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Empower your child to "plug" into their own potential and seek out the light of their own unique path.

Teach how to fish and not give the fish…

By Meng Don Danny LimPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Credit : @successpictures

In today's world, children have access to an unprecedented amount of information. With the internet and technology at their fingertips, they can easily find answers to their questions and learn about the world around them. However, this multitude of information can sometimes be more counter-productive than productive. It can blur their thinking and cause them to lose their way.

As parents, we often underestimate the amount of knowledge our children possess. We assume that they are oblivious to what is happening around them, but in reality, they may know a lot more than we give them credit for. The challenge is not in the amount of information available to them, but in their ability to process and make sense of it all.

Not all information is "good" food for our children's minds. There is a lot of misinformation and harmful content out there that can pollute their thoughts and lead them astray. It is important for our children to have the skills to handle all the information that comes their way, both positive and negative. They need to be able to discern what is true and what is not, what is helpful and what is harmful.

Sometimes all that is needed is for someone to show our children the light and illuminate the path for them. As parents and caregivers, we can guide them in their journey and help them make sense of the world around them. We can teach them how to think critically and evaluate the information they encounter. We can help them develop the skills they need to navigate this complex world.

One way we can help our children develop these skills is by being actively involved in their education. We can work with their teachers and schools to ensure that they are learning how to think critically and evaluate information. We can also provide them with resources and tools at home to help them practice these skills.

Technology also plays a big role in how our children access and process information. As parents, we need to be aware of the potential dangers that come with technology use and take steps to protect our children from harmful content. We can set up parental controls on their devices and monitor their online activity to ensure that they are accessing age-appropriate content.

In addition to protecting our children from harmful content, we can also use technology as a tool to help them learn and grow. There are many educational apps and websites available that can help our children develop critical thinking skills and learn about the world around them. By using technology in a responsible and productive way, we can help our children make the most of the information available to them.

It's also important for us as parents to model good behavior when it comes to technology use. We should set boundaries for ourselves and limit our own screen time so that we can be present with our children and engage with them in meaningful ways. By setting a good example, we can teach our children how to use technology in a healthy and balanced way.

By providing our children with the tools they need to handle the information that comes their way, we empower them to take control of their own lives. They can initiate change and take action to integrate what they learn into their daily lives. They can become informed and responsible citizens who make a positive impact on the world around them.

In conclusion, it is important for us as parents and caregivers to recognize the challenges that come with the abundance of information available to our children. We must help them develop the skills they need to process and make sense of it all. By guiding them and showing them the way, we can empower them to become responsible and informed citizens who make a positive impact on the world.


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