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Following the Darkness

Finding the Light

By Susan KlassenPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Following the Darkness
Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

“Your mother left this for you”, the funeral directors soft voice broke through Ruth’s thoughts. “It’s part of the estate and fortune left to you.”

He extended a small black book in her direction.

Ruth flipped through the pages. The only inscription she found was “to find me, follow the darkness”.

“I was told to tell you, it goes along with the key she gave you”, the director continued.

Ruth looked up at him in confusion. “What key?”

“Your mother’s estate mentioned something about a black box. That’s all I know.”

Ruth rubbed her thumb up and down the surface of the book, deep in thought.

Such a strange, awful day filled with so much useless information.

Pondering what the man had told her, Ruth gathered her things and headed home.

With the funeral directors’ words echoing in her mind, Ruth huddled under her blankets and fell into a fitful sleep. This goes with the key…she left this for you…this goes with the key…that is all I know.

Ruth awoke with a start and stared wide-eyed into the darkness. Only darkness was not all she saw. Over in the corner was a small glow, just above her desk. Filled with curiosity, Ruth made her way to the light. The small black book in one hand, the other outstretched ahead. Carefully, Ruth lifted the lid off her small jewelry box. Among the assortment of onyx stones, she kept there, was a small key. Ornate in design, as if made with vines and glowing as if alive. Ruth stared in awe at the sight.

This must be the key mother left. Ruth removed the key for closer inspection and the room began to glow brighter and brighter. Gasping, Ruth dropped the items she was holding and was plunged into darkness. Blinded by the sudden change, Ruth reached out, grasping for anything nearby. Her hands finding the book and once again, a small glow came from the key. Baffled by what had transpired, Ruth took the key once again, turning it over in her hand, inspecting every inch. Finding nothing, she turned to the book.

Flipping through the previously empty pages, Ruth was spellbound to find her mother’s handwriting filled the book. The book told of an ancient family home where everything was full of light and life and happiness. Reading the stories filled Ruth with such longing and sadness. The life she had had with her mother had had all those things and when her mother had left, she took it all with her. The only remnants proving her previous life was not a dream were the few objects in her hands.

Filling with despair and choking on her overflowing sobs, Ruth tried desperately to pretend she was living in the world her mother’s stories told of. She imagined they were there together in the land of the light and the good where there was only happiness and laughter. Ruth’s body racked with sorrow as she grieved was once was. She clutched the book and the key to her chest and rocked back and forth.

“I can’t do this alone! Mother, where are you?” she yelled. “I can’t do this without you.”

Rain fell in heavy drops onto the canopy of leaves and dripped onto Ruth’s head. Looking around in confusion, Ruth realized she was no longer on her bedroom floor. Rather, she was sitting on the forest floor in complete and wet darkness.

To find me, follow the darkness”.

“It’s all darkness!” Ruth yelled into the night.

Ruth pushed herself up and brushed the mud off her clothes. Depositing the book and the key into her pocket, Ruth followed the path through the trees, searching for any indication of where she was.

To find me, follow the darkness”. This time, as if whispered on the wind.

“Mother, where are you?!”

Ruth stumbled through the forest looking for something she did not know. Exhausted, she stumbled into the first cave she found. This will do for now. Dropping onto a rock, Ruth huddled with her hands in her pockets for warmth. The book and the key began to once again emit their glow, but this time with an added hum, as if they were trying to convey some urgency.

With the light bouncing off the vine covered walls, Ruth made her way to the back of the cave. The further she explored, the more urgent the humming became, until suddenly it stopped, and the only sound was the echoes of laughter and cheer. Following the sound to the far corner behind a thick cropping of leaves, Ruth found a large intricately adorned door etched into the cavern wall. Wondering why the decorations looked familiar, Ruth realized it matched that of the key left by her mother.

Swiftly, Ruth pulled the key from her pocket and inserted it into the door and turned. With a rush, the door opened, and bright warmth and happiness washed over Ruth. Squinting her eyes to see through the light, Ruth saw a figure reaching out to her.

“Welcome Home, Ruth. I’m glad you made it.”

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Susan Klassen

Writing to share my stories.

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