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Dogs Tale

Story about some awesome pets

By Rebecca HackneyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Man’s best friend is how the saying goes but shouldn’t it be human’s best friend. Dogs have been around for a long time and everyone has a dog story. Some stories are happy, some emotional, and some bad. Dogs can be playful, protective, funny and yes even aggressive but most of the time they are loving. Growing up I had some pets and most were dogs. Sadly those dogs are no longer with us but they will always be a part of me. So instead of telling one story about a dog, I am going to tell several stories about several dogs.

Casper was one of the first dogs I had, he was all white and about medium sized. I was young when we got him but we quickly became close. Every time I went outside he was right beside me. Casper would watch me while I played and played with me. He even climbed trees with me! Casper was a one of a kind type of dog.

Brownie was another dog I had at a young age. True to his name he was brown with a little white on his front paws. He was super energetic and like Casper, Brownie liked to always be by my side. I had a lot of good memories with Brownie. One in particular would be the time he saved me from a neighbor. At the time where we lived had close neighbors. When I went for a walk or caught the school bus you could see the neighbors, some would wave others closed the curtains. Brownie would walk with me to the bus stop then go home. One day though as I was getting off the bus Brownie was there and usually he just wanted for me at home. I didn’t think anything of it so I just told Brownie to come on lets get home. As I walked passed one of my neighbors house Brownie started getting anxious. I looked up and the neighbor was leaning on his fence. He tried to talk to me but I ignored him. That made him mad. He started following me asking where my older sister and brother were because I usually walk home with them. Brownie stayed in between us as we walked. The neighbor started walking faster, when he tried grabbing my arm Brownie growled at him. The neighbor got scared and backed off some but still followed me as I walked home. Brownie was attentive watching the man. When the man jumped in front of me Brownie was right there growling at the man and started barking. The man got mad again and told me to control my mutt, he was just trying to be a neighbor and walk me home. He wouldn’t let me pass and kept getting in my way. He reached for me again and Brownie lunged at the man. Brownie kept in between me and the man until I made it to my gate, where my dad was waiting because he heard Brownie barking. The neighbor backed away and went home. We found at later that neighbor was a predator and Brownies actions saved me from being his next victim. Brownie was a brave dog.

Fast forward a few years and I can tell you about Delilah. She wasn’t really my dog but I saw her everyday. She was a sweet dog but also very cautious due to pass abuse. She was black, white and brindle, a pitbull mix. Don’t believe the stereotypes of these breeds of dogs because everyone we had was kind, loving, sweet and gentle. A very fond memory I have of her is the day she discovered a flower. It was a spring day and I was at my mom’s house helping her plant her some flowers. Delilah had been there for a few days but she was still very skittish. My mom let Delilah roam around the yard and house going wherever because her previous owners left her locked in a crate or chained to a tree. As my mom, sister and I was getting the flower beds ready Delilah walked out the house and looked at us from the porch. I just smiled at her and went to get the flowers out the pots. My mom had gotten, roses, hibiscus and some lilies. As I was getting the roses down Delilah walked over to see what I was doing. She saw this big pink rose and had a funny expression. Her head tilted sideways and her ears perked up. I leaned over to smell it and Delilah just stared at me. She kept watching as I gently touched the rose petals. She inched closer and put her nose up to the flower. Delilah got happy. She backed up then got close to the rose again. She did a little bounce then came over to look at the other flowers I was getting ready. Delilah sniffed each one then ran over to where my mom was putting them in the ground. She seemed to want to help so she started digging next to my mom. One by one Delilah dug a spot and we put the flowers in. After the flowers were planted Delilah went to each one smelling it again and again. From that day forward every time my mom had some flowers to plant Delilah was right beside her helping.

extended family

About the Creator

Rebecca Hackney

Love writing and taking readers on a journey.

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