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8 Ways to Reclaim the Joy We Knew as Babies

The soul was healed by having children.

By Ram PaudelPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
8 Ways to Reclaim the Joy We Knew as Babies
Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash

Happy Baby

"The soul was healed by having children." ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Last year, my husband and I became proud parents of a sensitive little girl. And since then we have entered a whole new world of unimaginable joy, love and frustration.

As we embark on this lifelong journey of parenthood, I begin to appreciate some of the simple pleasures our daughter has brought into our lives. Here are some of the little life lessons our little Buddha taught us on our journey as newly formed parents:

1. Laugh.

I found that my new favorite thing was to listen to my daughter giggle. When we first heard it, we thought she was crying, and she was actually laughing uncontrollably. That should give you an idea of ​​how happy she was.

While this giggle corresponds to laughter it comes every once in a while (because he can be a really small child), when they come they give us a lot of fun and we always end up laughing with him.

It is a simple reminder of the power of good laughter! As adults, we often get caught up in our many troubles or problems and the most funny thing we do these days is in "Lol."

Find happiness in your life, hold it, and let that happiness into the world through your smile or laughter.

2. Stimulate your sense of wonder.

We found that being outside surprised us. His conduct always turns to calmness and tranquility.

You marvel at how the sun shines through a series of tree limbs and leave it in the huge trees in our backyard or you stop playing in the middle and looking out the window at the pouring rain. He is already meditating and does not know it!

The everyday things that most of us ignore and take for granted are amazing to him because they are new and wonderful. It is a gentle reminder of the comforting nature of nature. It is a valuable resource in this fast-moving world.

While we are all turning to apps that promise to make us happy or peaceful, this little Buddha has found you. All you have to do is put your phone down and go outside.

3. Listen more than talk.

Granted, children's speech is not a literal speech. "Mom" and "dad" do not turn into endless spokespersons about her diaper woes. But her mind is a sponge, and when you talk to her you are fascinated. Hold on to all your words and pay close attention to him.

If we all adopt an attitude that we have more to learn from others than we should teach them, we may find that relationships in our lives improve.

4. Take risks and expect success.

He got crawling at eight months old, and since then he has been crawling, crawling, reaching, stretching, and measuring things like there is no limit to what he can do.

He has been sent to find everywhere and in the house. No restricted location. He adjusts where he is going or something and does not take it seriously.

As adults, we see things differently and are more prepared for the dangers he can face. We tend to take the most cautious approach in our lives. But there is something to be said about the confidence of children coming to life at this stage.

Every once in a while, make a definite decision to accept the unknown, and trust that you have the power within you to succeed.

5. Live in the present.

He has no idea of ​​the past or the future at this stage. You feel full of joy, and you feel pain in full. But it soon passed. If he hurts himself, he doesn't stay in pain. A simple distraction can bring her back to her smiling person in a few seconds.

She does not miss sleep worrying about whether she will have fresh spinach or pure squash for lunch tomorrow or how many dollars she has in a pumpkin than the next baby. You are completely satisfied with everything you have now.

6. An angry love.

The love you receive from a child is an unparalleled love. You are addicted, from the first heartbeat to the first time you feel those tiny little fingers gripping your hands clad in the ground.

There is nothing like the comforting weight of their tiny head on your shoulder as they finally fail to fall asleep, or the loving reach of their hands on any part of you just because they want to feel your touch. And you can see that this little fellow loves you for the rest of his life.

If I could show the same level of love to everyone I care about in my life, I would have a wonderful relationship. At the very least, I can practice my love for my husband in a similar way and will ensure that our children grow up to experience a happy marriage and love.

7. Know that you do not need “things” to be happy.

Find happiness in simple things. It is true what people say. Don't worry about buying expensive toys - just give your child a box of toys in it.

He can devote all the time to watching the label on a particular item of clothing or drum in an empty Amazon box. Forget what the toy that the Amazon box contained!

In a world where we show love and appreciation for gifts, gift cards, checks, and “things,” we forget that the most sensible gifts are usually those of time. Seeing the joy of your child's face when you return from any small absence is proof that they appreciate nothing more than the simple joy of being in your company.

8. Move your body.

My daughter reminds me that we are born with amazing bodies that can do so much.

As someone who loves yoga and strives to get better at it, I am jealous of how relaxed and healthy her body is at the moment. He makes a perfect dog looking down and happy baby pose (giggling startup) and I’m sure if he was asleep and I had to use his body in all outdoor yoga, he would be able to do it easily.


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