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Unusual Things That University Students Should Do

The university is a place to receive knowledge and academic discussions

By Judith IsidorePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Unusual Things That University Students Should Do
Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

None of us disagree that the university is a place to receive knowledge and academic discussions, and it is of course a new adventure full of lessons and stories at a golden and sensitive age, however, in my opinion it is like this, and here I direct my words to those who are still in university studies:

  • Take your time with everything new

Make the university a place where you get to know yourself and your talents and grow them, know your strengths and weaknesses, and communicate with as many people as possible in various fields, you do not know where to find yourself later, get to know the small before the big, and make your own network for you, which will contribute - Certainly - in your future success if you do well.

  • Miss lectures that do not add anything new

Do not make the university a place to excel by traditional educational methods, it is okay to miss those lectures that do not add anything new to you and make you bored, and do not judge yourself by your university performance, the material may not match your abilities or the ways of delivering it are unbearably traditional, So give yourself a chance to miss her.

Some of this difficult material may be a prelude to a better understanding of the information later on. At the same time, do not close the door to any opportunity that comes to you, and open your heart and mind to it and its best hospitality, hold on to it and shake it. I remember from the situations that happened to me that I refused to go out for a training with Reuters because of the dismal attendance and absence system, and that I regret it until now.

  • Read and share as much as possible

Participate in activities and discussion seminars about a book, broaden your awareness by reading, I studied journalism and media, and as we were told by our professors at the time: “The golden equation of a good journalist: reading, and a sober language.” Do not graduate from the university unless you have obtained at least one of them, and if you can You get them together, you get the two good things.

  • Mingle with everyone

By mixing with different personalities of students and professors who hold different opinions and positions, you will be more open and luminous. Listen to all the points of view around you and create your own based on the facts you believe in. Do not put the university as an obstacle to self-development, and create opportunities for yourself and those around you in the university. Spread knowledge. From an experienced professor who encourages your activity and ambition, develops your ideas, makes you feel distinguished, and helps you keep up with everything new in what you love, and strengthen your relationship with him, there is nothing more beautiful than to visit him or receive a phone call from him tomorrow after graduation.

  • Follow all new

In your surroundings, environment, community, and even around the world, stay up to date with the latest technologies and technology, watch useful and interesting films, especially documentaries, watch news bulletins, read newspapers and magazines of all kinds, and keep up with reports issued by human rights and human rights organisations.

  • Be crazy

Be that person who is known for his enthusiasm, activity, rebellion and beautiful madness, and plan how your next vacation will be, whether short or long, seize it by learning a hobby, a language, or a dream you had since childhood. With regard to language, and in my personal opinion, I do not recommend starting to learn a third language as a university course, perhaps it will be repulsive, and you will start to abandon it in the future, so do not lose its pleasure and beauty by limiting it to signs and the system of absence and attendance, find the appropriate institute for you and develop the language as you want.

  • Invest

Finally, invest your relationships and your days at university as you like, hold a weekly meeting with your friends, have coffee with them, take a huge number of pictures to share your memories later, and make yourself a beacon for others to resort to even after you graduate, and let humour be your usual companion, and break the rules that narrow the student Do not be shy and always ask about everything you do not know, until you reach what you want, celebrate the various national and social occasions - which are worth celebrating - and measure your success in adapting to a new environment and people, enjoy all the details, pass on your culture to others, meet people who do not speak your mother language and spend the most time with them, keep your friends who deserve to share your madness and ambition with them.


About the Creator

Judith Isidore

I'm happy to share my stories with Vocal media community.

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