition for the word, “Motherhood” but just the love, care, and affection that we show our children is the best way to describe it. I remember the first time they placed my first son in my arms, I was nervous. Exhaustion had taken over, I was confused due to complications but that moment that I saw him laying on my chest made all those other feelings fade away. The same feeling washed over me when my second had arrived. Even though it wasn’t a planned pregnancy and I struggled through the whole nine months, the feeling of love, warmth, care, and affection all washed over me when they placed him into my arms. All you can think about is how soft and warm they feel. Like nothing else in the world matters.

Fast forward to a few months, even a few years. Things tend to get complicating as they grow into their own person. From experience, I’ve learned that patience isn’t a strong suit of mine. As a mother, I’m always thinking that I need to be the best, to be perfect. When in reality I am not perfect, and I know that. Being a mother is just like working a second job, except you never clock out. You can’t call in sick or just throw up your hands and say you quit. On the toughest days, you must try your hardest to do the best that you can. So even when I am trying to be, “perfect”, I must remind myself that I also need to lead by example. I need to show compassion, care, and especially patience. As our children grow, so does the attitude. It is so easy to get frustrated with them than to sit and talk it out. I know because I have an eleven-year-old son who is slowly going through the “change”, known as puberty. Things at home have been frustrating especially with the other issues he has been diagnosed with. The point being, don’t let the little things get you. Yes, I know I should be taking my own advice but honestly, I am trying. It is a work in progress, and I love my children very much, but I also know that many mothers can understand how frustrating it can become. At the end of each day though we just need to remind ourselves of what we signed up for and that is to love our children no matter what.

Motherhood isn’t for everyone, but once that child arrives you kick right into parent mode. Your whole life changes before you. Those memories will be with you forever. Motherhood is a precious gift from above. We need to remind ourselves that we need to teach our children to be kind, respectful, and learn to love one another. As a mother, we have a responsibility to our children. Do you remember when your child first came into this world? How did you feel? Did it change your life? I can tell you that it has changed mine since I’ve had my second child. Motherhood is an amazing experience. It won’t seem like it when you are giving birth but once it is all over and they place that beautiful child in your arms, your thoughts just melt away. Never take motherhood for granted.

I just felt that a reminder needed to be given, that motherhood is precious. It has been awake-up call for me since I just gave birth three months ago. I am still very hormonal, and my emotions are all over the place. As I was sitting here writing this, all types of thoughts popped into my head. I just hope this helps others to remember that your children are precious, they need to be loved. Never take any moment you get with them for granted. They grow quickly and soon enough are on their own. Be there for them, show them all you can. Be the mother that you are mean to be and know that you are doing the best job you can. No one said it was going to be easy.

Remind yourself every chance you can: I am a good mom, I am doing the best I can, I got this and today is a new day let’s try again.


About the Creator


An inspirational poet. Writing poems to show others that it is okay to show feelings another way. I've tried a couple articles but I've found I'm better at the poetry. Just want to inspire and encourage others through tough times.

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