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Being A First Time Mother

My Journey to Motherhood

By Shante HernandezPublished 7 years ago 3 min read
Love Between Mother & Son

Being a first time mother is hard. I never thought I would ever become a mom. My doctor told me that I couldn't have any children. Well look at me now doc. This is how it all began. It all started a week after my honeymoon. I was working at the register with a customer, then all of a sudden, I fainted. Next thing I knew, I woke up with my husband sitting next to me. He told, "You fainted while you were at work." Then the doctor came in and told me that I was pregnant. I was excited, but I was very nervous that I was expecting. I think I cried for like a week straight. All these thoughts were running through my head. What if I'm not a good mother? Why did God choose me to be a mother? Am I good enough to be the mother of this baby? Then my husband sat me down and calmed me down. "You are going to be the best mother in the world" my husband whispered in my ear. Then we fast forward a few months later. It was time to find out the sex of the baby. I said, "I think it's a girl." "My guess is a baby boy" my husband replied. The doctor looked at the sonogram and told us, "IT'S A BOY!" I have never seen my husband smile so hard. We were happy to finally find out the sex. And then we chose a name for our son. The thing that I was scared about was changing a boy's diaper. Because when I would baby sit or work with babies, they were mostly girls. I have never changed a boy's diaper.

Then later down the road, it's labor time. 7 AM, I started having contractions every 3 to 4 minutes. After a while, my husband got our things and we headed to the hospital. When we got to the hospital, we got into our room and waited for the doctor. I was in labor for 13 hours. I thought it would never end. Finally my son Joseph Emmanuel Hernandez was born into this world. When the nurse gave me my son, I held him skin to skin immediately. I looked him in his eyes and smiled. He loved laying on me a lot. We bonded for so long while staying in the hospital. After three days in the hospital, it was time to go home. The first few nights were so hard. I was still healing from giving birth. And I was really stressed about having a baby. But after my son was 3 weeks old, he finally started sleeping through the night. It was so hard for me to learn how to take care of a baby boy. But once I got the hang of it, and with advice from my mom, it all worked out. My son and I would play and sing together. We would watch his favorite shows on YouTube. When he was not feeling well, he would cuddle up under me to help make him feel better. I enjoy spending time with a baby boy. Now my son is going to be 2 years old next April on the 23rd. And he is also a big brother now. He has a baby sister named Isabella. Joseph does a really good job helping his father and I with playing, feeding, and changing his sister. He loves his sister so much. He will give her loads of kisses and say, "Love sissy!" I am so proud of my baby boy. He is growing up so fast. Proud mommy of a smart young boy named Joseph. Mommy loves you Joseph! And I am very proud of you.


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    Shante HernandezWritten by Shante Hernandez

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