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We need well educated minds not well trained minds

True education brings free thinkers

By Ram RajuPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

I was confused…..

I recently came across a line in a post shared by one of my friends which made me think deeply. I was disturbed and was not able to concentrate on my work as that particular line was playing with my brain. The line says ‘Education teaches us what can be done and sometimes also teaches us false limitations’.

Also yesterday I saw a movie that even added intensity to my thoughts on academics. In the movie the central character named ‘Reghuvaran’, who struggles to find a job after completing his education and was criticized by his parents. I was confused…..

I recently came across a line in a post shared by one of my friends which made me think deeply. I was disturbed and was not able to concentrate on my work as that particular line was playing with my brain. The line says ‘Education teaches us what can be done and sometimes also teaches us false limitations’.

Also yesterday I saw a movie that even added intensity to my thoughts on academics. In the movie the central character named ‘Reghuvaran’, who struggles to find a job after completing his education and was criticized by his parents. Actually I have seen the movie several times and laughed aloud, but the last time it gave me a different experience and I felt irritated.

I was able to relate the character ‘Raghuvaran’ with my current situation of sitting as I had graduated from college and struggling where to start. I think most of us should have seen the character in ourselves once in our lifetime or in someone around us. Yeah, it's really a struggling period.

Then I began to think that we are investing a large part of our lives in our schooling and education, and still find it hard to find a job or secure a cash flow for ourselves.

Ask yourself, then why this education?

The funny part is that we used to say everyone is unique and it’s not right to compare someone with others. Still, in a class of 50 students, everyone studies the same subject and undergoes the same exam, where the same parameters are used to value them. It’s really funny, isn’t it? I couldn’t control my laugh when I thought about this.

Now when I analyze the educational process I went through, it was like being trapped inside a boat in the river without any control over it. Yeah, just moving with the flow and ending up somewhere. Just laugh out loud, Ha, Ha, Ha (me laughing). Most of the people after completing our education struggle to secure an earning and begin to do some odd jobs and end up in some job which we won't be liking or sometimes someone gets settled for a job which doesn’t even match his specialization in the college.

I have seen some, after completing engineering and ending up in some jobs that are not even close to what they studied. When I ask them about their job they seem frustrated. They actually don’t like their job and start to complain about what they do and still stick on to it for the money the job offers. Now I couldn’t find the happiness in them which was once visible.

We need a change, We need free thinkers

Then I thought, what if someone could be educated enough to generate a cash flow from what he loves to do the most, his passion. I think that will make someone do the work with full enthusiasm. Just leave a comment if you agree. I could give you a real-life example of my relative who quit his bank job to start his fish farming and related business. He was criticized by many for leaving his reputed job to do farming. But he says that he is relaxed and happy now.

So do you think, it’s time to change our underdeveloped educational system? I think this should have been done long before. I believe that the fundamentals of our existing educational process should be restructured to help students to look at the world in different angles which I think should be the basics of education.

According to me the restructuring should be in such a way that it is better to start with providing basic education to the children which starts with educating them about the basic calculations needed as nowadays complex problems are automated. Also encouraging every child to learn language and communication skills and help him build a unique and positive character.

Later the child should be provided with a suitable environment where he could explore different areas. As he explores and experiences different subjects he develops a curiosity in a particular field and this curiosity transforms into his passion. This passion is something to be properly guided rather than embedding the child with a structured syllabus and protocols.

Let him sprout from the seed and explore nature. Nurture him when needed and let himself deepen his roots. If a child develops an interest in science, teach him more about science and let him dream about being a scientist. If someone develops a curiosity for painting, let him/her be a painter. Let everyone just love their passion madly which yields great leaders. Let them be an inspiration for others.

Then comes the most important part,

Start to guide him to the techniques or ways by which he could generate a cash flow from what he loves to do the most, his passion. Guide him to market and brand himself, I think that is what matters.

If that became possible, I am sure that most of them would no longer complain about what they do and they will just fall in love with their passion and live in it. They no longer work but live every moment of their life. I believe this is the ultimate key to happiness

I know …you are tired of reading about all kinds of hallucinations and wild dreams I just told you. But just a last thing to share with you, We should keep in mind that a lion in a circus tent is well trained but not well educated. In today’s world, we need more educated minds rather than well-trained ones.

I know you will be laughing when you were reading through the last paragraphs and sometimes even thought that I was mad. Yeah, I know it seems like a fairy tale. I just shared my thoughts and you may share yours. You are welcome to share your honest thoughts and opinions in the comments. But one thing is for sure that our education system lacks something.

I know you may or may not agree with what I just told you, I believe for everything, there is a first time and we should initiate it to see the change


About the Creator

Ram Raju

An Indian pursuing MBA with dreams to build his space. A newbie to the world of writing who loves to explore every nuke and corner of his thoughts to build stories.

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