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True Origin Of Humanity

History Is NOT What We Are Told!

By Cyrus T MahleyPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Our history is written by the notes of the winners, of their power and influence over the centuries. But who were the first civilizations to set foot on our planet? What if the story is told by ancient civilizations, the tales of gods and angels, of Giants and great disasters that were more literal than they first appeared? What if we received ancient knowledge beyond our human understanding? If we look at some of the details, an entirely alternate history of the human race suddenly surfaces, one that completely overturns conventional knowledge and the history we've been taught. This version has mostly been consciously censored, forgotten or worse - ignored. Until now...

In the beginning of 1946 in the area currently known as the West Bank, a group of teenagers tended their sheep and goats near the ancient settlement of Qumran. To pass the time they tossed around the stones they found across the uneven desert terrain. When one of these stones is thrown into the dark side of a cave, the teenagers are shocked because they hear a loud shattering noise echoing inside. When they decide to follow their curiosity, although slightly scared, they discover a collection of large clay pots. Unbeknownst to them, they make a historical discovery of great importance. Inside the clay pots are hidden series of ancient Scrolls subsequently various archaeologists, historians and treasure hunters found additional fragments of Scrolls in 10 other caves in the area, bringing the total number of manuscripts found to almost 900. These manuscripts became known to the masses as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Strangely among these manuscripts there are large portions of a mysterious non-canonical religious texts long forgotten by human civilization, or so they thought. In our days this text is known as The Book of Enoch. In its entirety, The Book of Enoch consists of five books: the book of Watchers, the book of Parables, the astronomical book, the book of dream visions, and the Epistles of Enoch containing about a hundred chapters altogether. These chapters tell the story of the seventh patriarch in the Book of Genesis, Enoch, the father of Methuselah and the grandfather of Noah, the same Noah we know from the Bible.

However, this is not the biblical story of Noah's Ark. In fact, The Book of Enoch provides an entirely different perspective on events leading up to the great flood of Noah's time. It tells of the Watchers, explained in biblical terms as Fallen Angels sent to Earth to watch over humans at some unspecified and ancient point in time. According to one of the earliest Legends related to Enoch, he is the founder of the knowledge of astronomy and he's responsible for the compilation of the solar calendar. Or the Sons of God or Gods, number several hundreds, they are said to descend on Earth at Mount Harmon. It was a sacred place for both the canonotites and the Jews who invaded their lands in later times. Sanctuaries of the Gods, such as Zeus, Helios, Pan, and the goddess are starting were built on its slopes. The term Watcher is used to describe one who watches those who watch those who are awake or those who are not asleep. These names reflect the unique relationship between the Watchers and the human race since ancient times.

Over time however they abandoned their role as observers and began to have sexual contact with some of the humans, mostly women, and began to create what we know now as hybrids or crossbreeds. The Book of Enoch tales of the Nephilim, the children born through this very cross-breeding between the Watchers and the humans. The Nephilim are described as Giants and Savages who wreaked havoc on the earth. Welcome to the new episode of Secret Origins.


About the Creator

Cyrus T Mahley

Still pending............

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