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Characteristics of Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Adolescent Development

Characteristics of Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Adolescent Development

By DIYStudentPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Characteristics of Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Adolescent Development
Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

Parenting styles refer to the various ways in which parents interact with and raise their children. There are four main parenting styles, each with distinct characteristics that can have significant effects on adolescent development. In this article, we'll discuss each parenting style, its characteristics, and its effects on adolescent development.

Authoritarian Parenting Style:

Authoritarian parenting style is characterized by strict rules, high expectations, and little to no flexibility. Parents who use this style believe that they know what's best for their children and that their children should obey them without question. Authoritarian parents tend to use punishment as a means of discipline, rather than positive reinforcement.

Effects on Adolescent Development:

Children raised in authoritarian households may struggle with low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. They may also have difficulty making decisions and problem-solving due to a lack of autonomy and independence. Additionally, they may rebel against their parents' strict rules and expectations, leading to conflict and strained relationships.

Permissive Parenting Style:

Permissive parenting style is characterized by a lack of rules, few expectations, and a high degree of flexibility. Parents who use this style tend to be lenient and indulgent, allowing their children to do what they want without much guidance or structure.

Effects on Adolescent Development:

Children raised in permissive households may struggle with self-discipline, impulse control, and boundary-setting. They may also struggle with making responsible decisions and managing their emotions, as they have not learned the skills necessary to do so. Additionally, they may struggle with authority figures outside of the home, as they have not learned to respect and follow rules.

Authoritative Parenting Style:

Authoritative parenting style is characterized by a balance of structure and flexibility. Parents who use this style set clear rules and expectations for their children but also provide support and guidance. They are responsive to their children's needs and allow them to make age-appropriate decisions.

Effects on Adolescent Development:

Children raised in authoritative households tend to have higher levels of self-esteem, self-discipline, and social competence. They also tend to have better academic performance and are less likely to engage in risky behaviors. Additionally, they tend to have more positive relationships with their parents and other authority figures.

Uninvolved Parenting Style:

Uninvolved parenting style is characterized by a lack of engagement and involvement in the child's life. Parents who use this style provide minimal guidance and support and may be emotionally detached from their children.

Effects on Adolescent Development:

Children raised in uninvolved households may struggle with low self-esteem, academic difficulties, and emotional problems. They may also have difficulty forming positive relationships with others and may engage in risky behaviors to seek attention and validation.


Parenting styles can have significant effects on adolescent development. While authoritarian and permissive parenting styles can have negative effects, authoritative parenting style is associated with positive outcomes. Uninvolved parenting style can also have negative effects on adolescent development. By understanding the characteristics of each parenting style and their effects on adolescent development, parents can make informed decisions about how to raise their children and promote their healthy development.

It's important to note that parenting styles can vary depending on cultural and societal factors, as well as individual differences in parenting practices. Additionally, parenting styles are not fixed and can change over time as parents adapt to their child's developmental needs and changing family dynamics. Therefore, it's essential for parents to be aware of their parenting style and its effects on their child's development and be willing to adjust their parenting approach as necessary. By providing a supportive and nurturing environment, parents can promote their child's healthy development and help them thrive in adolescence and beyond.


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