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How To Put Your Baby to Sleep Fast

Strategies and Tips for Soothing Your Baby

By Kati BergoPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How To Put Your Baby to Sleep Fast
Photo by hessam nabavi on Unsplash

New parents tend to lose sleep. Between feedings and soothing crying, it’s hard to find time to recharge. Even a small bout of insomnia can have lasting effects and have you reaching for the coffee sooner than later. Fortunately, a little bit of planning and preparation can go a long way towards getting your baby sleeping through the night sooner rather than later. The following article will outline some helpful tips on how to put a baby to sleep faster with some simple strategies and tricks. Read on for more information.

  • Establish a Bedtime Routine

The first step towards putting your baby to sleep faster will be to establish a bedtime routine. By following a consistent set of activities prior to bed, your baby will be able to anticipate and understand what’s about to happen and in turn be more receptive to falling sleep. Developing and following a bedtime routine will allow your baby to relax and let go of any tension as well as help them understand that it’s time to sleep. Some helpful tips for developing and sticking to a bedtime routine include: - Create a consistent bedtime routine that follows the same sequence of events every time. - Be mindful of the environment in which you choose to do your bedtime routine. Avoid bright lights, excessive noise, and stimulation.

  • Darken the Room
  • When it comes to putting your baby to sleep faster, proper darkness in his/her environment is key. Babies are accustomed to a dark environment while they are in the womb. Following birth, they will likely remain most comfortable in a slightly darkened environment. Darkness will not only help your baby sleep longer, but it will also be effective in reducing the risk of SIDS. Keep in mind, however, that your baby will likely still need some light to feed. The following tips will help you achieve the proper amount of darkness your baby will need: - Place your baby’s crib away from bright lights, such as nearby windows or a TV. - Consider fitting your baby’s room with blackout curtains or a light-blocking shade/curtains. - Use a sleep mask for your baby to cover their eyes during feeding if light is an issue.

    >>This method helped 1000's of parents. See how here<<

    • Get Some Soft Background Noise

    While some babies may be able to fall asleep in complete silence, others will be more easily soothed by the sound of a fan or a soft noise. In particular, white noise is an effective way to drown out any potential distractions your baby may hear while they are trying to sleep. White noise is best suited for babies who are still in the process of developing their auditory systems and are unable to filter out unwanted sounds. The following tips will help you find the best source of white noise for your baby: - Invest in some white noise machines. There are a variety of machines out there that offer a wide range of settings and volume options. - Purchase a sound machine that is specially designed for babies. This machine will produce a white noise that is both softer and gentler than machines geared towards adults.

    • Be Consistent and Be Patient

    All babies are different. That said, all babies will not sleep through the night from day one. The key to putting your baby to sleep faster is to be consistent with your approach and be patient. Put the same amount of effort and care into getting your baby to sleep faster as you would putting them to sleep on the first night. And if you find yourself growing impatient, take a breather, get some water, and come back to it later. Let your baby know you’re in this together. They will eventually learn to sleep through the night. The following tips will help you stay consistent with your baby’s bedtime and sleep schedule: - Avoid letting your baby fall asleep while you are feeding them. Your baby will likely fall asleep and then need to feed again once they awaken. - Avoid abrupt changes in your baby’s sleep schedule. If you have a baby early in the week that is waking up and feeding every 2-3 hours, then expect the same amount of time to pass before they will again sleep through the night.

    >>Use The Same Method that Helped THOUSANDS of Parents. Click here to watch how<<

    • Try Aromatherapy

    Another effective way to put your baby to sleep faster is by using aromatherapy. By creating an environment that is both calm and soothing, you can help your baby relax and fall asleep. Aromatherapy can come in a variety of smells such as lavender, chamomile, or vanilla. The following tips will help you achieve the most effective aromatherapy for your baby’s sleep environment: - Create a warm bath for your baby by adding a few drops of essential oils to the water. - Spray a mist of essential oils in your baby’s sleep environment.

    N.B: This tip isn’t suitable for new born babies!

    • Try Blanket Therapy(Swaddle)

    If you have a newborn, chances are they will become accustomed to being swaddled while they are in the womb. Swaddling is the practice of wrapping a baby in a light, soft blanket that can calm, sooth, and relax them to sleep. By wrapping your baby in a blanket, you will be able to recreate the environment they are most accustomed to, ultimately helping them fall asleep. The following tips will help you get started with blanket therapy: - Purchase a light blanket that is specially designed for swaddling. - A swaddle is a special blanket that is designed to be lighter, smaller, and more effective in helping your baby sleep. Swaddling your baby in their sleep environment, will help them feel more comfortable and secure. - Be sure to keep the swaddle loose enough that your baby can still move their arms and legs freely.And If your baby is too old for swaddling, you can try a wearable blanket instead.

    >>This method made 1000's of parents succesful. See how here<<


    Putting your baby to sleep faster can be done with a little bit of preparation and some consistent strategies. By following a consistent bedtime routine, darkening the room, and creating soft background noise, you can help your baby relax and fall asleep. You can also use aromatherapy, a swaddle, and a swaddle to help put your baby to sleep quicker and more effectively. With these tips and tricks, you can help your baby sleep a little longer and ultimately help you get more sleep as well.

    >>This Method WORKS like MAGIC to Put Your Baby to Sleep<<

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    About the Creator

    Kati Bergo

    Full Time house wife & mama of 3 little precious munchkins

    Sharing 39 years of my life experiance

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