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How to Support Your Community During Tough Times

By: Chris Hilken

By Chris HilkenPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Going through tough times as a community will require people to band together. It’s possible to make it through tumultuous situations, but it’s easier to do so when you have the support that you need. You want to do your best to support your community during times like this. Continue reading to learn about ways that you can support the community during challenging days.

Buying From Local Businesses

Simply focusing on supporting local businesses is a great way to help your community. Communities struggle when local businesses have to close their doors. Instead of buying from large chain stores or ordering things online, it’d be better to support local shops. This allows your money to go to families in the community that are experiencing the same hardships as you.

Volunteer at the Food Bank

Volunteering at the food bank or other such places will help as well. This is a way that you can give back to the community. Those who are having the toughest time need to be able to eat. You can give a bit of time to help those who are going through the worst situations.

Treat Everyone With Kindness

During challenging times, everyone is going to feel stressed. Showing kindness during this time can go a long way. Hold the door open for people, be supportive of others, and try to be a positive individual. Sometimes small actions can be the light of hope that makes things easier for others.

Donate Money

Donating money to local charities, churches, and organizations can make a difference. If you’re in a position to help, this is a way to put the community first. You can help the community to recover by ensuring that important programs have needed funds. Of course, if you’re struggling financially, this isn’t something you should do, but it’s an option when you’re doing well enough to be of assistance.

Support Groups

Sometimes just talking with others about what’s happening will be positive. Joining support groups or making your own support groups will be a good idea. This gives people a place where they can talk with others about what’s going on. You can give each other strength and help each other in various ways so that you can keep moving toward better days.

Christopher Hilken is a multi-faceted individual who works as a professor, a student counselor, and an advisor at Summit Bible College. He lives in San Diego and is a part of the college's faculty in the Systematic Theology division.

As a professor, Christopher helps his students navigate through various issues that they may encounter in the classroom. He has also been a mentor to many individuals who are seeking guidance in their lives. For years, he was instrumental in forming the youth groups of North Coast Church.

Besides being a professor, Chris is also known for his leadership abilities, philanthropy, fundraising, and public speaking. He is frequently invited to speak at various events across the country. He often discusses topics such as parenting, grief, and apologetics. He enjoys participating in various conferences and retreats, such as the Hume Christian Camps. He often discusses the scientific proof of God's existence. As a widowed father of five, Christopher often shares his experience with grief in order to help other individuals.

People come to hear Chris speak due to various reasons. His natural charisma and elocution skills allow him to deliver effective and engaging sermons. He also shares his personal experiences with grief.

Chris is the content director of Dad Tired, an online community for fathers who value their marriage, family, and religion. It was founded by Jerrad Lopes, a pastor. The weekly segments of the website are designed to provide fathers with practical advice and solutions. Since its inception, the movement has motivated over four million young men to become good rememberers. Dad Tired holds various training courses and retreats. Christopher frequently meets with the group's members.


About the Creator

Chris Hilken

At the young age of 25, Chris Hilken was promoted to the position of youngest megachurch pastor within the U.S. He has continued to excel ever since, traveling the U.S. as a guest lecturer and counselor. Read more on Christopher's blog.

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