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Unlocking Your Success Finding Your Passion

Finding Your passion

By Megan GeorgiaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Unlocking Your Success Finding Your Passion
Photo by Liam Drinan on Unsplash

Unlocking Your Success Finding Your Passion


Passion is one of the most powerful forces in the world. It can motivate you to work hard, improve your skills and learn new things - even if they're not directly related to your job. If you don't have passion for what you do at work, then it's likely that it will be difficult for you to stick with it over time. However, passion isn't just about doing something because it pays well or gives you status; instead, finding joy in what we do requires pursuing activities that are intrinsically rewarding (or "sexy") and enjoyable on some level.

I bet that you can't tell me that Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote, The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions. That statement is very true, for there has never, in the history of humanity, been any discovery, innovation, or creation that was not first a spark of passion, curiosity, or devotion. Truly, the manifestation and realization of such discoveries, creations, and innovations is nothing more than the mastery of the creators passions.

What You Love to Do

The first step in discovering your passion is to figure out what you love to do. What are the things that make you feel alive? Are they writing, photography, or dancing? For me, it was dancing. I had been asked by my brother how I liked the choreography for a show we were performing together in school and he said it was "pretty cool." That was enough for me; I knew that this was something special--something different from everything else around me. It made me feel alive!

Passion from the Latin Passus literally means, to suffer. This all-consuming desire to be, and to do is vitally important to success, for it is the source from which the successful person must draw his or her inspiration. Remember that everyone who succeeds in life typically gets off to a bad start initially

I didn't start dancing because it was "cool" or "hip" (although those words certainly entered into my vocabulary). Instead of focusing on how others perceived what I did as being cool or different from them (which would have given them power over me), I focused on finding true joy through movement and expression through dance itself. This led me down an amazing path of exploration where nothing mattered except pushing myself beyond limits set by society's rules about gender roles/stereotypes/conventions etc., allowing other people's judgments about what women could/should do not hold any weight when making decisions about life choices themselves...

What You Don't

You don't want to do something you don't enjoy. If you're not passionate about what you're doing, then it's likely that the job will become an exercise in frustration and stress.

You don't want to do something that is not sustainable. If your passion is something that requires long hours every day, then perhaps your goal should be to find other ways of making money instead of focusing on one particular job or career path.

Remember that passion is about finding joy in what you do.

When you are working on your passion, it is important to remember that passion is a feeling of intense enthusiasm. You should do something that energizes you and gives you joy.

If you have a job or hobby and find yourself dreading going into work, think about what would make the daily routine more enjoyable. Maybe there's a new toy or game that would add excitement to your day; maybe there's another project that needs finishing up at home; maybe there could be an activity outside of work where someone else could show up with their kids (or dog). Whatever makes the current task less onerous can help bring some variety into your life and give back some fun!


Passion is a powerful thing—in fact, it can be the difference between being successful and being average. Don’t forget that when you find your passion, you are not only helping yourself but also helping others around you to succeed as well.


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