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The Journey Of Determination


By J. RevsPublished 5 months ago 3 min read



When the road seems too long,

And the night feels too strong,

Remember, you're braver than you believe,

Stronger than you may perceive.


When the storm clouds gather near,

And your heart is filled with fear,

Remember, after every night so dark,

Comes a dawn, with a lark.


When the world says, "You can't possibly win,"

With a determined heart, let your journey begin.

Remember, it's not about the destination,

But the courage in your determination.


So rise up, start fresh, see the bright opportunity in each day,

Remember, you're just one decision away from a totally different way. When the road seems too long,

And the night feels too strong,

Remember, you're braver than you believe,

Stronger than you may perceive.


When the storm clouds gather near,

And your heart is filled with fear,

Remember, after every night so dark,

Comes a dawn, with a lark.


When the world says, "You can't possibly win,"

With a determined heart, let your journey begin.

Remember, it's not about the destination,

But the courage in your determination.


So rise up, start fresh, see the bright opportunity in each day,

Remember, you're just one decision away from a totally different way.


When the weight of the world is on your shoulder,

And the winds of change make you feel older,

Remember, you're a diamond under pressure,

Shining brighter, a priceless treasure.


When the mountain seems too steep to climb,

And the clock keeps ticking, stealing your time,

Remember, every step brings you closer to the peak,

Your resilience is what they seek.


When the river of life is rough and wild,

And you're feeling like a lost child,

Remember, every river meets the sea,

Flow with grace, and you'll be free.


So stand tall, embrace the unknown, every high and low,

Remember, it's in the journey that we grow.


When the echoes of failure whisper in your ear,

And the road ahead seems unclear,

Remember, every setback is a setup for a comeback,

With courage and faith, there's nothing you lack.


When the world is a puzzle, too complex to decode,

And you're carrying a heavy load,

Remember, every piece will find its place,

In the grand design, in the universe's embrace.


When the canvas of life seems dull and gray,

And you're searching for colors in the array,

Remember, you're the artist, you hold the brush,

Paint your dreams, in the silence, in the hush.


So keep dreaming, keep exploring, in the dance of life,

Remember, it's your music, your strife.



When the melody of life seems out of tune,

And you're reaching for the stars, the sun, the moon,

Remember, every note contributes to the song,

In harmony and discord, you belong.


When the garden of dreams seems barren and bare,

And you're feeling lost, in despair,

Remember, every seed planted in love will grow,

In the sunshine, in the rain, in the afterglow.


When the book of life is hard to read,

And you're searching for the courage you need,

Remember, every page tells a story,

Of love, of loss, of pain, of glory.


So keep writing, keep living, in the symphony of time,

Remember, it's your story, your rhythm, your rhyme.

``` Enjoy' ' ' ' '

high schoolstudentcollegequotessuccessself helpgoals

About the Creator

J. Revs

> A passionate and dedicated individual, I thrive on challenges and constantly set goals for myself to ensure I'm always striving to achieve my best.

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