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This year, the extraordinary 985

The Road to School

By Richard ShurwoodPublished 2 years ago 12 min read

We know that our child's high school life is over, leaving us with only a few years of running together with our child.

A bumpy road to school

Our child's junior high school was spent in a day school in the county, and his academic performance was always good, basically staying at the top of the grade. By chance, I got a phone call from a local parent who was in charge of the admissions teacher of Hengyuan Middle School in our county.

I gave the admissions teacher a call with the attitude of trying, but I didn't expect to see any hope. After a lot of difficulties, my child finally realized his dream to study at Hengyuan Middle School!

August 17 was the opening day of Hengyuan Middle School. We received the supplies from the classroom, went to the dormitory to lay out the bedding for the child, and sent the child into the classroom.

When we left the school and went to the building to say goodbye to our child, our child was already sitting in the first row of the classroom, taking out a book and reading it, and when we shouted from the door, our child did not respond, we quickly went downstairs with tears in our eyes.

It was time to let go of my child as he grew up.

After my child arrived at Hengyuan Middle School, I looked forward to his phone call every day. On the weekend, I took binoculars to watch the children's military training outside the school fence. I regretted that my child's class was training inside and did not see my child, but it was heartwarming to know that my child was among them.

After all, it was the first time that we had been away for such a long time, and the child cried as soon as he saw his mother at home. Then he told us about his life at school and ate dinner for more than an hour. When we returned to school, the child turned every room in the house around, and the corners of his eyes were red, we did not say anything but silently went downstairs with the child to take the bus to Hengshui.

When the child entered the school gate and left our sight, my eyes got wet.

In order not to affect our children, we did not go to Hengshui on purpose from then on. The child also gradually adapted to high school life, and every time he returned to school, he tried to be early, and his home had become a refueling station for his body and mind.

One time after dinner, my child called back and said he had a fever again and asked if he had taken his medicine. Then we went straight to Hengshui, called the class teacher to enter the campus, and the child was reading a book in the infirmary while getting an infusion, as were several children in the infirmary. It was heartbreaking to watch.

It's a good idea to have good health as opposed to good grades.

The choice of literature and science, respect for children's interests

In the first weekly test of the first year of high school, the child's ranking in the class to more than 60, and the child cried on the phone, and we rushed to encourage and contacted the class teacher so that the teacher to give attention. Since the teacher could not answer the phone in class, we contacted the teacher by text message, and the text message was sent to which teacher, and we could receive a reply on the same day, which warmed our hearts.


On the night of the exam, after the children went to bed, we sat by the computer and kept refreshing until the scores came out, which was much better than we thought. We were not happy enough when a friend poured cold water on us, saying that our child had taken prep classes over the summer and that the score was not very real, which made us very nervous.

To enhance the child's interest in the Olympiad, the school let the children choose their own Olympiad class, the child chose his favorite biology, listened to a few lessons, obviously can not keep up with the pace, and decisively quit. It turns out that the Olympiad is a world of talented children, and those who succeed are only a very small part of them. Despite the abolition of guaranteed admissions and extra points, the advantages of the Olympiad in independent admissions make many children and parents jump at the chance.

In the second semester of high school, when the class was divided, the school took a break to let the child go home and discuss with his parents. At that time, according to the liberal arts ranking his results are relatively high, the child likes geography and biology, and these two subjects belong to the arts and sciences, after a few hours of tangled we finally chose science. Reminder: After the implementation of the new policy of the college entrance examination reform, this issue does not need to be considered.

Although my child's other science grades were not very good, and those students who did not do as well as my child in the class were reigning in the liberal arts class, my child's interest in biology was stronger, plus the admission ratio of liberal arts students has been decreasing year after year in recent years, so it was the right subject to choose, after all, it is the greatest joy to be engaged in a career you like for the rest of your life.

I don't put too much emphasis on my children's test scores

The first task in Hengzhong is to study.

After entering the second year of high school, the child is still working so hard, but the results are no longer stable, and the top students from all over the world have shown their super strength. There was a time when he saw his classmates surpassing himself one after another, and he was at a loss, even doubting whether the model of Hengyuan Middle School was suitable for him or not.

Along the way, my child's academic performance went up and down, and his school number kept changing between single digits and double digits. I remember when I first went to Hengyang Middle School, I gave my child the goal of being in the top 500 in the grade, and as soon as he exceeded 200, he contacted his teacher.

In the second semester of senior high school, my child took the 700th place in his grade, but he was more relaxed, and even stopped checking the results after several research exams, just urging him to take each exam as an opportunity to check for gaps.

The growth of high school time is not only knowledge

When they come to Hengzhong, they learn to be independent, get along with others, to work together, and be tolerant of each other. They have learned to take care of themselves, their classmates, and their parents from the time they were clothed and fed.

The 40-kilometer hike in the first year of high school is given a rich connotation by Hengyuan. It is not only a test of perseverance but also a way for the children to appreciate the team spirit and establish the concept of not giving in to defeat. As parents, we cheered for our children at the campsite and accompanied them on the return journey with several parents, and were deeply touched by their strength and perseverance.

The sophomore mitzvah activity, although only a formality, had a profound and significant impact on the child. When I handed the child a postcard written by his teachers from kindergarten to junior high school, the child cried with excitement, and I think the child's hot tears were filled with gratitude and responsibility.

Firm belief and learning to take responsibility

I thought that my child would be able to enter the university last year, but I didn't expect that we would choose to repeat the exam. The first day of the college entrance exam, the child called in the afternoon after the math test, the phone was depressed, it turned out that the first language essay did not write enough words, and a sense of foreboding came to mind.

I didn't expect to finish the second day of the science review, two and a half chemistry questions to keep the child out of prestigious universities. The results came out and it was true. After many family meetings, we opted to return to Hengyuan.

We sent our children back to the East Campus on the afternoon of July 2, when the school had already started and was in the middle of military training when our children walked into the classroom in their new level 1 uniform. My wife and I couldn't help but leave tears behind.

We knew that it was destined to be an extraordinary year.

During the year of repeating, our family withstood the pressure from all sides, our child had tears and laughter; he studied harder, his grades were more stable, his personality was more cheerful, and most importantly, his faith remained unchanged!

My advice

After a month of waiting, my child was admitted to a "985" university in the major of her choice. In one month, my child will leave us and start his college journey.

Here are a few insights to share with parents in the hope that they will be helpful to those who come after us.

Don't have high expectations for your child

In the eyes of many people, the top students in junior high school will be able to get into Peking University and Tsinghua University, but in fact, there are so many excellent students in Hengzhong, and there are so many enrollment places in Hebei, and there is a lot of uncertainty in the college entrance examination, so it is not that easy.

In Hanzhong, we have witnessed a lot of big cattle finally lost with Qingbei, not that they do not have the strength, but a little less luck. In addition, a large part of the more than 100 Qingbei students in Hengzhong is guaranteed students, self-enrollment, national defense students, small language, rural special programs, orientation students, art students, medical students, etc. Less than half of them rely on the actual test scores into the line.

In my eyes, to go a "211" is worth celebrating.

The province's hundreds of thousands of candidates can get into the top 10,000, which is very good.

It means that you have won in the college entrance examination, which classifies young people, and have flown out of Hebei. Qingbei Jiaofu can be ideal for most children and can be the ultimate goal to strive for.

The study methods and experiences of Qingbei students can be learned from, but not copied, and what suits you is the best.

To choose carefully to repeat the study

There are only two kinds of children who choose to repeat their studies: one is to miss the college entrance examination and not get the real result; the other is to get their level, but want to go to a better school.

In terms of subjective consciousness, they are divided into those who want to repeat themselves and those who are forced to do so by their parents. In terms of the goal of repeating, it is divided into non-big name brands, non-"211" not on, non-bachelor's not on, and so on.

In my opinion, the children who missed it, don't hesitate, to hurry back to Hengzhong's Endeavour Building, it's mom and dad want to keep you around for another year, your university is waiting for you next year. The parents are forced to repeat, first to let the child from the ideological awareness of the importance of repeating it before going, no initiative effect will not be good.

Non-brand-name colleges and universities are not on the children or go, a year of youth is very valuable, and the college entrance examination is uncertain, that there is no pressure is false, like Yu Xiao like a strong heart to repeat two years to get the first-class children is, after all, an example.

This year, some children got into the Northern Polytechnic last year, and this year, the children who got into Zhongshan last year and went to Tianda this year did not make much progress. More regrettably, there is also last year's past the first this year, even the first line did not arrive.

University does not stop, I believe that your dream will be realized.

Non-"211" not on the children I support you, work hard, maybe your fate will change because of your choice. The current institutional discrimination is objective and will exist for a long time. The "211" universities are the threshold of employment.

There is a hometown, graduated from the Union Medical College, undergraduate Hebei Medical University, and after graduation went to Tangshan Workers Hospital. Asked why she did not stay in Beijing, she said only because Hebei Medical University is not "211", people do not want it, and even the province's large hospitals do not want it, her classmates undergraduate Zhengzhou University, stayed in Beijing.

Origin is really important, in many cases, the employer is more important than your first degree.

Non-bachelor's children, the opportunity is for you to strive for a year without regret! If you don't believe me, go look at the admissions results of Hengzhong Middle School, the children in the classes headed by 4 are repeaters.

To calmly apply for the volunteer

Many candidates can't afford to throw away their points and apply according to the lowest position in the previous year, resulting in more people being transferred. Many colleges and universities have advantageous majors such as architecture at Southeast University and medicine at Sun Yat-sen University to be a few tenths of a point higher than the slotting line.

At present, most colleges and universities have strict rules on transferring majors, limiting the application to the first 10%-20% of students, which leads to the inability to transfer to their favorite majors, and even some students have no choice but to drop out of school and repeat their studies.

Therefore, it is recommended that candidates should take into account whether they choose a famous school or a major to avoid regrets. When applying for a volunteer rush must be carefully considered, even if you rush up is also others do not report the disadvantageous professional, like it or not allow you to choose.

For the NPC, Fudan this year in a province of the first line file case can only be treated as a legend. I still can't understand who's children are so good at calculating, just to the first line will dare to apply for the big famous schools, but also only to NPC, Fudan love.

At the same time, remind parents, especially parents of rural candidates, must read the explanatory page of the admissions plan, some parents only know that there are local rural specials after applying for the volunteer. In addition, due to the geographical relationship, Beijing and Tianjin colleges and universities have traditionally been hot spots for candidates from Hebei, Henan, etc. The score line is super high, so if the score is not advantageous, try to avoid it.

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About the Creator

Richard Shurwood

If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.

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