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What are some common interesting facts?

Who everyone should know

By Sigma Published 3 years ago 4 min read
What are some common interesting facts?
Photo by Danylo Suprun on Unsplash

Yes, I will tell you some interesting facts : -

On an average, a person breathes 5 million times.

Every day 10 billion tissues / cells fall from the skin of the human body.

There are 300 bones in the human body at birth. By the time of becoming an adult, 209 bones remain in the body.

The average HB pencil can draw a streak of 35 miles and write 50,000 words.

A quarter of your body bones are in your feet.

The average man spends two weeks of his life waiting for the red traffic signal to turn green.

It takes so many calories to eat celery, which is not even in celery.

A donkey can drown in a swamp of sand but not a mule.

The largest snowflake (snowflake or lint at the time of snowfall) was 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick.

The tip of the bullwhip is so fast that it sounds like a small supersonic boom.

The natives of America used to name their children first in the name of the thing that they used to see first as soon as they got out of their house.

The people of the Matami tribe of West Africa use the skull of a dead human to play football.

The color of Coca-Cola would have been green if it had not added food colorant.

In the 17th century, the Sultan of Turkey gave strange orders to his soldiers. He ordered that all my wives be immersed in water and bring new women in their place.

Your heart stops for a second while sneezing.

"Almost" is the longest English word in which all words come in alphabets order.

Human thigh bone is stronger than concrete.

Cockroaches can live without their heads for several weeks.

It is impossible to sneeze openly.

A cowboy cap known as "ten gallon" can carry only three / quarter gallons.

All the words in English have the highest meaning of "Set".

If you sneeze in a church in Nebraska city of America, then you can be made legal.

In 1386, a pig was hanged in France because it killed a child.

Earth is the only planet that has not been named after any deity.

The oldest chuingam in the world is 9000 years old.

In one study, scientists chased the butterfly up to 3000 miles.

The silkworm eats 86,000 times its weight in 56 days.

If the stress of the modern world is removed, then the average person will sleep 10 hours a day.

For a pound of honey, the bee has to roam up to 2 million flowers.

A colony of 500 bats can eat up to 2,50,000 insects in an hour.

One out of every five people believe that aliens are living with us in the human body on Earth.

In ancient Japan, it was legally necessary for a moving masseur to be blind.

A blood hound is the only dog ​​that can be brought to court as evidence.

James Fixx, who promoted jogging in the US, died of a heartbeat while running.

On average, Americans spend half their life watching television.

In ancient Greek, for birth control, a woman was asked to slap, hold her breath and sneeze. Not surprisingly, this solution was ineffective.

The FDA (American Food and Drug Administration) allows no legal action to be taken in case of maximum 5 live insects on every 100 grams of apple butter.

There is no blue colored fruit in the world. Blue-berries are also purple in color.

Jeremy Bentham's skeleton is still kept at all important London University meetings. Jeremy Bentham was a British philosopher, jurist and social reformer. He died on 6 June 1832.

The elephant is the only mammal that cannot jump.

Like fingerprints, the impression of the tongue is also different,

The longest flight of chicken is still only 13 seconds.

Honey is the only substance in human consumption that never spoils.

The great scientist Albert Einstein never wore socks in his entire life.

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

11% of the world's people eat left handed

The wingspan of the Boeing 747 is longer than the first flight (distance) of Wright Brothers.

The paused clock shows the correct time 2 times a day.

"Nobody listens to the quack of a duck, no one knows why it happens" - it is said in every Amazing Facts article, which is a lie.

It is impossible for the pigs to look up at the sky.

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About the Creator


My Name is Ankit Bhatt .I’m an educator, Blogger and Writer. I blog on multi niche topics such as Personal Development, Motivation, Education,Technology . And I’m writer on Medium as well. I want to write life experiences on this platform.

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