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Can books replace your friends?

Let's discover the answer together

By Enas El Nemr Published about a year ago 3 min read

Many people who have a life full of difficulties and bad experiences; they escape their reality by reading a book after a book to live in another life they desire. Books come to the rescue. They consider books their savior which diverts them from their troubles. One of the bad things that prevent people from living their wonderful dreams and the life they desire is others’ bad opinion so they decide to keep away from anyone triggers negative feelings for them while they consider books their only friends. Despite, reading withdraws you from uncomfortable situations; the question here is it okay if books are your only friends? Let’s discover the answer together.

Good books cheer-up your mood, and soothe your soul, in the same way as your good friend does. When you wisely choose your friend as for example, both of you share some similar characteristics, trust each other, depend on each other, listen to each other patiently, you would realize that not only your book but also your good friend makes you feel comfortable to an extent that you laugh out loud. Good books and good friends help you positively looking at things, inspiring you to do great things in life and overcoming your failures.

You learn a lot from good books, your role in this life is to teach others what you learn. Why do you read books while you keep away from people and you don’t share the information you gain with them? As knowledge spreads, constraints fall and freedom and peace prevail.

Reading let you put yourself into another person’s shoes. It introduces you to people that you would never be aware of their lives and their experiences otherwise. For example, if you are not a cancer patient, you can feel the feelings of cancer patients by reading about their suffering, what makes them happy or upset as well as people who suffer from wars, famine, diseases around the world but reading about people’s suffering is not enough, you should interact with these people and provide them with your support.

Romance is the most thing we need in this life, some live single all their life, they look for romance, others have bad relations with their spouse so they like to read about romance to integrate into fictitious beautiful relationship they never had before. Is reading about romance enough? Absolutely, no. It is better that this fictitious relationship is transformed into real one by having good spouse in your life not just meeting countless folks who are just characters in books. You need to meet real characters.

Books make people cry while make others smile. Reading refreshes your life, mind, and emotions. Books allow you to feel good emotions but you should strengthen these emotions in reality by staying in contact with your friends, neighbors, family, siblings, colleagues, to share with them your emotions, your kindness, sympathy, joy, love, sadness. After all, we are humans in need of someone hears us, understands us, pats our heads when we are sad, anxious, depressed, listens to our complaints, wipes a tear escapes from our eye, protects us from sorrow just with encouraging words, with a large smile, nice compliments.

People, who are unable to travel out their country, consider books their way to see the world even if they can’t see it in fact.

Finally, to answer the question here, if you keep reading good books while having successful friendships in your life with good people, you would live a healthy life.

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About the Creator

Enas El Nemr

I'm Egyptian writer. I have many inspiring ideas and interesting stories to share with you here on this great platform.

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