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the novel of the first alien

the first alien

By farouk Published 12 months ago 3 min read
the novel of the first alien
Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

As the sun began to set on the small town of Millfield, Indiana, an unusual sight caught the attention of a group of local residents. A bright light in the sky, slowly descending towards the earth, caught their attention and filled them with a mix of fear and curiosity.

As the light grew closer, they could see that it was not a meteor or a plane, but a spacecraft unlike anything they had ever seen before. It was a silver, oval-shaped object, with strange symbols etched into its surface.

As it landed softly in a nearby field, a group of brave souls approached it, cautiously but with a sense of wonder. As they got closer, a hatch opened, and a figure emerged from within.

It was like nothing they had ever seen before. Standing at nearly eight feet tall, it had a slim, muscular build, with skin that was a shade of blue-green. Its head was elongated and featured large, almond-shaped eyes that seemed to glow in the evening light. It had no discernible mouth or nose, but as it approached the group, it communicated with them telepathically.

"Greetings," the alien said. "I am called Xarxen, and I come in peace."

The group was stunned into silence, but Xarxen continued to speak.

"I have traveled a great distance to reach your planet. I come from a world far beyond your own, and I have come to learn about your people and your ways."

Over the next few days, Xarxen remained in Millfield, answering questions and sharing information about its own world. It spoke of advanced technologies and incredible feats of science that were far beyond anything humans had ever imagined. It also spoke of its own people and their struggles to maintain peace in a universe filled with danger and chaos.

As word of Xarxen's visit spread, the small town became a hub of activity. Scientists, journalists, and government officials from all over the world descended on the town, eager to learn more about this incredible being and what it had to offer.

Despite the attention, Xarxen remained calm and collected, answering questions with patience and understanding. It was clear that it had come to Earth with a specific purpose, but it was not yet clear what that purpose was.

As the days turned into weeks, Xarxen began to show an interest in human culture and society. It visited museums, attended concerts, and even tried some of the local cuisine. It seemed fascinated by the way humans lived their lives, and was eager to learn more about their customs and beliefs.

But despite its apparent fascination with human life, Xarxen remained an enigma. It spoke little about its own world or its people, and seemed to be withholding some crucial piece of information.

As the weeks turned into months, tensions began to rise. Some government officials became worried that Xarxen was a threat to national security, and demanded that it be taken into custody. Others saw it as an opportunity for scientific advancement, and pushed for Xarxen to be studied and experimented on.

Through it all, Xarxen remained calm and collected, refusing to be swayed by the pressures and demands of the humans around it.

And then, one day, it was gone. Without warning or explanation, Xarxen boarded its spacecraft and took off into the sky, leaving behind a world that was forever changed by its presence.

As the years passed, some dismissed Xarxen as a hoax or a figment of the imagination. But for those who had met it, who had spoken with it, who had felt its presence, there was no doubt that it had been real. And though its purpose had remained a mystery, it had left behind a legacy of wonder and hope that would

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