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20 Ways to Know if You've Found Your True Soulmate

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By Barnabas BarutiPublished about a year ago 10 min read
20 Ways to Know if You've Found Your True Soulmate
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

When you’ve found the right person, it can be one of the most rewarding feelings in the world. But how do you know if you’ve found your true soulmate? There are many signs that you can look for to tell if someone is truly the one for you. In this blog post, we will be discussing 20 surefire ways to know if you’ve found your true soulmate. Whether you’re looking for the one or already in a relationship, this post will help you recognize the signs that you’ve found the one. Keep reading to find out more!

1) They get you

When you've found your true soulmate, it's like they know exactly what you're thinking and feeling without having to say anything. They don't just understand your words but your emotions as well. It's a kind of communication that goes beyond words, where your partner just gets you without having to explain yourself. When you've found your true soulmate, this feeling of being understood and accepted is unparalleled. Your partner knows you in and out and loves you for who you are - flaws and all.

2) They challenge you

One of the key signs that you’ve found your true soulmate is that they challenge you. They don’t let you get away with complacency, but instead encourage and motivate you to be the best version of yourself. Your soulmate will provide constructive criticism when needed and make sure you’re always striving for more. They’ll be a source of inspiration and challenge you to reach for the stars. Additionally, they won’t be afraid to disagree with you, which can lead to deeper conversations and help you grow as a person. It might be hard to take at first, but ultimately their pushing you to do better is a sign of true love.

3) You can be yourself around them

One of the clearest signs that you've found your true soulmate is that you can be yourself around them without any hesitation. You don't feel the need to put on an act or hide certain aspects of your personality. Instead, you're comfortable enough to let your guard down and open up to them. They appreciate the real you and accept you just as you are. This is a sign that they truly understand you and respect your unique individuality. When someone makes you feel safe enough to be yourself, it's a strong indication that they could be your true soulmate.

4) They make you a better person

When you find your true soulmate, you’ll start to notice a big difference in the way you act and think. Your soulmate won't let you get away with anything less than your best, and they'll be there to support and encourage you to reach your full potential. They'll challenge you to become a better person, pushing you to take on tasks that you normally wouldn't take on or inspiring you to go after goals you never thought were possible. You'll find yourself motivated to be the best version of yourself, with your soulmate by your side every step of the way.

5) They accept you for who you are

This is one of the most important aspects of finding your true soulmate. When you find someone who truly accepts you, flaws and all, you’ve found a keeper. This type of person will never try to change you or make you feel like you need to be something else. Instead, they will be understanding and supportive. They won’t criticize or put you down for being different; instead, they’ll embrace your quirks and appreciate who you are. They accept you for who you are, even if that means being a little weird sometimes. This type of acceptance is invaluable and helps create a strong bond between soulmates.

6) They encourage you to be the best version of yourself

Finding a true soulmate means that the person you are with wants to bring out the best in you. They will recognize your talents and passions, and will help you achieve them. This could mean giving advice, helping you learn something new, or just being there to support you when you need it.

Your soulmate will want to see you succeed and reach your full potential. They will push you out of your comfort zone in order to help you become the best version of yourself. This could include inspiring you to take on a new hobby, signing up for a class, or even trying out for a new job.

At the same time, they will also be understanding and accepting if things don’t go as planned. Your soulmate will be patient and encouraging while you work towards becoming your best self. They will always have your back, no matter what.

7) They make you laugh

Finding someone who makes you laugh is a key component of any successful relationship. Being able to laugh together can help bring you closer and foster a deep connection. Having a shared sense of humor is essential for a happy, long-term relationship. If your partner can make you laugh, then you know that you have a special connection that can last a lifetime.

Laughter has many positive benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to boosting your mood. A good laugh can even improve the quality of your sleep! When you’re with someone who makes you laugh, it’s a sign that you’ve found true love. Not only does laughter help keep the spark alive in a relationship, but it can also bring you closer together and make moments more enjoyable.

Ultimately, when you’re with someone who makes you laugh, you know that they understand and accept you as you are. You can feel comfortable and secure in their presence, which is essential for any successful relationship. So if your partner can make you laugh, embrace it! It’s a sign that you’ve found true love.

8) They're your biggest cheerleader

Having a cheerleader in your life is invaluable, and if you've found your true soulmate, they'll be just that. They'll be the one who pushes you to go after your dreams, even when you don't think you can do it. They'll be the one to pick you up when you feel like giving up. They'll be the one to motivate you to keep going when everything feels like it's too hard.

Your true soulmate will be the person to remind you of how capable you are and why you're capable of achieving whatever it is that you want in life. They'll be the one to encourage and support you when things get tough and remind you that you can do it, no matter what. They won't let you give up on yourself and will be there for you, cheering you on every step of the way.

9) They're honest with you

Finding a soulmate means finding someone who will always tell you the truth, even when it's difficult. It’s not easy to be honest all the time, but your soulmate will always strive to be truthful with you. They won't be afraid to tell you when they disagree with something or don't like an idea. They won't keep secrets or hide things from you, instead they'll be open and honest about their feelings and opinions. This is essential for a healthy relationship as honesty is the cornerstone of any good relationship. Being honest with each other will help foster trust, deepen connection and ultimately bring you closer together.

10) They're loyal

When you've found your true soulmate, they will be committed to the relationship. You won't have to worry about them cheating or being unfaithful. They won't give you any reason to doubt their loyalty. They are devoted to making the relationship work and will always stand by your side through thick and thin. True soulmates stay loyal to each other even during tough times. They understand that loyalty is an important part of a successful relationship and value it above all else.

11) They're supportive

Having a partner who is supportive can make all the difference in your relationship. Your true soulmate will be there to listen and provide encouragement when times are tough. They’ll be there to cheer you on when you have something to celebrate and will always be there for you no matter what. They won’t just say they’re supportive – they will demonstrate it in their actions. They’ll be your rock, and it won’t take long for you to realize that you can always rely on them. It may sound cliche, but it’s true: your true soulmate will always have your back.

12) They're loving

When it comes to finding your true soulmate, one of the most important qualities is that they are loving. They show you love in big and small ways. It's not just about romantic gestures and grand gestures, but also about the small moments when they show that they care. A loving soulmate will always make sure that you feel appreciated, valued and special in their life. They will support you in times of hardship and be there for you when you need them. They will be understanding of your feelings, try to make you happy, and show compassion when things don’t go as planned. If your partner loves you unconditionally and makes you feel safe and secure, then this could be a sign that you’ve found your true soulmate.

13) They're fun

Finding someone who is fun to be around is an important part of a successful relationship. Having a partner who can make you laugh and bring out the fun side in you is invaluable. Having someone who enjoys life and can find humor in the everyday moments makes everything more enjoyable. They should bring out your playful side and make sure you are always laughing and having a good time together. They should make you feel like you can let loose and be yourself without fear of judgment or criticism. Having a partner who is fun and makes life more enjoyable will only make your bond stronger.

14) They make life more exciting

When you've found your true soulmate, life just becomes more exciting. You'll have someone to share all of your exciting adventures with. They'll come along for the ride and bring new ideas and perspectives to the table. Whether it's a spontaneous weekend away, a hike in nature, or a night out on the town, you'll know that your soulmate is right there with you and you can count on them to make it an unforgettable experience. They will inject a new energy into everything you do, and you'll find yourself looking forward to the next exciting adventure together.

15) They're spontaneous

A true soulmate isn't afraid to take risks and try something new. They're always up for an adventure and they're not afraid to break out of the ordinary. Spontaneity can be one of the most fun parts of a relationship, as it brings freshness, excitement, and unpredictability. A soulmate will surprise you with little things like impromptu dates or unexpected gifts. They will always be ready to step out of their comfort zone and try something new with you. That kind of spontaneity can bring a spark of life into the relationship that would otherwise be missing.

16) They're caring

When you've found your true soulmate, they will always be there for you and show their love in ways that are both subtle and overt. They want to see you happy and will go out of their way to do anything to make it happen. This can mean something as simple as bringing you your favorite cup of coffee, or something more significant, like being there for you when you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. A caring soulmate will listen and understand, no matter what. They will be supportive and understanding and will do whatever they can to help make the situation better.

17) They're selfless

True soulmates put the needs of their partner first, even if it means they have to sacrifice something important to them. This doesn't mean they don't take care of themselves, but rather they're willing to put their partner's needs ahead of their own. They're the type of person who always has your back and is willing to go out of their way to help you. Selflessness is a key factor in finding your true soulmate, and it's something that's hard to find. A true soulmate will make sure that both people in the relationship are happy and taken care of.

18) They're considerate

When you're in a relationship with your true soulmate, you'll find that they are always considerate of your feelings and needs. They know when to give you space, and when to be there for you. They will take the time to think about how their actions may affect you, and strive to be mindful of your feelings. They will respect your boundaries and won't push you into doing something that makes you uncomfortable. They will also listen carefully when you need someone to talk to, providing support and comfort when needed.

19) They're passionate

One of the most important things to look for in a soulmate is passion. You want someone who is passionate about life, their work, and the things they care about. They have a positive attitude and approach every day with enthusiasm. They're excited to try new things, explore the world, and find joy in the little things. Being with someone passionate will bring out the best in you, motivating you to reach for your goals and dreams. If your partner has a passion for something, it can be an exciting journey for both of you. Your soulmate will inspire you to grow and learn, and you'll discover a whole new side of yourself that you never knew existed.

20) You can't imagine life without them

This is probably one of the biggest signs that you've found your true soulmate. When you can’t imagine life without the other person, it's a sure sign that you’ve connected on an emotional level. Life with them brings so much joy and happiness that you simply can’t imagine going through life without them. They are your rock, your confidant, your best friend, and so much more. You know they will always be there to support you and love you unconditionally, no matter what. When you have this kind of connection with someone, you can be sure that you have found your true soulmate.

If you want to know my #1 way of discovering your soulmate, Click here


About the Creator

Barnabas Baruti

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