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Effects of vegetable and watermelon juice on infant health

A short summary of drinking vegetable & watermelon juices to enhance the health of our daughter little Dawnxi

By Dawnxisoul393Published 2 years ago 7 min read
《Healthy Girl》, Painted by Dawnxisoul393

The toxic substances in the baby mainly come from two ways: one way is the pollutants in the atmosphere and water sources, which invade the human body through breathing and eating, represented by heavy metals such as lead, aluminum, and mercury. Another way is the waste of food after metabolism in the baby, such as free radicals, indole, hydrogen sulfide, etc. Vegetable juice can remove the toxins and wastes accumulated in the baby's body, make the blood alkaline, dissolve the toxins accumulated in the cells, and discharge them out of the body. Drinking more vegetable juice can supplement the baby's body with comprehensive nutrition and improve their immunity and disease resistance. Summer is the season when all kinds of vegetables are on the market. Choose some healthy seasonal vegetables to make vegetable juice. Our experience tells us that six kinds of vegetable juice such as cucumber are very beneficial to a baby's health. The preparation method of our vegetable juice is very simple. Wash and cut the vegetables into small pieces, put them in boiling water for 15 to 30 seconds (different vegetables, different times), and then put them into the vegetable juicer to stir.

"Cucumber juice is a vegetable juice that our daughter little Dawnxi consumes regularly", illustrated by dawnxisoul393

Cucumber juice is a vegetable juice that our daughter little Dawnxi consumes regularly. Although cucumber is very cheap and common, its medicinal value and edible value to the baby are very high. On the medical value table of cucumber juice arranged by doctors, the diuretic effect is among the best. Cucumber juice also plays an important role in strengthening the baby's heart. Cucumber juice can also calm and strengthen the baby's nervous system and enhance the baby's memory. Cucumber juice also has a certain effect on a baby's gum damage and the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. Cucumber juice contains many elements that are needed for a baby's hair and nails. Drinking some cucumber juice to the baby can not only clear away heat and relieve summer heat but also promote the excretion of intestinal toxins and increase the baby's physical immunity. Half an hour before meals or one hour after meals are the best. If the baby drinks it half an hour before meals, it can play an appetizing role. If the baby drinks it one hour after meals, it can promote food digestion and absorption and help gastrointestinal digestion.

"Carrots contain vitamin A and other vitamins, which can improve the baby's appetite", illustrated by dawnxisoul393

When Doris was breastfeeding, she drank carrot juice every day to improve her overall body condition and the quality of her mother's milk. Carrot juice can improve the baby's appetite and resistance to infection. After weaning, the baby sometimes has a bad appetite. Carrots contain vitamin A and other vitamins, which can improve the baby's appetite. Carrots are very rich in vitamin A, and the nutrients in vitamin A can promote children's visual development, and the carotene contained in carrot juice can also play an obvious role in benefiting the liver and brightening the eyes, preventing children from night blindness, and play a very obvious role in protecting children's visual system. The baby's stool can be adjusted by drinking carrot juice because carrot juice is rich in dietary fiber, which can make the baby's stool more unobstructed. Sometimes the baby has symptoms of throat discomfort, dry nasal cavity, red tongue, and yellow urine. Drinking carrot juice also has a good improvement effect.

"The roots and leaves of celery are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, and C", illustrated by dawnxisoul393

The roots and leaves of celery are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, and C. celery is nutritious and contains volatile aromatic oil. Therefore, it has a special flavor and can promote the baby's appetite. Celery is nutritious and has crude fiber. For the baby, drinking some celery juice between meals is helpful to the baby's gastrointestinal digestion. When we first add celery juice to our baby, it depends on the baby's acceptance. We need to give our baby an adaptation process. Celery is a high-fiber food. It produces a kind of lignin or intestinal fat through intestinal digestion. This kind of substance is an antioxidant. Drinking celery juice can whiten and protect the skin. Celery is rich in iron and is easy to be absorbed and used by the baby's body. A baby often drinks celery juice, which can prevent iron deficiency anemia. Celery contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper, and zinc, which can improve the baby's immune function and reduce the baby's risk of disease. An alkaline ingredient in celery seed can stabilize the baby's mood and eliminate irritability.

"Vegetable juice can remove the toxins and wastes accumulated in the baby's body", illustrated by dawnxisoul393

Our little Dawnxi can get her daily requirement of vitamin C by drinking the juice of 1-2 tomatoes a day. Tomato contains a lot of citric acids and malic acid, which can promote the generation of a baby's gastric juice and strengthen the digestion of greasy food. Regular drinking of tomato juice can make your baby's skin fit. Tomatoes are also rich in citric acid and fruit acid, which can help the baby digest and promote appetite. Tomato contains dietary fiber, lycopene, sugar, vitamins A, B, C, and D, organic acids, enzymes, and other nutrients, especially the content of VC, which is 3-4 times that of apple. It is suitable for children with incomplete teeth. Tomato contains a lot of malic acids and citric acid, and tomato juice can also promote metabolism, improve digestion and alleviate the symptoms of infant dyspepsia. Tomato juice can effectively prevent emphysema. Tomato juice is effective in preventing emphysema, according to the data, researchers mixed tomato juice with the same amount of water as the water the lab rats were drinking and conducted experiments, the onset of emphysema was completely controlled.

Vitamin A in cabbage juice can promote a baby's growth and prevent night blindness. The selenium contained in cabbage juice not only helps to prevent and treat the baby's amblyopia but also helps to enhance the bactericidal power of the baby's white blood cells and resist the toxicity of heavy metals to the body. When the baby's gum infection causes periodontal disease, drinking the mixed juice of cabbage and carrot can not only supply a lot of vitamin C for the baby but also clean the baby's mouth. Cabbage juice is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, dietary fiber, carotene, a small amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and so on. The contents of dietary fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C in cabbage juice are high, which is very helpful to the baby's intestinal health, visual development, and immunity. For babies with accumulated food, cabbage juice also has the effect of eliminating food, and for babies with lung heat cough, it has the effect of clearing lungs and relieving cough. The zinc content of cabbage juice is also among the best in vegetables, which plays a good role in improving a baby's immunity and promoting brain development.

"Watermelon juice can also promote the baby's urination", illustrated by dawnxisoul393

The water content of watermelon juice reached 91.5%, it can effectively supplement the water in the baby's body and prevent the baby from heatstroke due to water loss. Watermelon juice can also promote the baby's urination and discharge the excess heat in the baby's body to achieve the effect of clearing away heat and relieving summer heat. Watermelon juice contains almost all the nutrients needed by the baby. The lycopene content of watermelon juice exceeds that of tomatoes. A cup of watermelon contains about 6 mg lycopene, while a tomato only contains about 4 mg lycopene. As a super antioxidant, lycopene can enhance the function of the baby's immune system. Watermelon juice contains protease, which can convert insoluble protein into water-soluble protein to help babies absorb protein. Watermelon skin is also rich in nutrition, including glucose, malic acid, glycine, fructose, sucrose, protein amino acids, watermelon amino acids, lycopene, and rich vitamin C, which can improve the baby's disease resistance.

"When our little Dawnxi sees us drinking vegetable juice", illustrated by dawnxisoul393

We explained to our little Dawnxi the benefits of drinking vegetable juice, such as that her body would be stronger, she wouldn't get sick, she wouldn't need medication, she wouldn't need shots, her hair would be darker and softer, she would be prettier, etc. (all of which she met). When we were kids, we all didn't like vegetables or vegetable juice and loved eggs, and our little Dawnxi is the same way. But when our little Dawnxi sees us drinking vegetable juice, she will be convinced of the benefits of drinking vegetable juice. We involve our little Dawnxi in the process of buying and choosing vegetables so that little Dawnxi is more willing to drink juice from the vegetables she bought with mommy and daddy. There are many benefits of vegetable juices for babies, but it is important to pay attention to hygiene in the preparation process so that germs do not get into the vegetable juice. You can alternate between cucumber juice, carrot juice, celery juice, tomato juice, cabbage juice, watermelon juice, etc.

Original by dawnxisoul393


About the Creator


Couple from HK. Dr. Daniel K Lam has got his degrees in Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge(ARU has its origins in the Cambridge School of Art, which was opened in 1858 by John Ruskin), Doris H Lam has graduated from GFAA with MFA degree.

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