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Meet All 3 Daughters of Nollywood Actress Sola Sobowale (Photos).

Her daughters are so pretty.

By Jide OkonjoPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Her daughters are so pretty.

Sola Sobowale is a Nollywood icon. Since breaking into the scene in movies like The Village Headmaster, Mirror in the Sun, and a slew of Yoruba movies, Sola made her big break when she appeared in the 2001 edition of popular Nigerian TV drama series, Super Story on the season, Super Story: Oh Father, Oh Daughter.

It was because of this role that she went on to become popularly known as Toyin Tomato. Even now, many people still refer to Sola as Toyin Tomato. After the success of her performance on Super Story, she went on to star in movies like Love From Above, Dangerous Twins, and Total Disgrace.

In 2016, she appeared in one of Nigeria’s biggest movies till date The Wedding Party where she was once again the standout performance from the movie. She reprised the role again in the second edition of the movie, The Wedding Party 2. As if stealing the scene on both of those movie sets wasn’t enough, Sola came for blood when she stepped into the role of Alhaja Eniola Salami in the critically acclaimed mega-movie, King of Boys released in 2018. The second part of King of Boys is slated to be released this year, 2021, and it is the most anticipated Nollywood movie of the year.

Sola in King of Boys

While Sola is famously referred to as the King of Boys, in her personal life, she actually has more daughters than sons. Being blessed with five children, Sola has five daughters and two sons.

Today we’ll be taking a look at all 3 of Sola Sobowale’s beautiful daughters. Are you ready to see the smaller Toyin Tomatoes, then let’s go!

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Taiwo Sobowale

Taiwo Sobowale is one of a set of twin daughters. Taiwo is referred to as ‘Omo Butter’ by her twin sister and while she doesn’t have much of a public social media presence, we do know that Taiwo is a fan of KPop and romantic movies. She’s really pretty.

Kehinde Sobowale

The second half of the twin duo is Kehinde. She is a lot more active on social media than Taiwo. She is an artist, an accountant, a model, and considers herself a jack of all trades. Just like Taiwo and her mum, Kehinde is also really beautiful.

Mimi Sobowale

The youngest of all three daughters, Mimi Sobowale is as you can expect the most active on social media of all three sisters. Mimi is a model and has quite a significant social media following. I mean why won’t she? She’s really pretty as well.

Those are all 3 of Sola’s daughters but I think it’ll be fun to also see all 3 girls together, and even better, pictures of them all together with their mum. So here you go. Enjoy!

Sola Sobowale is very blessed. A bustling acting career, five strong and healthy children, three beautiful daughters, and from what it looks like, peace of mind and joy in her life. Sola Sobowale is living the dream and we’re all so happy to see it and so happy for her. I cannot wait for King of Boys 2.

That’s All.

I hope you’ve had fun. Don’t forget to like my page if you don’t already for more stories like this, the fun never ends!

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Until next time, have a wonderful rest of your day.


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Jide Okonjo

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