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Why start entrepreneurship in school years?

The Entrepreneur Experience While You're a Student

By Samara BenPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Why start entrepreneurship in school years?
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

This post is not for people with limited vision, not for those who ask about money, profit and monthly wage when you talk to them and share your idea, not for those who want to eat one cake instead of waiting an hour and eating ten.. This post is for those who see opportunities in the future, opportunities in cooperation, For those who have farsightedness..!

Think about it carefully! Many of you must have graduated from a prestigious institute or school.. When you have many choices in your life, you will have great excuses to start your life as an entrepreneur.. The idea of ​​a student entrepreneur is great, and in my opinion there are five things that make you choose entrepreneurship in your school years and before Ending a quarter of a century of your life..!

1 - Rigor and seriousness

One of the most important elements of strength that students possess in their lives, and you may also have rigor at work.. You must have seen the movie The Social Network, which tells the success story of Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook.. This movie depicts Mark as a superhero who can do everything in the field of programming. , a person who spent a night of his life writing the first code for the social network, to then sit on the throne of the most successful company in the last decade.. But let me tell you that the story behind this success is more complex and tragic, and it was not as simple as the movie tells.. What you need to know Is that every success story needs time...!

What distinguishes the first twenty years of our lives is the free time and the large amount of time you have, I remember sometimes complaining about the long free time that passes me by. Some may think that they do not have enough time to do study, or other activities, but believe me, you believe this stems from not organizing your time properly.

Having enough free time, this enables you to make strategic decisions in the long term, through which you will determine the value that you want to reap in the future, and the goal through your idea in the long term.

Whether you do it for money or something else, the objective measure of a successful entrepreneur is his financial returns through his activity.

The financial return of the working person is always increasing with the passage of time with an incremental curve that may start at graduation and work for students. Choosing to work as an entrepreneur means that you will cut this curve for a period of time and risk your money for a certain period of months, and bring the total of your lifetime earnings in a period of ten years. And as we have studied in physics, this requires an energy commensurate with what you want to gain in order to produce this force of attraction for this yield. This means that you will achieve in ten years what you would have achieved in all your years of working as an employee of another company.

2- The need for help and self-development

Many people think that need or poverty are two obstacles that prevent people from starting in entrepreneurship, but contrary to the obvious, let me tell you that this reason is the most thing that may push you to start the adventure.. Whatever your social level, whether you are rich or poor, distinguished Or it's normal, to be young you are in the end needy.. It is wrong for a person who gets money without effort to think that he is rich, because this money in fact restricts his complete freedom.

If you used to get money every month from your parents, know that they do it for a fee, which is to prove in your studies that you are serious and work, and the opposite is also somewhat not good, if you save money in one way or another, at the end of the month nothing will remain your income..

There is a concept in the economy .. Would you rather build your life in the present or the future? Would you choose to enjoy the present or the future?

Experience the sweetness to know your personality and control:

To know if your personality is an entrepreneur, try this game.. Can you wait? Can you sacrifice time? Do you trust the future? Do you have complete and deep confidence in getting help from others..! Entrepreneurship is work and building confidence in oneself, in people and in the future, which will make you believe in doubling the candy bars: 10, 100, 1000..

The most dangerous thing you can do in your life is not to choose to take risks since your early youth..! Entrepreneurship will teach you that the most important thing in life is not to have relationships, power or influence... from an early age. But the most important thing is to get out of the water and out of the safety zone..

Ten years ago, things were different. You had to answer the following two questions: What sets you apart in the market? What distinguishes you from competitors? The most important thing is to master the art of marketing to end in the path of successful people.

In 2010, Facebook exceeded 200 million users..! During this year, the company launched the Facebook platform - the Facebook platform, which gave the latter huge possibilities for companies and individuals to obtain important information and exploit the data of nearly one billion users.. Now you can target them by gender, age, orientation, geographic location, and this is not a small development, this The evolution is brilliant and revolutionary..

Google spends annually more than 1% of the number of transactions to attract new customers.

Did you know that a blogger can achieve from his presence on blogs and social networks an audience, greater than what some companies that have been in the market for years have achieved.

Film production companies have been greatly affected by the spread of social networks, for a while the financial returns of a movie were commensurate with what was spent in advertisements, regardless of its quality.. Now everyone can get a movie evaluation from friends very quickly, before making the decision to watch it on the cinema..

3- Freedom and non-constraint

The school years are the best times in which you may have the freedom and not to be restricted to choose the right place in which you will be located to make your project successful, and also to have wonderful and strong relationships.. If you do not do this in the study, years may pass without establishing strong relationships.. When Be a student with skills and energies that will make everyone around you take a positive view of you.


About the Creator

Samara Ben

Cooking, Beauty, hair and culture writer. One of Most Influential People in the Multicultural Market.

I am a Creative Writing major I was focused on writing fiction. I have a great passion for writing.

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