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"Microfiction Magic: Embracing the Challenge to Ignite My Writing"

Unleashing Creativity and Refining Skills Through the Power of Concise Storytelling

By Sonia khan Published about a year ago 3 min read
"Microfiction Magic: Embracing the Challenge to Ignite My Writing"
Photo by Almos Bechtold on Unsplash

Ever since I joined Vocal in January 2022, I've eagerly participated in numerous challenges, and among them, I achieved the honor of being the runner-up in the "After the Parade" challenge. Each challenge had its own unique qualities. "After the Parade" coincided perfectly with my decision to publicly embrace my identity as omnisexual. "The Fantasy Prologue" allowed me to indulge in my favorite genre of writing, while "Christopher Paolini's Fantasy Fiction" offered an enticing prize that stood out among the rest. Additionally, challenges like "The Mystery Box," "The Runaway Train," and "Under Purple Clouds" presented opportunities for me to experiment with different styles and genres. However, out of all the challenges, "Microfiction Magic" holds a special place in my heart as my favorite one thus far.

There are two significant reasons why this challenge stands out to me:

It compels me to write, even when time is scarce.

I must admit that my most common excuse for not writing is a perceived lack of time. Even when it comes to short stories, blog posts, or articles, I find myself thinking, "Who has the time for 600...1,000...5,000 words?" But microfiction is different. Its brevity allows me to overcome that mental block of time constraints. With only 100 words or less, I can squeeze in writing whenever I have a moment of inspiration or a brief pause in my schedule. Whether it's capturing my thoughts before bedtime, taking a quick break from my current freelancing project, or stealing a moment before attending to my mischievous dogs, microfiction fits into those fleeting gaps. Is it perfect? Not by a long shot. I'll undoubtedly need to review it countless times before entering it into the challenge, and even then, it may not meet my own standards. Nevertheless, at least I can claim to have written something I consider "complete."

It helps me refine my writing in a concise manner.

I tend to be verbose. Unfortunately, this inclination sometimes causes me to lose sight of essential elements in storytelling, such as character development and plot structure. Microfiction leaves no room for excessive language. Every word must be precise and meaningful, contributing to characterization and plot, no matter how subtly. Writing microfiction for this challenge has compelled me to approach my writing differently, with a level of deliberation I haven't experienced since completing my master's program. I've had to consider the nuanced layers words can convey, redefine the concept of a plot, and find ways to depict a character's traits without excessive detail. It's been both challenging and invigorating, reigniting my passion for writing.

Will any of my stories win a coveted place among the challenge's winners? I cannot say. Each round is filled with impressive contenders, as is the case with every challenge. Nevertheless, this time, I won't be as disappointed if I don't emerge victorious. Winning is undoubtedly desirable, as it brings validation and monetary rewards, but that's not the sole purpose of my participation in this challenge. I'm genuinely embracing the challenge within this challenge itself—the opportunity to write and enhance my skills in ways I haven't done for years. Perhaps I'll even continue writing microfiction after the challenge concludes. Depending on Vocal's future policies regarding minimum word counts for fiction, I might not be able to share it here, but I'll persist to refine my skills. I suppose that's why Vocal refers to them as "challenges" rather than "contests" or "competitions"—they aim to challenge us, not solely for the possibility of a prize but to make us better writers.

Feel free to explore my microfiction stories, namely "The Hunter," "Isolation," "The Grand Experiment

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Sonia khan

As a story writer, I am passionate about crafting compelling narratives that transport readers to new and exciting worlds. With a keen eye for detail and a vivid imagination,, I am driven by a deep love for storytelling.

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