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Think and Grow Rich Summary

Think And Grow Rich Summary: 5 Key Takeaways

By Be Inspired - Be MotivatedPublished about a year ago 16 min read

Core idea: Thought decides everything.

Thought is power, spirit transcends all, emphasizing the reaction of consciousness to practice.

Your willpower is the power that determines your success or failure. To be successful, you must first have the right way of thinking and thinking. Anything you want can be achieved.

Desire - it is the starting point of all achievement; it is the first step to wealth!

Six steps to turning desire into wealth:

Write down the exact amount of money you want.

Determine what you’re willing to sacrifice to get it.

Pick a date to achieve your goal.

Create a written plan to achieve your goal.

Write down your plan and date.

Read the written statement aloud once each morning and again each night until you have it memorized.

Once memorized, continue reading it twice daily, morning and night.

1. In your mind, you need to determine the amount of wealth you really want. It is not enough to say "I want a lot of money". The amount must be clear.

2. In order to achieve the goals you seek, you determine what price you are determined to pay (there is no such thing as "nothing for nothing").

3. Set a specific date when you decide to "have" the goal you seek.

4. Make a clear plan to realize your desires, and whether you are ready or not, start putting the plan into action immediately.

5. Write down the quantity target of the wealth you want to get, the time limit for reaching the target, the price you are willing to pay to achieve the target, and the action plan on how to obtain the wealth. And write an oath-like statement urging yourself.

6. Read this statement aloud twice a day, once at night before going to bed and once in the morning. As you read this statement, you must imagine and feel that you already possess this wealth.

I ask life for a penny,

Life will not give me more,

No matter how I beg in the night,

Only the meager gains can be counted.

Life is a true employer,

Whatever you want he will promise,

But once the remuneration is negotiated,

You have to take responsibility.

I don't have high pursuit of life,

Surprised to discover,

It turns out that any return I ask for,

Life pays generously.

Confidence - imagine and believe in the fulfillment of desires, this is the second step to wealth!

Confidence empowers the mind, and you can elevate yourself to infinite heights driven by powerful self-confidence.

Faith is the catalyst of the mind. When faith is combined with thought, the subconscious mind immediately receives the shock wave, which is then transformed into a spiritual equivalent, which is then communicated to the "Infinite Wisdom".

Of all the important positive emotions, confidence, love, and sex are the strongest. When these three emotions are combined, they have the effect of "coloring" the thought so that it immediately affects the subconscious will and turns it into the spirit. This provokes infinite real responses for the induction of infinite wisdom.

Five steps to gaining confidence:

1. I know that I have the ability to achieve the main goal I have determined in my life, so I ask myself to persevere, continue to work hard, and move forward on the road to reach the goal. I promise to take such action now.

2. I am sure that the dominant thoughts in my heart will eventually manifest themselves, become actual actions, and gradually become tangible facts. So I decided to create a clear mental image in my mind by concentrating 30 minutes a day on who I am determined to be.

3. I know that, by means of the principle of autosuggestion, any desire that I hold in my mind over and over again must eventually find a way to make it come true. So, I decided to take 10 minutes a day to build my self-confidence.

4. I have clearly written a statement documenting the main goals I have identified in my life. I will never stop working hard until I succeed.

5. I am fully aware that neither wealth nor status can last unless they are based on truth and justice, so I will never engage in any action against others. I want to use my own attractiveness to win the cooperation of others; I want to attract others to serve me with the spirit of my own willingness to serve others. I want to dispel hatred, jealousy, selfishness, and doubt with love for human beings, because I know that a rejection of others will never bring me success. I want to push others to believe in me because I believe in them and I believe in myself. I'll sign my name on this statement, keep it in my head, and read it aloud every day. I have full confidence that this statement will gradually influence my thoughts and actions so that I will become a confident and successful person.


Autosuggestion - it is the medium that influences the subconscious mind, which is the third step to wealth!

To achieve amazing achievements you must mobilize your potential.

All the stimuli provided for the self, once they enter the inner world of people, can be called autosuggestion. Autosuggestion is a suggestion to yourself. Autosuggestion is the medium of communication between ideology and external action.

According to the laws of nature, man has absolute control over the matter that reaches the subconscious mind through the five senses, but this cannot be explained as man can always exercise this control. And in the vast majority of cases, people cannot exercise such controls, which is why many people are poor.

Someone once said that the subconscious mind is like a fertile field in a garden, and if the seeds of the desired growth are not sown in it, there will be weeds. Autosuggestion is the medium of control through which one can automatically nourish the subconscious with creative thoughts.

Six steps to stimulate your subconscious:

  1. Find a secluded place, maybe in bed at night, close your eyes, and say aloud - you can hear yourself - the amount of wealth you are determined to accumulate, the period for which it will be accumulated, and in exchange for this wealth A written statement of determination to pay the price. As you carry out these instructions, you seem to have seen that you already have these treasures.

Example: Suppose you decide to accumulate $50,000 someday in 5 years, and in order to get the money, you are determined to provide personal services as a salesman. Your written statement should be roughly as follows:

  By a certain day in a certain year, I will have $50,000, which has been accumulated in various amounts over the period.

  To get this money, I am determined to provide the best service I can.

  I am sure I will have the money. My faith is so strong that I can see this wealth now. This money is now waiting to be handed over to me in proportion to the time I render the services I have determined to receive this wealth. I am waiting for a plan by which to build this wealth. When the plan comes, I will act upon it immediately.

  2. Recite this statement over and over again every morning and evening until you see in your imagination the money you have set your heart on.

  3. Put your written statement in a place where you can see it at night and in the morning.

  Remember: when you follow these instructions, you are applying the principle of autosuggestion, which is intended to give orders to your subconscious mind. Also keep in mind that your subconscious mind can only act upon instructions when it is emotionally directed and "passionate". Of all the emotions, confidence is the strongest and the most fruitful.

  At first, these instructions may seem abstract, but don't bother. Follow these instructions no matter how abstract or impractical they start out. If you can do this, it won't be long before a whole new dynamic world will manifest in your spirit and actions.

  Every adversity, every failure, and every trouble bears the seed of an equal or greater good.

Professional knowledge -- personal experience and observation, this is the fourth step to wealth!

There are two kinds of knowledge: one is general knowledge and the other is specialized knowledge. General knowledge, though extensive and varied, is of little use for the accumulation of wealth. Professors in famous universities have all kinds of knowledge, but most of them don't have much money because they specialize in imparting knowledge, not in organizing or using it.

Knowledge itself cannot absorb wealth, unless it is organized and used, and through practical action plans, to achieve the clear purpose of accumulating wealth. Millions of people are confused by the misunderstanding that "knowledge is power" due to a lack of understanding of this fact. Knowledge is power, which simply means that knowledge is "latent" power. Knowledge becomes real power only when it is organized into a clear plan of action and directed towards a clear goal.

Imagination -- it is the factory of mind and wisdom, the fifth step to wealth!

The opportunity you need is always waiting for you in your imagination. Imagination is a factory in which all human plans are forged. By means of the imagination, human beings give images and actions to their inspirations, impulses and desires. Therefore, we can say that man can create anything he can imagine.

In the last 50 years, human beings have discovered and utilized more natural forces than have ever discovered and utilized in all of human history prior to that. Man has completely conquered the sky, and compared with the flying objects invented by man, birds have fallen behind. From a distance of millions of miles, human beings began to analyze and measure the sun, relying on the assistance of imagination to delineate the physical and chemical composition of the sun. In transportation, people can now travel faster than the speed of sound.

In the use of imagination, man is far from reaching its peak. Man has only just discovered that he has imagination and has begun to make the most basic use of it.

Two forms of imagination:

1. Synthetic Imagination: This ability enables a person to combine old ideas, ideas or plans into a new mixture. This ability does not create something new, it just uses as material the experience, education, and observation it has absorbed. Most inventors use this imagination as the basis for innovation.

2. Creative imagination: relying on creative imagination, human limited knowledge and infinite wisdom are directly communicated; relying on creative imagination, human beings get premonition and inspiration, which makes a new idea conveyed to human body, and communicated Human potential wisdom and ability.


Plan -- let desire crystallize into action, this is the sixth step to wealth!

Here's how to guide you on how to create a realistic plan:

1. You must unite yourself with the people you need to create and fulfill your plans to build wealth.

2. Before forming your "think tank", you have to decide what to pay to everyone in the organization in exchange for their cooperation. No one will ever work for you without pay. A wise man never asks or expects others to work for him without having to be paid adequately, though not necessarily in money.

3. Make arrangements to meet at least twice a week with people in your "think tank". If possible, increase the number of meetings until you have completed your plan to build wealth.

4. You and everyone in the "think tank" should be in complete harmony. If you don't do this, you face failure. Without complete harmony, the role of "think tank" cannot be achieved.

Also, keep these facts in mind:

1. What you are doing is very important to you, and in order to be successful, you must have a perfect plan.

Second, you must use the experience, knowledge, ability and imagination of others.

methods of self-analysis

1. Have I achieved the goals I set for myself this year? (You should have a specific goal each year as part of your life goals.)

2. Is the service I provide the best service I can provide? Can I improve any part of this?

3. Is the workload enough for the services I provide?

4. Does my work spirit show harmony and cooperation?

5. Have I lowered my productivity because of my procrastination? If so, by how much?

6. Have I improved my personality? If so, in what ways?

7. Do I stick to my plan until it is completed?

8. Do I make decisions quickly and clearly in all situations?

9. Am I being affected by one or more of the 6 basic fears that make me less productive?

10. Am I being too cautious or not careful enough?

11. Is my relationship with my colleagues pleasant or unpleasant? If it is unpleasant, how much responsibility does it belong to me?

12. Am I distracting myself from lack of will?

13. Am I humbly and tolerant in all matters?

14. In what area has my work ability improved?

15. Do I have a habit of indulgence?

16. Am I being arrogant, openly or secretly?

17. Can my attitude towards colleagues make them respect me?

18. Are my opinions and decisions based on guesswork, or are they based on correct analysis and thinking?

19. How do I manage my time and income? Am I prudent in these controls?

20. How much time do I spend on unhelpful things? What better things could I have done with that time?

21. In order to improve my work efficiency next year, how should I allocate my time and change my habits?

22. Have I committed a crime that my conscience does not allow?

23. Where can I do more and better than my job requires?

24. Have I acted unjustly? If so, in what ways?

25. Would I be satisfied with my job if the employer was me?

26. Is my career suitable for me? If not, why?

27. Is my employer satisfied with my job? If not, what are the reasons?

28. In terms of the basic principles of success, what kind of evaluation should I get now? (This review needs to be fair and correct, and ask a serious person to check this review for you.)

Determination -- Overcoming procrastination and indecision is the seventh step to wealth!

After analyzing hundreds of people with fortunes over $1 million, it turns out once again that each of them has the ability to make decisions quickly and consistently. Conversely, those who cannot accumulate wealth are often indecisive and frequently change their decisions.


Perseverance -- firm confidence and continuous efforts, this is the eighth step to wealth!

Perseverance is an indispensable factor in the process of turning desire into wealth. This strong perseverance is indomitable. When will and desire combine, they form an irresistible force. It is a misconception that people with great wealth are often seen as indifferent or ruthless. In fact, they are strong-willed people who are motivated by their own desires to achieve their goals. Most people give up their goals easily with a little bit of opposition or setbacks. Only a few are able to keep pushing through the resistance until they reach their goal. The word "perseverance" may not include a heroic connotation, but human beings need this temperament, just as steel needs carbon.

Four steps to developing perseverance:

1. Establish clear goals under the domination of desire.

2. Make a complete plan and start putting it into action.

3. Abandon all negative, depressing and psychological factors, just like the negative reactions of relatives and friends.

4. Form alliances with people who encourage you to realize your plans.

Think Tank - Collective knowledge and wisdom, this is the ninth step to wealth!

Power is the basic condition for the accumulation of wealth, and think tanks can provide this power. An organized joint effort guided by a think tank. This is enough for a man to turn his desires into wealth. Two or more people, for the same goal, work together to form an organization in a state of cooperation, that is, a think tank. It takes this kind of power to accumulate wealth! After the accumulation of wealth, to preserve these wealth, also need this kind of power!

Mysterious sex -- the transfer and sublimation of sexual desire, this is the tenth step to wealth!

Sexual desire is the most powerful of human desires. When people are driven by this desire, they often develop a deep imagination, courage, willpower, perseverance, and creativity that they never had before. The desire for sexual contact is so intense and urgent that people risk their lives and reputations by indulging in it. This impetus, if used and directed in other ways, can lead to success in literature, art, business, etc. It is not difficult to create wealth.

Subconscious - The awakening and bursting of your subconscious is the eleventh step towards wealth!

The subconscious contains a field of consciousness. In this realm, every thought-action communicated to consciousness through any bodily organ is classified and recorded. From this realm ideas can be retrieved, or put back, as documents are retrieved from a filing cabinet.

The subconscious mind works day and night. Through a procedural method unknown to man, the subconscious mind draws power from infinite wisdom, automatically transforming one's desires into equivalent substances.

You cannot completely control your subconscious mind, but you can automatically give your subconscious mind any plans, desires, or goals that you wish to achieve. Please re-read the instructions in the Using the Subconscious in the Autosuggestion chapter.

There is ample evidence to support the notion that the subconscious is the link between the finite mind and infinite wisdom of man. It is an intermediate medium through which people can absorb the power of infinite wisdom at any time. Only it has the function of modifying the actions of the mind and transforming it into a secret program of equivalent substance.

Leverage positive emotions:

  -- the emotion of desire

  -- the emotion of confidence

  - the emotion of love

  - Sexual emotions

  -- Passionate emotions

  - feelings of attachment

  -- the emotion of hope

Avoid Negative Emotions:

  - emotion of fear

  -- jealousy

  - feeling of resentment

  - Feelings of revenge

  - Greedy emotions

  -- superstition

  - Anger


Mind -- The mind is the transmitter and receiver of ideas, and applying the mind is the twelfth step to wealth.

For many ages, people have relied on his body, limiting his knowledge to tangible things - what he can see, touch and measure.

Now we are entering the most bizarre of all times. This age will teach us that there are invisible forces in the world around us. Perhaps we will know that the other "I" is more powerful than the physical self seen in the mirror.

Sometimes people speak of intangible things with contempt because they cannot detect them with their five senses. As we discuss the invisible, we should remind ourselves that we are all controlled by invisible and invisible forces.


The sixth sense - opens the door to the temple of wisdom, which is the thirteenth step to wealth.

Overcome Six Fundamental Fears

1. The fear of poverty;

  2. Fear of criticism;

  3. Fear of being sick;

  4. The fear of losing love;

  5. The fear of old age;

  6. The fear of death.


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Be Inspired - Be Motivated

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