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Feeling Worthless

An Excerpt from I Am A Good Mom, Right?: And Other Thoughts from a (Slightly) Overwhelmed Mom of Two Small Boys

By Shelley WengerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Part of the cover of my book!

Feeling Worthless

Ever since I quit my job, which was not going well anyway, I’ve been feeling quite worthless.

I know that taking care of the children is very important. I even dreamed of being a stay-at-home mom when I was working regularly. I could not wait to quit.

Then, the reality set in. I hate the feeling that I do not help with the finances. I am good at spending money, with trips to the grocery store, taking care of the bills, and all of the other things that pop up. I just don’t bring any in.

I wish that I contributed somehow. Money is really tight, yet I can’t complain when we can’t afford to do things because I am not working.

I try to do things to help a little. My Creative Memories business is mostly an excuse to get a discount. The only people I sell any supplies to are other mom-friends, so they are in the same boat. I love creating scrapbooks for others, but I haven’t found many customers for that. I am just not a sales person, especially when it comes to such a small group of people who love to scrapbook. Most people are quick to say that they don’t have time to scrapbook.

When I got pregnant again, they started cutting my hours back at work. Using this extra time, I decided to take some classes for stay-at-home jobs. I debated between medical transcription and medical coding and billing.

I decided to start with the transcription classes since I enjoyed typing. I felt since I worked at a veterinary office, I would have a little more experience with medical terms. However, I really struggled through the classes. I needed complete silence to complete the tests, which is very hard when you have a screaming baby. It turned out that it was not a good fit for me at all. I struggled through the class but knew that I wouldn’t be able to work from home as a transcriptionist.

Once I graduated, I found that it was not easy to get a job, especially one where you could work at home. You needed years of experience before they allowed you to work at home. Often, you had to pass a test. You were allowed to use books on the tests, but I struggled to pass the one test that I took.

By then, Evan had been born and I went back to my regular job. They only gave me eight hours a week. Since the classes were all so similar, I only had to take a few more to graduate from the medical coding and billing program, so I decided to take them. I really enjoyed those classes. Still, I had trouble finding a job. Most coders start as receptionists and work their way up the chain.

Since that was not working out, I looked into other classes from the same college. They had one on freelance writing. I have always enjoyed writing and thought that I might like to try that career.

Instead of taking the class, I bought a few books. I started sending out for magazine samples and writer’s guidelines. I learned about sites on the internet where I could make some money. I spent a little time every morning working on those sites. I also studied the magazines and their guidelines during nap time.

By that time, I wasn’t bringing in enough money, and money was too tight. I was also struggling with the fact that I was not helping with the finances. I found a job using my medical coding and billing knowledge but I had to go into the office several times a week. I was hoping that it would give me enough experience to find a coding job at home in the future. A few months later, a job opened up at the veterinary clinic down the road. I started working there one to two days a week, while still working at the chiropractor office.

Several years later, I am now working part-time at the veterinary office and building my writing business (I finally found my own way). I no longer feel worthless.

It is crazy that raising children was not enough for me; I still felt so worthless. But you can’t help how you feel. It’s a shame that mothers have to feel that way. Raising children is not an easy job!

If you want to read more, don’t hesitate to head over to Amazon to check it out. It is on sale for 99 cents!


About the Creator

Shelley Wenger

Small town country girl in southern Pennsylvania. Raising two boys on a small farm filled with horses, goats, chickens, rabbits, ducks, dogs, and a cat. Certified veterinary technician and writer at Virtually Shelley.

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