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How to Help a Family Member with Severe Depression

Helping Your Loved One with Depression

By Rocky Published about a year ago 3 min read
How to Help a Family Member with Severe Depression

Depression doesn't occur on its own. Everyone can face it. When a loved one is suffering, family members and friends may feel helpless and unsure of how to help a family member with severe depression..

Helping to your loved one who is depressed might be difficult and challenging if you don't know what they need. Here we will explore how to help a family member with severe depression and how you can begin to assist.

Symptoms of Depression

Many depressed individuals typically experience symptoms that are severe enough to interfere with daily activities including job, school, social interactions, or interpersonal relationships. Others could experience overall misery or unhappiness without understanding why. Instead of being sad, children and teenagers who are depressed may act grumpy or irritated. The indications and symptoms of depression differ from person to person. They may include:


Decreased appetite and weight loss or increased cravings for food and weight gain

Angry outbursts, irritability, or frustration

Loss of interest or pleasure in most or all normal activities, such as sex, hobbies, or sports

Insomnia or sleeping excessively

Tiredness and lack of energy, so even small tasks require extra effort

Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, focusing on past mistakes or blaming yourself for things that are not your fault

Difficulty thinking, concentrating, making decisions, and remembering things

Frequent or recurrent mention of death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, or suicide

Unexplained physical issues, such as back pain or headaches

How to Support a Family Member with Bipolar Disorder

Manic depression, formerly known as bipolar disorder, is a mental health illness that results in sharp mood swings, including emotional highs and lows.

Keep in mind that no one is to blame for your loved one's despair. Although you can't treat someone's depression, your compassion and support might be helpful. How you can help a loved one:

1. Learn about Depression

Your loved one might not be able to recover. But if you educate yourself on mood disorders like depression, you'll be able to comprehend his or her state better. You'll feel more in control of the situation and have more tolerance to put up with the annoying or perplexing symptoms if you educate yourself about your loved one's disease.

2. Listen to Them Carefully

Tell your loved one that you're interested in learning about his or her feelings. When someone wants to communicate, pay close attention while avoiding offering suggestions, judgments, or opinions. Being receptive and understanding can be a very effective healing strategy.

3. Ask Questions and Dig for the Root Cause of the Depression

Help them unravel the mystery of their symptoms because you are more familiar with your sister, friend, brother, or father than the majority of mental health specialists. Because the area is so large and each person's experience is so unique, asking questions is essential. It's likely that your friend won't voluntarily divulge the facts you require since they are too embarrassed by their symptoms and worried about being judged. You must look for the information in order to understand what's happening better. Here are some queries to think about:

When did you initially feel unwell?

Do you have any ideas as to what might have set it off?

Have you ever considered suicide?

Is there anything that improves your mood?

What worsens your mood?

Do you feel stressed out?

4. Help Them Identify and Cope with Sources of Stress

Stress plays a major role in depression. Chronic stress releases cortisol into the bloodstream, which inflames the neurological system as well as every other biological system. It has been demonstrated that stress decreases the brain's natural capacity to maintain health. Stress also disrupts constructive coping mechanisms, which increases a person's susceptibility to mood fluctuations. Your role is to work with your loved one to identify stressors in their lives and come up with solutions.

To Read the Full Article, Click Here: How to Help a Family Member with Severe Depression


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