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The Rudest Book Ever Summary | Book Summary (2021)

The Rudest Book Ever by Swetabh Gangwar Summary

By sanjuofficial07Published 3 years ago 7 min read

Hello friends, Today we are going to talk about some of the important points from “The Rudest Book Ever” written by 'Shwetabh Gangwar'. So let’s get started :

You are a product, Even if you are rich, genius, talented, good or strong, someday the world will exploit you. We are a product attached with a hope that someday we will choose our job, career, relationship and environment. And the better choices we make, the better product we are. But actually this is not what happens because all our lives we have only been thought “What to think” and not “How to think”. That is the reason we are stuck and remain stuck in our unnecessary problems. People who are taught “what to think”, ask other people for solutions to their problem.

But people who are taught “How to think”, find their own solutions. A lot of times our parents are also involved in the creation of this blunder because they think they are ready to become parents, but they only teach their kids what is told to them by others. Also sometime we think that a person who is bigger in age is smart but this is not true because they are kids who have just grown in age.

(1) You want to be Special

We all want to be special but we think that to be special is to be “Born special” or to be told by someone that we are special. But this is not the case, we have to earn specialness. Whenever we achieve something by putting in hard work, discipline and focus, We trust ourselves that we are capable to do something.

If you are dependent on someone to tell you that you are special, that means you haven’t achieved anything by yourself. This is just like the relation of a master and a servant. A master needs servant to feel special and a servant needs master’s kindness to feel special.

(2) Rejections

Secondly, Rejections, failures and losses of our life shape us psychologically if we don’t know how to deal with them. Rejections are a part of life and we need to change our perceptions about rejections that “Rejections are Normal”.

Whenever we face rejection, we either accept that we are a loser, or we decide to prove the world wrong or we start blaming that the world is unfair. Second point sounds powerful but is not because we want to be successful just to prove the people and that too those people who don’t even care about our success. People who understand what they want to do in life, achieve success to prove to themselves.

(3) People are Weird

If you see a lion, you immediately think of danger, when you see a puppy who think of friendliness.

But what do you think of while looking at people?

If you saw someone helping you think people are good. If you see someone doing something wrong, you think people are very bad.

So what exactly are people?

You might think that “People are complicated” but this doesn’t actually tell us anything about them. So a better perspective of what people are is, “People are weird”. Because “weird” is neither positive nor negative.

People don’t have any problem in describing them as “weird”. When you accept that people are weird you allow them to do anything and don’t judge them. If you face rejection, you can just think of that “People are weird” and move on immediately.

(4) How your Self Dies

When we were a kid, we used to depend upon other people to tell us whether we are capable or not. Suppose you know you have written your exam very well but you still wait for the teacher to give a grade. You give teacher the power to tell you whether you are capable or not.

We grow up, but this habit doesn’t die. We want to do something in life, but because we don’t know what we want to do, We start doing things that people (whose approval we want) like. And this is how, we lose our own identity.

(5) Screw Happiness.

The motive behind all our actions is “Happiness”. We do not understand the difference between satisfaction and happiness. We do get happiness by watching movies, spending time with friends, partying but we do not get satisfaction.

Chasing self-satisfaction provides us with peacefulness and also happiness as a product. We know we have to work hard but still we spend all our day procrastinating on our phone and then later regret because we choose momentary happiness over long term results.

It is not necessary that you will get momentary happiness while working towards the betterment of your life.

(6) You are a Nation

If you want approval and acceptance from yourself then you need to start looking at yourself as a nation. You are a nation, not a person. Other people are other nations.

Your parents, friends, etc are neighboring nations. You are the president of your nation. Your moral rules and codes are the constitution.

Self-control is the security force. Self-respect is the happiness index. Desires and urges that are harming your nation are terrorist. Ego is the opposition party with whom you will have to work together sometimes. And you get self-satisfaction from the prosperity of your nation.

You don’t want another foreign nation to rule over your nation and so become the authority of your nation and decide what is right and wrong for your nation.

(7) Screw your heroes.

We have a habit of simplifying things, that is the reason we divide people. One is good and another is bad. One is a hero and another is a villain. But this is not true, people are not entirely good or entirely bad.

Whenever we consider someone as our hero or role-model, We start considering them above human beings and start assuming that they can’t do anything wrong. But we need to understand, the hero is just a fictional character and does not exist in the real world.

Then we started looking at humans as humans, we can expect the unexpected from them.

(8) Admire, Never Follow

Whenever we follow someone, we start imitating them. And start defending their mistakes because we think they are perfect.

But Nobody's Perfect ! Nobody !

Instead of following, We should admire the skill, quality of that person and try to learn it.

1. There is no one with whom you will agree on everything 100%.

2. There is no one with whom you will disagree on everything.

3. There is no person from whom you can’t learn something new.

These were the 3 facts of life.

(9) Learning How to Think

Whenever we wanted to know about something as a kid, our parents, teachers or friends used to provide us with a packet of information to satisfy us. And we used to accept it without any doubt or question.

If you want to become intelligent, you will have to accept that you don’t know anything or whatever you know is probably wrong.

To learn how to think we need to understand two things :

First, Abandon all the packets of information.

Secondly, Start relying on data and thinking.

You learn only when you are open to learning. So, these were some of the important points from “The Rudest Book Ever”. You should definitely read this book if you haven’t already. If you don’t have a habit of reading books, you can start with this one because everything is written in simple and clear language and you will not need to open a dictionary after every two words.

With this, we have reached the end of this book summary.

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Goodbye till the next article :)

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