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Gardening is a way to connect with nature and to create something beautiful.

By uboho enoPublished 10 months ago 2 min read
Photo by Fiona Smallwood on Unsplash

The old gardener sat on the bench in the middle of his garden, watching the sun slowly set over the horizon. He had been gardening this plot of land for over 50 years, and it was hard to believe that it was all coming to an end.

He had been diagnosed with cancer a few months ago, and the doctors had told him that he didn't have much time left. He had decided to spend his remaining days in his garden, surrounded by the plants that he loved so much.

As he sat there, he thought back to all the memories he had made in this garden. He remembered the first time he planted a seed, and the excitement he felt when it finally sprouted. He remembered the hours he had spent weeding and watering, and the satisfaction he felt when he saw his plants grow and thrive.

He also remembered the people he had met in the garden. There had been the elderly woman who would come every day to sit on the bench and talk to him. There had been the young couple who had gotten married in the garden, and the children who had played in the sandbox.

The garden had been a place of joy and happiness for him, and he was grateful for all the memories he had made there. But he was also sad to be leaving it. He knew that he would never see it again, and that made him feel a sense of loss.

He took a deep breath and looked around one last time. The sun had set, and the garden was bathed in a soft glow. The flowers were still in bloom, and the birds were singing in the trees. It was a beautiful sight, and it made him smile.

He knew that he would never forget this place, and he would always cherish the memories he had made here. He closed his eyes and took one last look at the garden. Then, he stood up and walked away, knowing that he would never be back.

The next day, the old gardener died peacefully in his sleep. His family and friends were all there to say goodbye, and they knew that he had passed away in a place that he loved.

The old gardener's garden was eventually sold to a new family. They were kind people, and they loved the garden as much as the old gardener had. They continued to take care of the plants, and they even added some new ones.

The garden thrived under the new owners, and it became a popular spot for people to visit. People would come from all over to see the beautiful flowers and the lush greenery.

The old gardener's garden is still there today, and it is a reminder of his love of gardening. It is a place where people can come to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is a place where memories are made, and it is a place where the old gardener's spirit still lives on.

Moral of the story: Gardening is a way to connect with nature and to create something beautiful. It can also be a way to heal and to find peace. The old gardener's garden was a place of joy and happiness for him, and it will continue to bring joy to others for many years to come.


About the Creator

uboho eno

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